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QuadX - my latest Propeller with Propellers



  • rpdbrpdb Posts: 101
    edited 2012-06-02 15:27
    Thanks again Dave,

    I ended up fiddling with the com port settings on my laptop forced com 8. I then found that I had forgotten to swap 16, 17 in the DCM code for scl/sda. Now I have a DCM visualizer and am very happy.

    I will work on checking the addrress on the Accelerometer and the address for the compensation temperature sensor in the gyro.

    The reason I asked you is because you have the same IMU 6dof board. Jason is using a seperate gyro and accel board. Apparently different runs of those chips will have different ID burnt or hardwired into them, like a SCSI id or MAC network card address. I am pretty sure that is why Jason changed his ITG-3200 code to have the addresses as a variable to help all of us get flying.

  • ratronicratronic Posts: 1,451
    edited 2012-06-02 16:27
    rpdb the address for that accelerometer on the 6dof IMU from Sparkfun is $A6 and Jason's ITG-3200-pasm.spin Accel_ID should be $A6 for the DCM visualizer to work.

    Edit: The view of the screen object in the visualizer may not line up properly for you. But you should see it move when you move around the IMU. Jason swaps some of the axis.
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  • JasonDorieJasonDorie Posts: 1,930
    edited 2012-06-02 22:39
    I have to go back and do a clean-up pass of some of the code to get rid of the axis swaps, hard-wired bits, and just comment some things a bit better in general. And Dave, I don't mind at all - quite the opposite. I'm grateful to have you helping people get started with this stuff. You're more likely to have run into the same kinds of issues people will have with my code when using it for the first time.

    The newer version of the ITG code was part of the cleanup I did to make it easier to maintain a version for the HoverFly and my own board at the same time, and make it easier for others to use the code in their own setups too.
  • ratronicratronic Posts: 1,451
    edited 2012-06-04 09:03
    Jason back in post#73 you said you had a (Propeller?) driver written for a Polulu module with a L3G4200D gyro on it. I have been experimenting with a 3 wire spi Pasm driver for Parallax's L3G4200D module set at 2000 DPS full range sensitivty but I have not been able to obtain as clean of an output from that gyro/my driver as your ITG gyro/driver. I have tried different sample rates, cutoffs etc. with some improvement. I wonder if your driver results for the L3G4200D are as clean as the ITG?
  • JasonDorieJasonDorie Posts: 1,930
    edited 2012-06-04 19:48
    I think that depends on what you mean by clean. I think the 4200 has a higher sensitivity, so if you're watching the numbers on the serial terminal they'll likely contain more noise. Try scaling them to be the same range as the outputs of the ITG and perhaps they'll be closer, though that is entirely speculation on my part. I'm in China at the moment, so it'll be a week before I can try it myself. I'll happily send you the code when I'm back.

    If I'm not mistaken, I did have intermittent spikes in the output for a bit. Not sure now if I got that sorted out or not.
  • ratronicratronic Posts: 1,451
    edited 2012-06-04 20:15
    Hope you have a good visit to China. I would like to take a peek at your code when you get back.
  • nomadnomad Posts: 276
    edited 2012-06-06 00:49
    Propeller - Quadcopter + 3axis Gyro from Sparkfun ITG-3200 - JasonDorie

    i'm working on a quadrotor-copter with propeller as microcontroller

    in the Thread 12-21-2011:
    - QuadX - my latest Propeller with Propellers from
    - from JasonDorie (QuadX-spin-software)

    Jason work with a Sparkfun ITG-3200 3axis Gyro
    now the questions:
    i living in switzerland and its for me problematic to buy the

    instead of the Itg-3200, i want working with Parallax-Devices:
    - MMA7455- 3-axis Acclerometer # 28526 or
    - Hitatchi H48C Tri-Axis-Accelerometer #28026 or
    - 2 x LISY300 Gyroscope-Module #27922

    is this possible ???

    thanks for tips and hints
    regards nomad
  • ratronicratronic Posts: 1,451
    edited 2012-06-06 14:43
    nomad I can tell you that as far as the gyro goes you would need 3 of the LISY single axis gyro's positioned properly to work with Jason's flight method. Also the LISY gyro has 300 DPS sensitivity and the ITG gyro has 2000 DPS so you may have to wait for Jason to return from China to find out. I have been working on a Pasm SPI driver for Parallax's L3G4200D 3-axis module that can be set for 2000 DPS but it is a work in progress and I'm not sure yet whether I can utilize it.

