Mystery Part

Whippersnappers (everyone under 20): You probably know Java, HTML, C++, and machine code. But do you know what THESE are? EVERYONE had 'em.
Old guys rule and know NOT to post the answer here. It's more fun to drive the kiddies mad. Post YOUR mystery part here.
Old guys rule and know NOT to post the answer here. It's more fun to drive the kiddies mad. Post YOUR mystery part here.
Of course, I'm probably TOTALLY wrong, in which this will seem quite funny to read my reasoning.
I'm 45 years old, so I know what they are.
Assuming it is, it looks like some sort of insulator. However, seeing as some old computers were programmed in strange ways, could this be some sort of programming key? Even if it was, I have no idea how it would work.
Maybe it's a type of wire clip, possibly to keep the wire from getting too near a high-voltage source. I've seen something like that in a tube TV coming off of the cathode ray tube.
They must not have had anything to do with the Transputer or the "X" chip then...
You've got a fortune there! And the high performance red ones, too!
The store we got the the "main component" from used to charge us 5 cents each..................when I made $1 an hour.
Must dig into the "archives" and see if I can find a similar poser.
Sort of like spark plug wires, for some reason color makes a difference...
Wow. Nostalgia trip. Haven't seen one of those since the early 19XX's (not revealing the era). Mine were all solid too, no slots.
-- Gordon
The ones I used were all black.
Due they still make these?
Not while erco has so many to put on ebay.
Throw in some popsicle sticks and you were good to go.
Seriously, I don't have a clue.
HINT: One of these came in handy with erco's parts.
The red ones look like they could the logo for some political party!