I went to look this up in the Propeller Manual and couldn't find any information about comments on page 101.
I initially looked in the newest version, 1.2, available from the help menu of the Propeller Tool.
I did find the information about comments in my old manual (version 1.0) on page 101.
I went to look for a more up to date reference, so I looked in the index of the Propeller Education Kit (v1.2).
I found this:
I looked on page 47 and did not find anything about comments at all. Page 92 did have information about documentation comments.
I think these type of events (looking in the wrong edition of a book or books not providing correct information) would be much more frustrating to those new to the Propeller than to those who are already familiar with the Prop. I'm sure this isn't a Prop specific issue but I think it would be good if forum members and Parallax tried (or continue to try) to minimize these type of mistakes. (Never mind, I'm sure most are already trying to provide clear information.)
I just wanted to point out that sometimes "Read the documentation" is easier said than done. I still think people should read the documentation but it can be hard for us to remember how confusing all this was when it was new to us. (In my case it was just a few years ago so I remember having many of the words sail right over my head as I read "the documentation."
I think it was Silva who told us native English speakers, how fortunate we are to have all the Propeller documentation in our native tongue.
@Ritesh, Do you understand about using {} for comments? I wasn't sure from your last post. What did you want us to see in the screen shot of the Propeller code you posted? It looks like you were experimenting with comments. Is this correct?
I hope the Propeller is starting to make a little more sense.
I am very busy working on a project for my in-laws (my wife's parents). My father in-law is very ill and he might need help in the middle of the night so I'm working on this project.
I hope to finish the project in the fewest days possible.
Mike Green (and others) has given you a lot of good advice. I think Mike likes people to find answers for themselves as much as possible because people learn more that way. I certainly agree with Mike's instructions to you about giving more information in your questions.
I will still be watching this thread and I will help answer questions if I know the answer and if I have the time.
Now I have downloaded the newest PropellerTool 1.3 to verify what you say. There has changed a lot.
The Spin Programming Tutorial has moved to the Help file. In Lesson 3 -> Adding comments you find the Text I referred to.
The question is why has RITESH not noticed that? Has he an old manual or just not looked into the manual?
I think going thru the "Spin Programming Tutorial" is a good way for beginners to learn the basics of Spin. If you want it in PDF form instead of a helpfile then download the old Propeller manual 1.01 (still available on the download page).
I think using an older version of the manual in this case wasn't a problem since you quoted the paragraph in your post. I'm guessing you answered his question.
So you know, the "helpfile" is a PDF. Best of both worlds!
I'm not sure from what you wrote if you had seen the newest version of the manual. While the newest version doesn't have the tutorials anymore (they aren't really needed since we now have the PEK), the PASM section is much better IMO. The examples with each PASM instruction made learning to program with PASM much easier than if I had to rely on the old manual.
What did you want us to see in the screen shot of the Propeller code you posted? It looks like you were experimenting with comments. Is this correct?
hi again,
I was checking when comment are written in between not at right or left, in multi lines also then also there is no error shown.
then what will be the different left in both and single curly bracket both are working same....
The propeller tool has 4 display modes (Full Source, Condensed, Summary, Documentation). Paste the following into the proptool, switch modes and note the difference(s).
PUB null
comment one
comment two
PUB main
The propeller tool has 4 display modes (Full Source, Condensed, Summary, Documentation). Paste the following into the proptool, switch modes and note the difference(s).
OK, today i have got some more doubt after searching , reading,etc...
I want to know how to use CLKMODE, i know the difference in _CLKMODE and CLKMODE but how to use it as i have seen doc. it that it was written MODE := CLKMODE but my doubt about this instruction is not clear. mean, how to use this instruction as there are clock registers........in QS.
and other question is !outa use ??
OK, today i have got some more doubt after searching , reading,etc...
I want to know how to use CLKMODE, i know the difference in _CLKMODE and CLKMODE but how to use it as i have seen doc. it that it was written MODE := CLKMODE but my doubt about this instruction is not clear. mean, how to use this instruction as there are clock registers........in QS.
and other question is !outa use ??