    Good luck with your project.
  • nomadnomad Posts: 276
    edited 2012-06-07 00:13
    hi ratronic
    many thanks for your answer
    i think its better to wait, on the return of Jason or
    on your work in progress... :-)
    in the moment i have much work to build the quadcopter frame,
    testing the brushless engines etc.
    when i have time: i testing my LISY - device...
    thanks for your reply
    regards nomad
  • TharkunTharkun Posts: 67
    edited 2012-06-07 12:09
    nomad wrote: »
    Propeller - Quadcopter + 3axis Gyro from Sparkfun ITG-3200 - JasonDorie

    i living in switzerland and its for me problematic to buy the

    Hi nomad,

    i can't believe that it is so hard for you to get the itg-3200 (on bob) here in europe,
    most of the wii-copter guys use this gyro by now instead of the wmp.

    Look at ebay or all the web-shops !

  • nomadnomad Posts: 276
    edited 2012-06-08 01:07
    hi christian
    thanks for your answer,
    in the meantime i found a distributor for itg-3200 at (england and in switzerland (for buyinng.)
    regards nomad
  • nomadnomad Posts: 276
    edited 2012-06-08 03:36
    today i have read the documentations of the ITG-3200 Device.
    as: PS-ITG-3200-00-0.1.4.pdf

    as per attachment the picture of backside GE24QFN007-40.jpg
    the problem is : i can't soldering this device :-(
    i have not the possibilty do SMD-soldering
    so, i have a another look on 3d-gyros ev. with 3x LYSY

    thanks for tips and hints
    regards nomad
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  • ratronicratronic Posts: 1,451
    edited 2012-06-11 19:29
    Well I can't get as clean as signal from Parallax's L3G4200D module with my program as Jason's ITG-3200pasm program w/ the ITG but here is my program as I last left it. I have to put my quad back together after a bad mishap. But things look good on the scope, once I get my quad back together I am going to give this a shot with Jason's flight program. I need to figure out the proper axis settings for the way it is mounted on my board, but this program is setup for 2000 Degree's Per Second sensitivity. Knowing Jason's coding he probably has it much cleaner than this. (I hope!)

    Edit this program is setup to use three wire SPI. See post#108 for program
  • nomadnomad Posts: 276
    edited 2012-06-11 23:56
    hi ratronic,
    thanks for for your answer and tips and the sourceCode.
    Parallax's L3G4200D is for me in the moment a good choice.
    in the moment i working on my brushless-engines cabeling und testing the engines...
    i think in 1 or 2 weeks i buy the L3G4200D with other stuff (gps, altimeter etc...) and then working with.
    excuse my bad english
    regards nomad
  • rpdbrpdb Posts: 101
    edited 2012-06-16 02:37
    hello here is a pic of my quad
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  • rpdbrpdb Posts: 101
    edited 2012-06-16 04:51
    I tried to upload photos of my board of how I have attached the IMU, but the photo would not upload. I now try again.
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  • ratronicratronic Posts: 1,451
    edited 2012-06-16 16:51
    Here is the same driver I posted before but non needed instructions and variables removed (cleaned up). I am still working on my quad but I thought I would post some picture results using Jason's ground station program to show the difference between the L3G, ITG gyro's and programs.

    ITG3200pasm at rest

    ITG moving

    My L3G program at rest

    L3G moving
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  • nomadnomad Posts: 276
    edited 2012-06-16 22:28
    hi ratronic,
    thanks for sharing your l3g4200dtestmod.spin and the pictures.
    in the moment i working to test my 4 brushless-engines and ESC's
    in the meantime i testing the
    - parallax-HM55B-compass-module
    - the Ping-module
    - the LYSY300-gyroscope-module
    - the LaserRangeFinder

    All test are ok

    i have a little questions now:
    it's possible the RPM of a brushless-outrunner-engine to meassure with the
    Melexis 90217-Hall-Effect-Senor Part.No.# 605-0000 ???

    thanks for hints and tips
    regards nomad
  • rpdbrpdb Posts: 101
    edited 2012-06-16 23:09
    I finally got every thing hooked up, but I am getting strange responses on the motors on throttle up. Sometimes some motors will spin up somtimes all will irraddically spin. Some times just two or three motors will spin and another will start and stop. I am using YGE 30 ESCs and I am just guessing that the update rate in the Servo8 object might be to fast. Has any one else on this thread had similar problems?
  • ratronicratronic Posts: 1,451
    edited 2012-06-17 07:43
    @rpdb if you are giving just enough throttle to just see the motors start to spin then yes sometimes different motors may start before others and/or start to wiggle irradically. But if you are giving it enough throttle to almost lift off they should all be spinning the same. The update rate in Jason's Servo8Fast.spin object is set to 250 that matches the update rate of his FlightLoop method in Main-GyroOnly.spin.

