Propeller Protoboard USB Power Hack
I just hacked a USB Protoboard to power via USB. The attached PDF details how. If you try this yourself please beware; your warranty will be void and you may fry something if your not careful Protoboard USB Power Hack.pdf
Well done!
Great Hack!
An update to the Propeller Cookbook is on my todo list. (After I finish current projects.)
Do you mind if I add this page?
maybe, but proceed with extreem caution. Personally I would not.
Tony is right.
That would not be advisable. The USB (FTDI) chip only request 100ma from the USB 5 volt supply. Any addition circuitry you add to the bread board would surely cause brownouts.
That's easy enough to fix with the FTDI ROM tool. You can change the requested current in the USB descriptor, because FTDI knows the chip is often used for things more than just itself.
Yes, that can be done, but it is easy to load up a Propeller Development board with more than 500ma of components very easily, thereby overloading the USB port. It can be done, just not recommended.