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  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-11 20:22

    Attached is my version of the program with my corrections made. I put *** every time I made a change so it was a little easier to find. Sorry for such a late reply, I got my braces on today, and I was at the doctor's office for 3 hours.


    Good work Sean! We'll download your version of the program here and then run it in the ASP-2 to see how it works. That was good thinking putting the asterisks *** beside the changes you made. I do the same the same thing except with different symbols. Chris and I will report back to you on the forum tomorrow and let you know how it works. This is one task I would like to have completed before Saturday's practice... too much left to do and a limited amount of time in which to do it.


    :D So what's it like having your braces off? The timing is coincidental because I get my braces off tomorrow morning...! :D

    One month until liftoff!

    Mr. Kibler
  • Andrew (ARLISS)Andrew (ARLISS) Posts: 213
    edited 2010-08-12 10:29
    Mr. Kibler,

    I'm having trouble downloading your attachment. I click on it, and it asks me if I want to save it. I say yes, and it asks me where to save it to. I do that, but then it says that it doesn't know what program to use it under. It has 2 options: 1: use a Web service to find it, or 2: pick a program from a list of installed programs. I tried both, and when I tried the first one, it came up having no results. I tried the second one, and it didn't have the program I needed. I'm really confused, since i thought it was as easy as downloading it and plugging it in, but I guess it's not that simple.



    As Mr. Kibler suggested, you need to download the Basic Stamp Editor. You can download the newest version for free at You should then be able to open and download all the programs we have been working on to your homework board, etc.



    Good job on editing and downloading the program. I'm going to run it on my ASP clone right now (without the CO2 sensor, which I do not have) and let you know how it goes. You could run it on your homework boards as well, but obviously, you are missing some critical components.

  • edited 2010-08-12 11:31
    :D So what's it like having your braces off? The timing is coincidental because I get my braces off tomorrow morning...! :D

    One month until liftoff!

    Mr. Kibler[/QUOTE]


    I think you misread my sentence. I got my braces ON yesterday not off. How long did you have yours on for? I have them on for 2 years :(. Right now my teeth are really sore, but with a little Ibuprofen, I can handle it.

  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-12 12:06
    :D So what's it like having your braces off? The timing is coincidental because I get my braces off tomorrow morning...! :D


    Yes, I guess I did misread your first sentence. You got braces ON, not off! I had mine on for two years; Christopher's were on for 2-1/2 years. If the wires start poking your gums, be sure to put wax on the end of the "pokey" wire right away and then have your orthodontist trim or adjust the wire. I didn't know that and my gums were raw for 9-10 days (before a student told me what I just told you!) Things will stop aching in a day or two. :D


    We're just getting ready to run your version of the program on the ASP-2. Keep your fingers crossed! We'll report back in later.

    Mr. Kibler and Chris

    One month until liftoff!

    Mr. Kibler


    I think you misread my sentence. I got my braces ON yesterday not off. How long did you have yours on for? I have them on for 2 years :(. Right now my teeth are really sore, but with a little Ibuprofen, I can handle it.

  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-12 12:39
    Sean and Tracy and Rocketeers,

    Sean, your verison of the program, with Dr. Allen's program code added, doesn't initialize (turn on, or recognize) the flash drive/DataLogger and so no data is saved to the flash drive. When we ran the "August 8th Operational" version of the program first, the DataLogger initialized. Right after that we ran your version of the program and it ran OK. But the MILLIVOLTAGE data wasn't saved to the flash drive, even though the CO2 millivoltage was. This is the same thing that happened when Chris and I added the new program code to the "August 8th Operational" program.


    With the new program code added we're getting:

    sync tries: 9
    disk tries: 8

    We'll work with it this afternoon and evening to be sure we have your new code in the right place, etc.

    1) Can you explain clarify exactly where "just after the ADC..." is. Also,

    2) Do we comment out: CO2pp = CO2pp */ Cnts2Mv right after "HIGH CS"?