    Edit: 2 motor's spin C.W. and 2 spin C.C.W. but they should be at about the same R.P.M. when throttling high enough before lift off.

    @nomad I have never used the Melexis hall-effect sensor. The KV rating of your motor indicates it's unloaded R.P.M. per volt of battery voltage.
  • nomadnomad Posts: 276
    edited 2012-06-17 23:57
    hi ratronic
    thanks for your answer.
    it was only idea of myselves...
    regards nomad
  • ratronicratronic Posts: 1,451
    edited 2012-06-24 18:28
    @nomad I just put my quad back together and did a quick test in my small backyard using the l3g4200dtestmod.spin in post#108 for the gyro object in Jason's flight code. I was able to get it up in the air and control it for a couple of seconds (small backyard - slow stick fingers). Tommorow I will take it to the park and see if I can fly it with the Parallax L3G4200D module. Even if this does work I would wait to see Jason's code as he is much better at working with gyro's than I.
  • nomadnomad Posts: 276
    edited 2012-06-24 23:58
    hi ratronic,
    thanks for your answer,
    today i buy on my distributor
    - L3G4200D gyroscope # 27911
    - MS5607 altimeter # 29124
    - PMB 648 GPS-Device (ev. a different Device)

    then when i have this devices
    i make the tests and make a reply
    regards nomad
  • nomadnomad Posts: 276
    edited 2012-06-25 01:03
    ref: quadx from jasonDorie some questions:


    in the moment i working on my quadcopter
    and with the quadX-source.
    i have some questions about the QuadX-Spin-source

    1) my Master Propeller is the C3:
    - the 4 ServoPorts are: P4..P7
    - on Servo8Fast.spin:
    >> This code ONLY handles servos on pins 8-15. If you want to support a different
    >> pin range, you will need to change which code sections are commented out at the
    >> top of the DAT section, and you will have to change the offset value in the Set
    >> function. Currently, Zone2 (P8-P15) is the only zone active. Only one zone will
    >> work at the 250Hz update rate

    - can i change the zone 2 from p8-P15 in P4-P7 ?
    - i think that p8 to p15 parts is input from receiver (4 channels and 4 channels for output ESC)
    - is this correct ?

    - my R/C system is a 6 channel (35mHz)
    the receiver-output 6 channels is connected with the C3 (input reading the r/c values)
    the C3 output P4-P7 = ESC
    can i handle this with Servo8Fast.spin or must i develop a own ?

    2) can i use the 250 Hz update rate with my ESC's without problems?
    i have 4 Graupner (a german firm, Brushless-Control 35 with max 35Ampere?

    thanks for hints and tips
    regards nomad
  • ratronicratronic Posts: 1,451
    edited 2012-06-25 11:39
    nomad here is some video I took this morning using the Parallax L3G4200D 3 axis gyro and the program I posted above inserted as the gyro object in Jason's flight code.

    And here is one using this gyro comming in at a pretty fast but controlled landing - been practicing Jason!
  • JasonDorieJasonDorie Posts: 1,930
    edited 2012-06-25 13:11
    nomad wrote: »
    - can i change the zone 2 from p8-P15 in P4-P7 ?

    The code as written contains Zone1 (P0 - P7), Zone2 (P8 - P15), Zone3 (P16 - P23), and Zone4 (P24 - P31). All the code for the other zones is commented out. Change that so the the code for Zone1 is active and the code for Zone2 is commented out instead. That should work.

    I have another version of the Servo8-Fast object that makes it easier to modify the pin assignments. I believe it has been submitted to the Elev8 thread, but I'll try to post it here later tonight or tomorrow so it's easier to find.

    nomad wrote: »
    - my R/C system is a 6 channel (35mHz)
    the receiver-output 6 channels is connected with the C3 (input reading the r/c values)
    the C3 output P4-P7 = ESC
    can i handle this with Servo8Fast.spin or must i develop a own ?

    I'm not sure I understand what you're asking, but I will try to answer. Servo8Fast is just for controlling the motor controllers, not for reading the R/C inputs. The code "RC_Receiver.spin" is the part that reads the inputs, and it is not too hard to change the input pins around in that code.

    nomad wrote: »
    2) can i use the 250 Hz update rate with my ESC's without problems?
    i have 4 Graupner (a german firm, Brushless-Control 35 with max 35Ampere?