I'm not completely clear on these things myself.
I generally just use the Prop at 80MHz and just include this in the beginning of the parent object.
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
The QuickStart demo program used this to set the clock speed.
_CLKFREQ = 80_000_000
Apparently the two piece of code do the same thing.
I believe the above code sets the clock registers. I myself never change the clock registers directly.
Is there something you are trying to do that requires changing the clock registers?
The QS board has a 5MHz crystal so you should not need to use something different than:
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
You can change the clock mode. I sometimes use RCSLOW or RCFAST. I also change the PLL to a lower multiplier if I'm using a logic analyzer and I want slow a program down.
I would suggest exmerimenting with blinking an LED at certain rate and see if the LED really does blink at the rate you think you programmed it.
MODE := CLKMODE but how to read MODE it bit wise??
Do you really need to read the clock mode bits?
The Prop has bit manipulation operators, "|<" and ">|" are two of them. They are on page 160 of the manual.
Using specific bits is a little awkward with the Prop. I'll try to find some links to some example code. You ought to try to search the forum also. I haven't thought of good search words myself yet. Try "bit manipulation".
I know JonnyMac has some bit manipulation code. If you can't find it or if others don't post it, I'll look for it.
At this point, you have so much more to learn about programming the Propeller, don't concentrate too much on the clock and the PLL and the clock mode. Use the code given above to set the clock and start working through the tutorial exercises. These clock setting will work 95% of the time for all programs. There is much more to learn and when you need to change the clocking, it will make more sense with the foundation of Propeller programming you've learned by reading and practicing all of teh information given to you in the posts above.
You aren't going to learn to program the Prop from watching a video. You will learn by loading the software on your PC, reading the manuals, working through the tutorials and looking at example code just like all the rest of us did.
When you have a specific question or have read everything and still don't understand, the forum members will be more than helpful if you are specific in your questions.
One of your questions is about the !outa and what it does. As with any programming language, you need to read through the manual and understand the operators and keywords. If you had done this, you probably would not have asked that question. I opened the Propeller Tool, opened the Propeller Manual .pdf fromteh Help menu and went the section on Unary Operators and found '!' to be a Bitwise NOT. I looked through the index and found OUTA to be a SPIN keyword with 3 pages of description and examples and then did a search on !OUTA and found a commented example of code using that construct. The information is there but you are going to need to study and read the manuals.
Welcome to the Propeller Forum! Keep reading & good luck!
PLLs are just a way to multiply a given frequency by a factor. This can be used in Receivers but also most new uCs use it to generate a high stable frequency from a low cost crystal.
If you want see the bits of CLKMODE you can write the register to the 8 LEDs of the QuickStart board:
You can uncomment different modes and see how the LEDs will get changed.
The last line before repeat shows also how to isolate single bits from a byte.
Some more about clock mode: I just used the program "Clock" for the first time. "Clock" is in the Propeller Tool's library folder. It makes it easier to change the clock mode from inside your program.
There is a lot of good information in the "THEORY OF OPERATION" section of the program.
Some more about clock mode: I just used the program "Clock" for the first time. "Clock" is in the Propeller Tool's library folder. It makes it easier to change the clock mode from inside your program.
Be aware that version 1.1 is slightly broken when you try to go from RCSLOW to PLL mode. I posted a fix here [post=1003139]somewhere[/post] (the setclock method needs minimum waitcnt protection).
Yes. There are several programs that have EEPROM routines. DongleBasic (in the Object Exchange) is one of them. There's a DUMP command described in the included documentation that will display the contents of RAM, ROM, or EEPROM. The EEPROM doesn't have to be the one used to hold the program. You can attach a standard serial EEPROM to any available pair of I/O pins and DongleBasic can read or write it. You can download DongleBasic to RAM and dump the program currently in the first 32K of the EEPROM.
I'm curious why you want to read the attached EEPROM.
Is it just so you can learn how?
I loaded the EEPROM with a demo program that uses the QuickStart's touch pads and LEDs before I sent the QS to you.