    Here's how Sean has it now; does it look OK? He also posted his program to the forum (above):

    'read channel 1 first, potentiometer, will NOT be logged
    HIGH 4 'This activates the Heat Switch (HSW)
    LOW CS ' Enable ADC
    SHIFTOUT DataIn, Clock, MSBFIRST, [ %1111\4] ' Select CH1, Single-Ended
    SHIFTIN DataOut, Clock, MSBPOST, [ CO2pp\12] ' Read ADC
    CO2mV=CO2pp ' ***Sean added Tracy's line here line ADC reads the mV - Sean August 11,2010***
    HIGH CS ' Disable ADC

    CO2pp = CO2pp */ Cnts2Mv ' Convert To Millivolts
    DEBUG TAB, DEC CO2pp ' shows the potentiometer voltage
    ' read channel 0, CO2 voltage, variable CO2pp will b


    Mark and Sean and the Rocketeers
  • Justin AbbottJustin Abbott Posts: 54
    edited 2010-08-12 14:37
    Mr. Kibler and Andrew,

    (I had already downloaded the software) so I redownloaded it again. It goes through all the installation process, but after it is done, I can't find it. I click on the icon that says Setup-Stamp and it just brings me back to to the installation pages.

  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-12 15:07
    Mr. Kibler and Andrew,

    (I had already downloaded the software) so I redownloaded it again. It goes through all the installation process, but after it is done, I can't find it. I click on the icon that says Setup-Stamp and it just brings me back to to the installation pages.



    You should give the folks at Parallax Technical Support a call. They're, well, very helpful. You could ask for Dave Carrier, Jessica Ullman, etc. It's a simple fix I'm sure (and that's part of our work as engineers, to troubleshoot and fix problems!)

    Andrew -- Can you guide Justin along here and check back in with him to be sure he gets the Stamp Editor software downloaded and operational tonight?


    Mr. Kibler
  • Dylan LandryDylan Landry Posts: 235
    edited 2010-08-12 18:47
    Sorry for the late supply. I have been up late designing our VEX robot for our competition at WPI tomorrow, And didn't have access to a computer all of yesterday. My next post will be the questions you posted Mr. Kibler.
  • Dylan LandryDylan Landry Posts: 235
    edited 2010-08-12 18:53
    Mr. Kibler,
    I cannot seem to find the program you attached in your homework post. Are you trying to re-post it so Justin can receive it? I understand the homework so as soon as you upload it I will be able to finish the homework.
  • Dylan LandryDylan Landry Posts: 235
    edited 2010-08-12 19:20
    Here is my version of the Program... I have to rush so there might be a mistake.
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-12 19:41
    Here is my version of the Program... I have to rush so there might be a mistake.

    Thanks Dylan! I'll have Chris download your program and try it out. Did you compare it to the program Sean posted to the forum? Logic suggests that if his doesn't work, and yours is the very same, then it won't work either.

    That's part of the reason we're doing it like this: so we don't duplicate the same errors and so we have several programmers working on the same "fix" at the same time. Does that make sense? Are you excited about heading out to Nevada in just a month?! :eek:

    Mr. Kibler
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-12 20:01
    Mr. Kibler,
    I cannot seem to find the program you attached in your homework post. Are you trying to re-post it so Justin can receive it? I understand the homework so as soon as you upload it I will be able to finish the homework.


    Attached is the lastest version of the program in both Parallax and Microsoft Word formats. It's essentially the same program since mid-July and it works great... except it doesn't write the millivoltage on the flash drive... yet! This is the Team's problem to solve. You have all the resources you need now. :rolleyes:

    Chris just ran your version of the program and we got the same results as when we ran Sean's program: the DataLogger/ flash drive wouldn't initialize ( wouldn't turn on; the program didn't 'read' it.) The computer screen read:

    sync tries: 9
    hit tries: 8

    The BOE tries to synchronize the itself with the DataLogger a maximum of 9 times. It then tries to "hit" the flash drive-- read data to it-- a maximum of 8 times. When we ran your, and Saen's programs, we could see the data on the screen but nothing at all was written to the flash drive. How do we solve the problem? (Start by comparing your program to Sean's and vice-versa.) The problem is "Vex-ing"...!

    Mr. Kibler
  • Justin AbbottJustin Abbott Posts: 54
    edited 2010-08-13 15:17
    Mr. Kibler,

    Aha! I got it downloaded finally. I just had to have the Parallax disc that came with the kit in the computer. I wasn't able to post sooner because it was logging me in, but then it was logging me right back out again. I had to change my password and change it back again and it seemed to have fixed the problem. Here's my version of the program. I didn't comment anything out because I thought it might interfere with other codes.