    I haven't tested with a Graupner motor controller, but I expect it will work. It is possible to burn out analog servos by updating them too fast because of the way they work internally. They use simple latching circuits and an H-bridge, and if they are updated too fast it's possible to latch both sides of the H-bridge circuit which shorts it out. A motor controller is just a microcontroller reading the pulses. If the pulses are too fast for the controller you may get unexpected results, or no result at all, but it won't burn anything out. I would be surprised if it gave you any trouble. So far I have only heard of one type of motor controller not working with a high pulse rate, but I can't remember which one that is.

  • nomadnomad Posts: 276
    edited 2012-06-26 01:11
    hi ratronic
    thanks for the videos its great
    in the moment i waiting on my devices.....
    yup all devices are delivered ...
    now in the next days, i testing the devices ...

    a little question to you: what for a type of propeller works on your quadcopter ??

    regards nomad
  • nomadnomad Posts: 276
    edited 2012-06-26 01:12
    hi jason
    thanks for your answers:
    - 1) thanks for share your code... -> Servo8Fast.spin (i waiting on this :-) )
    - 2) excuse my mistunterstanding with the receiver-output..
    when i ask this question: i have think i work with 2 propeller-devices (PPD and C3)
    on C3 i have not access to all pins....
    but in the meantime i think its better to work with only the PPD (#32212)
    on the ppb i have access to all pins... (in the moment -> no problem)

    - 3) i think my second mistunterstanding
    i have testing my own ESC with a propeller with no problems...
    test with the ppdb via the servoPorts
    i think i can test your Servo8Fast.spin and looking whats happened

    - 4) in this moment i become my devices Yep...
    now i make the tests....

    - 5) the same question as ratronic: what controller (propeller) works on your quadcopter ?
    its possible takes the work with one controller ?

    excuse my bad english
    regards nomad
  • ratronicratronic Posts: 1,451
    edited 2012-06-26 08:18
    nomad my quad is Parallax's Elev-8 chassis which uses 860KV or 1000KV motors, 10" x 4.7 propellers, Turnigy Plush 25A ESC's and I am using a SkyLiPo 11.1v 4400mah 30C battery. Jason had wrote a version of his program to operate the Hoverlfly Sport board and worked out the P.I.D. #'s in the DAT section for everybody with an Elev-8 in the Builders forum thread. Jason's program I am using is his QuadxV2 code in post#45 in this thread with the P.I.D. terms replaced with the ones he had written for the Sport board. Instead of waiting for Parallax to release thier Open board, I decided to build my own Propeller Proto board following Jason's project with different wiring than the Open board as he will be adding self leveling and maybe other things. The L3G4200D module I had wondered whether it could be used with Jason's flight code for awhile and I will continue to use the ITG or whatever Jason comes up with for his project.

    Edit: Of all 4 props you have 2 normal props and 2 pusher props.
  • nomadnomad Posts: 276
    edited 2012-06-27 01:47
    hi ratronic
    thanks for your answer:

    - here some pics from my early quadcopter
    - SAM_0142_1.JPG show my frame:
    dimension about 96cm
    the frame in the middle is 15x15cm
    - SAM_0144_1.JPG shows my propellerProtoboard and the C3
    - C3 is control the ESC's (4-servo-ports)
    - and working with the GPS-PMB-648
    (i hope so , today i make first test with the GPS-system)
    - the propellerProtoBoard:
    - input 6 x channel from my receiver
    - working with
    - LaserRangeFinder (tests ok)
    - Ping (tests ok)
    - L3G4200D ( yap too)
    - Compass (test ok)
    - altimeter (in the moment bad output, i checking this...:-( )

    4 x Brushless Engines with Brushless ESC
    (engines: robbe BL-motor max 25A -850 U/minV, 4x ESC Graupner BrushlessController 35A)

    1x LIPO 25C 1300 mAh 11.1 volt for Receiver, Propellers and ev. 5volt for sensors
    - via 3 converters 3x 12volt to 5volt 2x 12volt to 9volt

    1x LIPO 50C 3300mAh, 11.1volt for the 4xESC's

    - propellers 2 normal, 2 pushers

    Software: i think the base is Jasons QuadX-version with your mod L3G4200D spin,
    it's possible that i make some modifictations on the source.
    in the future i thinking about GPS-Waypoints and autonome ?? (my english) flights.
    (flight by wire...)

    excuse the bad pics quality, i have some troubles to upload (4000x2000)

    regards nomad
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