I'm attaching a program that will dump the EEPROM contents and display it in a similar manner to "RUN | Compile Current | View Info... F8".
The baud rate is set to 57600. You'll need to press a key on the keyboard to start the program. The contents of the EEPROM is dumped in 512 byte blocks. You'll need to press a key after each block is displayed to see the next block.
This should get you started with reading serial EEPROMs.
Here's the code:
_CLKFREQ = 80_000_000
_MaxEepromAddress = $7FFF ' = 32,767
_BufferSize = $200 ' = 512
_DebugBaud = 57600
_NumberOfColumns = 16
word eepromIndex, bufferIndex, groupIndex
byte buffer[_BufferSize]
Eeprom : "Propeller EepromDWD"
Debug : "fullduplexserial"
PUB Main | localIndex
Debug.start(31, 30, 0, _DebugBaud)
waitcnt(clkfreq / 1000 + cnt) ' wait for serial driver cog to start
eepromIndex := 0
groupIndex := 0
' The code below check to see if a key has been pressed 10 times a second.
' It displays the message "Press any key to start." every four seconds.
' I use it so I don't have to hurry to open the Parallax Serial Terminal.
' I also don't have to wait more than a tenth of a second to start the program.
repeat while debug.rxcheck == -1
if result++ // 40 == 0 ' result is a temporary variable all methods have.
Debug.str(String(13, "Press any key to start."))
waitcnt(clkfreq / 10 + cnt) ' This line waits a tenth of a second
Debug.str(String(13, 13, "Beginning of EEPROM dump."))
Debug.str(String(13, "Values are in hexadecimal.", 13))
'' -------------- Beginning of heading and formatting stuff ----------------
Debug.str(String(13, "Group $"))
Debug.hex(groupIndex++, 4)
Debug.str(String(". Starting at EEPROM location $"))
Debug.hex(eepromIndex, 4)
Debug.str(String(13, "Base "))
repeat _NumberOfColumns
Debug.str(String(" + "))
Debug.str(String(13, "Addr "))
repeat localIndex from 0 to _NumberOfColumns - 1
Debug.hex(localIndex, 2)
Debug.str(String(13, "______"))
repeat _NumberOfColumns
'' -------------- End of heading and formatting stuff ----------------
Eeprom.ToRam(@buffer, @buffer + _BufferSize - 1, eepromIndex)
bufferIndex := 0
Debug.hex(eepromIndex, 4)
Debug.tx(32) ' a space character
repeat _NumberOfColumns
Debug.tx(32) ' a space character
Debug.hex(buffer[bufferIndex++], 2)
eepromIndex += _NumberOfColumns
while bufferIndex =< _BufferSize - 1
Debug.str(String(13, "Press any key to continue."))
repeat while debug.rxcheck == -1
while eepromIndex < _MaxEepromAddress
Debug.str(String(13, 13, "End of EEPROM dump."))
Debug.str(String(13, "_MaxEepromAddress = $"))
Debug.hex(_MaxEepromAddress, 4)
Debug.str(String(13, "_BufferSize = $"))
Debug.hex(_BufferSize, 4)
Debug.str(String(13, "_NumberOfColumns = $"))
Debug.hex(_NumberOfColumns, 2)
'' This data is to make the EEPROM dump a little more interesting
'' if F11 (program loaded to EEPROM) is pressed.
testBufferA byte $AA[$400]
testBufferB byte $BB[$800]
testBufferC byte $CC[$200]
testBufferD byte $DD[$600]
testBufferE byte $EE[$500]
testBufferF byte $FF[$700]
In order to see the contents of a different program, you'll need to make sure and only load the RAM with this program (F10 key).
I modifed the basic Propeller Eeprom program to release the I2C lines after each call. I wasn't able to use other I2C devices on the same lines with the original code.
Interesting. I'll have to try your program. I understand the FullDuplexSerial use, but what is the display device? One's own computer with some app to receive and display the info? I've not yet gotten into this debug aspect yet. It sounds like one needs a monitor. I have a QuickStart board and realize it is pretty powerful for its small size. I've made a mezzanine board to i/f TVout and plan to also include a 24 x 1 LCD I got a few years ago but never used.