  • Dylan LandryDylan Landry Posts: 235
    edited 2010-08-13 15:34
    I have overlooked Sean's and my programs to see differences. When we added the changed line of program that added another column nothing was different. It was different only in the MCP_get subroutine..
    'read channel 1 first, potentiometer, will NOT be logged
    HIGH 4 'This activates the Heat Switch (HSW)
    LOW CS ' Enable ADC
    SHIFTOUT DataIn, Clock, MSBFIRST, [ %1111\4] ' Select CH1, Single-Ended
    SHIFTIN DataOut, Clock, MSBPOST, [ CO2pp\12] ' Read ADC
    HIGH CS ' Disable ADC

    CO2pp = CO2pp */ Cnts2Mv ' Convert To Millivolts*** Added by D.L. August 12, 2010
    DEBUG TAB, DEC CO2pp ' shows the potentiometer voltage
    ' read channel 0, CO2 voltage, variable CO2pp will be logged on flash drive

    LOW CS ' Enable ADC
    SHIFTOUT DataIn, Clock, MSBFIRST, [ %1101\4] ' Select CH0, Single-Ended
    SHIFTIN DataOut, Clock, MSBPOST, [ CO2pp\12] ' Read ADC
    HIGH CS ' Disable ADC
    CO2pp = CO2pp */ Cnts2Mv ' Convert To Millivolts
    DEBUG TAB, DEC CO2pp ' show the CO2 voltage
    ' mVolts1 writes mV for CO2 potientiometer

    (After further inspection it seems that I did not add it at all. I think what happened was that I copied the code, went to write it down and saw this, "CO2pp = CO2pp */ Cnts2Mv ' Convert To Millivolts" and assumed that I had already of added it.) I apologize for the bad analysis of the program.
    Sean had it in two places.
    'read channel 1 first, potentiometer, will NOT be logged
    HIGH 4 'This activates the Heat Switch (HSW)
    LOW CS ' Enable ADC
    SHIFTOUT DataIn, Clock, MSBFIRST, [ %1111\4] ' Select CH1, Single-Ended
    SHIFTIN DataOut, Clock, MSBPOST, [ CO2pp\12] ' Read ADC
    CO2mV=CO2pp ' ***added Tracy's line after ADC reads the mV - Sean August 11,2010***
    HIGH CS ' Disable ADC

    CO2pp = CO2pp */ Cnts2Mv ' Convert To Millivolts
    DEBUG TAB, DEC CO2pp ' shows the potentiometer voltage
    ' read channel 0, CO2 voltage, variable CO2pp will be logged on flash drive

    LOW CS ' Enable ADC
    SHIFTOUT DataIn, Clock, MSBFIRST, [ %1101\4] ' Select CH0, Single-Ended
    SHIFTIN DataOut, Clock, MSBPOST, [ CO2pp\12] ' Read ADC
    CO2mV=CO2pp ' ***added Tracy's line after ADC reads the mV - Sean August 11,2010***
    HIGH CS ' Disable ADC
    CO2pp = CO2pp */ Cnts2Mv ' Convert To Millivolts
    DEBUG TAB, DEC CO2pp ' show the CO2 voltage
    ' mVolts1 writes mV for CO2 potientiometer

    He added it each time the ADC was read.

    These where the only places in which I found differences. Mr. Kibler, would you like me to post a new version of my program with the changes. If I would it would be the same as Sean's because he interpreted it the same way I would.

    I have one question though, Do you want us to add it to both times the ADC gets read? Or just the first time? And is there anything you want us to comment out?
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-13 16:12
    ...I have one question though, Do you want us to add it to both times the ADC gets read? Or just the first time? And is there anything you want us to comment out?


    THANKS for your post to the forum. :) I'm pleased to see that you're completing the assignments thoughtfully and putting in the necessary time to think them through. These are signs of leaderhip and maturity, two skills that will serve you well as you seek your destiny through high school.

    I'll keep my answer simple. What I want the Team to do is use Dr. Allen's new program code and make the program record the millivoltage data on the flash drive with all the other data. That's it.

    The new code is there, the old program is works, all of you have books and other resources to use. Simply put your heads together, work as a Team, and make the program work. I really wanted like to see this done and the program working before tomorrow's practice so we can work on other things. Time is getting very short and we'll be sidetracked by newspaper reoprter(s) tomorrow, and the start of the school year, and soccer, etc...

