$3 Stepper Motor & Board

Edit: Price dropped a buck from $4 to $3 in under a month, so I changed the thread's title. See post #21.
Another decent score from Ebay China. I won the auction for $4 (1 cent bid plus $3.99 shipping) at http://www.ebay.com/itm/180912529491?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
or you can "Buy It Now" from the same seller all day long for $5, free ship: http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC12V-4-phase-5-wire-Stepper-Motor-ULN2003-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Board-/180909399906?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a1f0a5f62
For comparison, another seller's price is $9.50 shipped:
I make about 2000 steps per output shaft revolution. The seller claims 64 steps per motor revolution and also 1:64 gear reduction, so something doesn't add up. Good torque, not terribly fast. Good holding torque when off. A tad more backlash than I'd like, but certainly worth experimenting for $4! I'll get another and build a diffdrive bot. Video & simple code follow.
Another decent score from Ebay China. I won the auction for $4 (1 cent bid plus $3.99 shipping) at http://www.ebay.com/itm/180912529491?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
or you can "Buy It Now" from the same seller all day long for $5, free ship: http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC12V-4-phase-5-wire-Stepper-Motor-ULN2003-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Board-/180909399906?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a1f0a5f62
For comparison, another seller's price is $9.50 shipped:
I make about 2000 steps per output shaft revolution. The seller claims 64 steps per motor revolution and also 1:64 gear reduction, so something doesn't add up. Good torque, not terribly fast. Good holding torque when off. A tad more backlash than I'd like, but certainly worth experimenting for $4! I'll get another and build a diffdrive bot. Video & simple code follow.
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} 'spins stepper motor about 180 degrees & back 'uses P0-P3 to ULN2003 controller board 'press BoE reset to cycle DIRL=%00001111 B0=1 FOR W1=1 TO 250 OUTL=3 PAUSE B0 OUTL=6 PAUSE B0 OUTL=12 PAUSE B0 OUTL=9 PAUSE B0 NEXT PAUSE 100 FOR W1=1 TO 250 OUTL=9 PAUSE B0 OUTL=12 PAUSE B0 OUTL=6 PAUSE B0 OUTL=3 PAUSE B0 NEXT OUTL=0 END
What are the In0 to In5 pins for? Also, does the motor power just get grounded to the stepper driver ground?
Hope so! Here's a better Buy It Now for $4.45 just in case: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stepper-Motor-Driver-Board-ULN2003-Arduino-5V-4-phase-5-line-/180910023533?_trksid=p4012.m1374&_trkparms=algo%3DPI.WATCH%26its%3DC%252BS%26itu%3DUCC%26otn%3D8%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D452068271057189954
It uses 4 uC connections, marked P1.0-P1.3, which I connected to Stamp pins 0-3. There are 3 empty holes on the PCB and thus 3 unused transistors in the ULN2003. The only other connections are to battery +12V and battery & Stamp common ground.
It's not unlike Parallax' own recommended stepper setup, so have a peek at their pdf: http://www.parallax.com/Portals/0/Downloads/docs/prod/motors/Stepper_Motor_27964.pdf
If you have motors and just need a board, here's one for $2.55: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ULN2003-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Board-for-Arduino-AVR-AR-M-/130720634151?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e6f8e9527
Naturally I need 5V AND 12 versions, just in case.
John Abshier
If you need more help I can reassemble and take a pic.
Don't be fooled by the wire colors in my photo, I used whatever servo connectors I had laying around, which work fine but didn't cooperate color-wise. Most glaring color error is on the battery connection, red=negative, black=positive, white=no connection.
Hmmm. Three Hostess pies or a stepper & board? davejames?
Stepper motor -> 10-15 day gratification
The phrase "teach them patience NOW" is funny. I can see a parent screaming something about "learning patience NOW" to their kid!
I ordered a boat load of these, both 5V and 12V. As you said..."something doesn't add up."
Here's my take.
Clearly you've had more time than me lately to follow up.
So, for less than $3 they can sell an item with shipping to the US included? Like I said, something just isn't right.
Now you're using my "Babies"? George Costanza
I got two separate orders delivered in the SAME PACKAGE, after one week. A third order from the same day, has not arrived yet. Definitely something about bulk shipping going on. But I wouldn't say it "isn't right".