Don't tease Micro too much. He's liable to turn the tables on us! For my part, I've gotta get back to work plugging holes in some Spin code I wrote and shrinking it a bit, so it all fits the hub. Then maybe I can play.
Where's Micro? Maybe we've needled him too much, and he's spiraled into a black hole of despair. Of course, the flip side of that could be that he just doesn't like our tone and is keeping us at arm's length.
Where's Micro? Maybe we've needled him too much, and he's spiraled into a black hole of despair. Of course, the flip side of that could be that he just doesn't like our tone and is keeping us at arm's length.
You win Phil! I can't keep up with your witty hints!!!
BTW, erco, I know that picture at the top of this page is for those clips you had for the last Mystery Part thread you started. I'll hold out a little longer before I ask you flat out what the answer to this challenge is.
OK, this thing just HAS to be some sort of tag! Like the ones that they put on telephone poles, with a hole in the middle for a nail. Why anyone would make jewlery out of it mystifies me.
The only thing they seem to have in common is the hole in the middle. Some don't have slots, some have 4 notches instead of 3, etc.
Wait...... does this have something to do with records? (The vinal disks that store music, so no workarounds there) It looks like something that would go on the metal rod that the record rotates around, or possibly used to seperate them during storage.
BTW I wasn't around then ;-)
He has made a record-setting number of pleas for more info.
Guess you're on the right track now!
It seems erco likes to needle microcontrolled...
That is a sound idea!
Dang! I was just going to bring those up from your other thread. Those where easier to identify. At least for us old folggies.
I did have a single blue and red one, one side was red and the other side, marked with a B, was blue.
Sadly, I don't have any of them anymore.
Or my other friends Benjamin Miracord, Optonica, and Dual, sitting in front of me.
Scratch that. I think what's happened what's happened what's happened what's happened what's happened what's happened what's happened what's happened what's happened what's happened what's happened what's happened what's happened what's happened ...
You win Phil! I can't keep up with your witty hints!!!
The only thing they seem to have in common is the hole in the middle. Some don't have slots, some have 4 notches instead of 3, etc.
Am I close?.....