    Yes, please post your program to the forum once you think it's fully operational (with the new code line added where it "should" be.) Your job is to decipher where the new code goes....! :rolleyes:


    Mr. Kibler
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-13 16:15
    Mr. Kibler,

    Aha! I got it downloaded finally. I just had to have the Parallax disc that came with the kit in the computer. I wasn't able to post sooner because it was logging me in, but then it was logging me right back out again. I had to change my password and change it back again and it seemed to have fixed the problem. Here's my version of the program. I didn't comment anything out because I thought it might interfere with other codes.


    Thanks Justin! I'll download your program this very second, run it, and report right back. The ASP-2 happens to be conveniently sitting right beside me! **Please read my boldfaced reply to Dylan and then work with your teammates to complete the task. Here we go with running your program (wait...!)

    OK, let's not get too excited and let's not be too premature, BUT... I think we have a winner! Justin, your version of the program seems to "initialize" smoothly (sync tries =2, disk tries = 1) and the millivoltage is written on the flash drive right there with all the other data!

    Like all scientists we'll run more trials this evening, and we'll also run the version Dylan just posted, but it seems to work.

    Way to go, Justin! :D:p Extra cookies for you tomorrow if this evening's trials prove your work to be fully operational. You should also have great pride in the knowledge that your thought and efforts helped make the ASP-2 FULLY OPERATIONAL. Well done!

    I'll post the results of a more extensive trial later this evening ("your" data and graph.)


    Mr. Kibler
  • Dylan LandryDylan Landry Posts: 235
    edited 2010-08-13 16:36
    Mr. Kibler,

    I have arranged some questions that I believe could help us fix the problem..

    1.) MCP_get:
    'read channel 1 first, potentiometer, will NOT be logged

    This is the first line in MCP_get. This is after no program code whatsoever. Does this sentence mean that channel 1 is attached to the potentiometer's voltage? If so then we will only have to add CO2mV=CO2pp in one place, and not when it reads both CH1 and CH0.

    2.) When I look at MCP_get I interpret it so as if it is broken up in to places. The second part starts when CS is designated to be LOW for the 2nd time. I think that the two separate parts each do two different things.
    (After one hour of looking at the program and almost pulling my hair out I came up with the following...)

    (Also parts of this may be incorrect on which parts of the program do what, although even if I am wrong on those parts I think my basic theory will still work)

    **This is where I could be wrong**The first part writes the CO2 pp to the flash drive. The second makes the variable that will store the potentiometers voltage. Both read channels, (CH 1 and CH 0). One of these I believe is hooked up to the potentiometer. This would mean that either the potentiometer is being read from CH1 or CH0, (top portion of program/bottom portion of program). This would tell us what part of the program is reading the potentiometer. And since Dr. Allen said for us to add it when the ADC acquires the potentiometer's voltage, this would tell us which part of the program to add, "CO2mV=CO2pp". So here is the question that I think will fix the program, either all the way or most of it. Which channel is hooked up to the potentiometer that acquires the voltage?

    If I have misread posts and posted something irrelevant to the problem please help me understand it.

    ***** It seems that I posted this at the same time you just posted your last post Mr. Kibler. I will look at Justin's and see what he did different from us.*****
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-13 16:38
    Here is my version of the Program... I have to rush so there might be a mistake.

    Sorry Dylan, this version of the program still gives "sync tries =9, disk tries = 8." :confused: That means the BOE is not recognizing the DataLogger/ flash drive (or vice-versa.) We'll keep at it, and Justin's program *seems to work...! Thanks for your efforts, Dylan. :) I'll see your at practice tomorrow.

    Mr. Kibler
  • Dylan LandryDylan Landry Posts: 235
    edited 2010-08-13 16:44
    Yes it seems that Justin put the CO2mV=CO2pp after the first portion of the program. That would mean that the top portion read the channel that was hooked up to the potentiometer. Does this mean that my theory was correct to fix what Sean and I had done wrong?

    Good job Justin on your efforts!

    Mr. Kibler,
    The program that I first posted never was changed from its original form. I never went back and changed it.
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-13 17:16
    Yes it seems that Justin put the CO2mV=CO2pp after the first portion of the program. That would mean that the top portion read the channel that was hooked up to the potentiometer. Does this mean that my theory was correct...?