You can see it work in single curly bracket.............{}
I went to look this up in the Propeller Manual and couldn't find any information about comments on page 101.
I initially looked in the newest version, 1.2, available from the help menu of the Propeller Tool.
I did find the information about comments in my old manual (version 1.0) on page 101.
I went to look for a more up to date reference, so I looked in the index of the Propeller Education Kit (v1.2).
I found this:
I looked on page 47 and did not find anything about comments at all. Page 92 did have information about documentation comments.
I think these type of events (looking in the wrong edition of a book or books not providing correct information) would be much more frustrating to those new to the Propeller than to those who are already familiar with the Prop. I'm sure this isn't a Prop specific issue but I think it would be good if forum members and Parallax tried (or continue to try) to minimize these type of mistakes. (Never mind, I'm sure most are already trying to provide clear information.)
I just wanted to point out that sometimes "Read the documentation" is easier said than done. I still think people should read the documentation but it can be hard for us to remember how confusing all this was when it was new to us. (In my case it was just a few years ago so I remember having many of the words sail right over my head as I read "the documentation."
I think it was Silva who told us native English speakers, how fortunate we are to have all the Propeller documentation in our native tongue.
@Ritesh, Do you understand about using {} for comments? I wasn't sure from your last post. What did you want us to see in the screen shot of the Propeller code you posted? It looks like you were experimenting with comments. Is this correct?
I hope the Propeller is starting to make a little more sense.
I am very busy working on a project for my in-laws (my wife's parents). My father in-law is very ill and he might need help in the middle of the night so I'm working on this project.
I hope to finish the project in the fewest days possible.
Mike Green (and others) has given you a lot of good advice. I think Mike likes people to find answers for themselves as much as possible because people learn more that way. I certainly agree with Mike's instructions to you about giving more information in your questions.
I will still be watching this thread and I will help answer questions if I know the answer and if I have the time.
Now I have downloaded the newest PropellerTool 1.3 to verify what you say. There has changed a lot.
The Spin Programming Tutorial has moved to the Help file. In Lesson 3 -> Adding comments you find the Text I referred to.
The question is why has RITESH not noticed that? Has he an old manual or just not looked into the manual?
I think going thru the "Spin Programming Tutorial" is a good way for beginners to learn the basics of Spin. If you want it in PDF form instead of a helpfile then download the old Propeller manual 1.01 (still available on the download page).
I think using an older version of the manual in this case wasn't a problem since you quoted the paragraph in your post. I'm guessing you answered his question.
So you know, the "helpfile" is a PDF. Best of both worlds!
I'm not sure from what you wrote if you had seen the newest version of the manual. While the newest version doesn't have the tutorials anymore (they aren't really needed since we now have the PEK), the PASM section is much better IMO. The examples with each PASM instruction made learning to program with PASM much easier than if I had to rely on the old manual.
hi again,
I was checking when comment are written in between not at right or left, in multi lines also then also there is no error shown.
then what will be the different left in both and single curly bracket both are working same....
Thanks sir, for clearing my doubt.....!!
I want to know how to use CLKMODE, i know the difference in _CLKMODE and CLKMODE but how to use it as i have seen doc. it that it was written MODE := CLKMODE but my doubt about this instruction is not clear. mean, how to use this instruction as there are clock registers........in QS.
and other question is !outa use ??
MODE := CLKMODE but how to read MODE it bit wise??
MODE := CLKMODE but how to read MODE it bit wise??
I'm not completely clear on these things myself.
I generally just use the Prop at 80MHz and just include this in the beginning of the parent object.
The QuickStart demo program used this to set the clock speed.
Apparently the two piece of code do the same thing.
I believe the above code sets the clock registers. I myself never change the clock registers directly.
Is there something you are trying to do that requires changing the clock registers?
The QS board has a 5MHz crystal so you should not need to use something different than:
You can change the clock mode. I sometimes use RCSLOW or RCFAST. I also change the PLL to a lower multiplier if I'm using a logic analyzer and I want slow a program down.
I would suggest exmerimenting with blinking an LED at certain rate and see if the LED really does blink at the rate you think you programmed it.
Do you really need to read the clock mode bits?
The Prop has bit manipulation operators, "|<" and ">|" are two of them. They are on page 160 of the manual.
Using specific bits is a little awkward with the Prop. I'll try to find some links to some example code. You ought to try to search the forum also. I haven't thought of good search words myself yet. Try "bit manipulation".
I know JonnyMac has some bit manipulation code. If you can't find it or if others don't post it, I'll look for it.
At this point, you have so much more to learn about programming the Propeller, don't concentrate too much on the clock and the PLL and the clock mode. Use the code given above to set the clock and start working through the tutorial exercises. These clock setting will work 95% of the time for all programs. There is much more to learn and when you need to change the clocking, it will make more sense with the foundation of Propeller programming you've learned by reading and practicing all of teh information given to you in the posts above.
You aren't going to learn to program the Prop from watching a video. You will learn by loading the software on your PC, reading the manuals, working through the tutorials and looking at example code just like all the rest of us did.
When you have a specific question or have read everything and still don't understand, the forum members will be more than helpful if you are specific in your questions.
One of your questions is about the !outa and what it does. As with any programming language, you need to read through the manual and understand the operators and keywords. If you had done this, you probably would not have asked that question. I opened the Propeller Tool, opened the Propeller Manual .pdf fromteh Help menu and went the section on Unary Operators and found '!' to be a Bitwise NOT. I looked through the index and found OUTA to be a SPIN keyword with 3 pages of description and examples and then did a search on !OUTA and found a commented example of code using that construct. The information is there but you are going to need to study and read the manuals.
Welcome to the Propeller Forum! Keep reading & good luck!
If you want see the bits of CLKMODE you can write the register to the 8 LEDs of the QuickStart board: You can uncomment different modes and see how the LEDs will get changed.
The last line before repeat shows also how to isolate single bits from a byte.
I want to ask one more stupid question, can we read the old program that is stored in EEPROM ??
I believe BST has a feature to do this directly. I have never tried it and don't know how to do it.
You can also use the Propeller to read the EEPROM. This thread discusses reading and writing the EEPROM.
Some more about clock mode: I just used the program "Clock" for the first time. "Clock" is in the Propeller Tool's library folder. It makes it easier to change the clock mode from inside your program.
There is a lot of good information in the "THEORY OF OPERATION" section of the program.
Thank you. The bug is still there in library of the Propeller Tool v1.3.
I haven't needed to change the clock speed within the program before. I think I would have had a problem without your help.
The EEPROM is of QS board, not external...........
Hey, i don't find this command in help file..........
I'm curious why you want to read the attached EEPROM.
Is it just so you can learn how?
I loaded the EEPROM with a demo program that uses the QuickStart's touch pads and LEDs before I sent the QS to you.
I'm attaching a program that will dump the EEPROM contents and display it in a similar manner to "RUN | Compile Current | View Info... F8".
The baud rate is set to 57600. You'll need to press a key on the keyboard to start the program. The contents of the EEPROM is dumped in 512 byte blocks. You'll need to press a key after each block is displayed to see the next block.
This should get you started with reading serial EEPROMs.
Here's the code:
In order to see the contents of a different program, you'll need to make sure and only load the RAM with this program (F10 key).
I modifed the basic Propeller Eeprom program to release the I2C lines after each call. I wasn't able to use other I2C devices on the same lines with the original code.
Interesting. I'll have to try your program. I understand the FullDuplexSerial use, but what is the display device? One's own computer with some app to receive and display the info? I've not yet gotten into this debug aspect yet. It sounds like one needs a monitor. I have a QuickStart board and realize it is pretty powerful for its small size. I've made a mezzanine board to i/f TVout and plan to also include a 24 x 1 LCD I got a few years ago but never used.
In propeller help>search