    Good job Justin on your efforts!


    Yes, Justin's data seems to supprt your and Sean's hypothesis, and his program ("our" program!) seems to work nicely. Check out the attached graph and data (with graph) Excellent, excellent teamwork! Now we'll put the ASP-2 in the vacuum chamber and see if we get data from all the parameters, including altitude. If so, then we're there. I'm so proud of you guys!

    Mr. Kibler
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-13 17:47

    Attached are Justin's version of our FULLY OPERATIONAL ASP-2 program, the Excel data from the trial in the vacuum chamber (with graph), and a separate graph of the trial.

    We have all the data going to the flash drive now--- altitude, millivoltage, CO2 millivoltage, temperature, humidity, and elapsed time (and we have the data and graphs to prove it!) Well done, Rockeeters! Now go outside and play... I'll see you for practice tomorrow at 1 PM.


    Mr. Kibler
  • Dylan LandryDylan Landry Posts: 235
    edited 2010-08-13 18:47
    May I ask what happened with the altitude? Was the mawd not on or loose?
  • sylvie369sylvie369 Posts: 1,622
    edited 2010-08-13 20:11
    May I ask what happened with the altitude? Was the mawd not on or loose?

    The MAWD only reports altitude data when it thinks it is flying. To make it think it's flying without actually putting it into a rocket and flying it, you have to put it into a vacuum jar and draw down the pressure inside (that's how it detects launch). Of course this is a bit of a hassle, and so it appears that your group tested the other sensors/datalogging without bothering with the vacuum bottle that first time.

    Here's the basics on how the MAWD works:
    - When you turn it on, it beeps to report all of the switch settings. There are little DIP switches to set the altitude at which it fires the main charge and to set the number of seconds of mach delay (time during which it will not fire, to prevent false firings from odd pressure changes caused by flying supersonic). You're not using either of these function in this setup. It may also report battery voltage, and it will report the altitude from the previous flight, all by beeping.
    - Then it measures the current atmospheric pressure for about 30 seconds (I think), to get a pressure reading that it will consider ground level.
    - Then it beeps to report continuity on two ejection charge terminals - another function that you guys are not using.
    - At this point it enters launch detect mode. It waits for a sudden drop in air pressure equivalent to an increase in altitude of 300 feet. That's how it knows that the rocket is flying.
    - At this point it enters flight mode. This is the point at which it begins to send altitude data out to your BASIC Stamp. It also begins to look for apogee - the highest point in the rocket's flight. It detects that by noting that the air pressure is no longer decreasing, but has started to increase again (as the rocket descends back into denser air at lower altitude).
    - When it detects apogee, it fires the charge attached to the drogue terminals (another function you're not using).
    - At this point it looks for an air pressure corresponding to the altitude at which the main parachute is set to deploy. When it reaches that altitude, it fires the charge attached to the main terminal (another function you're not using).
    - When the altitude reaches 0, it enters reporting mode, beeping out the apogee altitude, and shutting down the data sent out to the BASIC Stamp.
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-13 21:20
    May I ask what happened with the altitude? Was the mawd not on or loose?


    The first trial of Justin's program was done on a table, not in a vacuum chamber, and so no altitude data was recorded by the altimeter because it didn't turn itself on. The vacuum pump draws the air out of the bell jar (vacuum chamber) and, as the gas concentration decreases, altitude is simulated. This turns the MAWD on.

    The second trial was done in the vacuum chamber and so the MAWD turned on, recording altitude. Let's do another trial at practice tomorrow so you can see and understand what happens better. Good question; thanks for asking!

    Mr. Kibler
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-14 05:25
    May I ask what happened with the altitude? Was the MAWD not on or loose?


    Sylvie explained what happened with the MAWD and how it works much better than I did. We replicate the trial today at practice. He's also more of a rocketry expert than I am so it please re-read what he wrote (and consider my cheesy explanation "the simple version.")

    Say 'cheese', :D

    Mr. Kibler
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-14 05:41

    Can you run through what's supposed to happen with the CO2 and humidity readings and graph lines when we put the ASP-2 in the vacuum chamber, and why? I didn't grasp it the first time you explained. Sorry.

    Notice on the attached graph from yesterday's trial that the humidity graph line does decreased at the exact same time that altitude began to increase, at about 54 seconds, and that it increased again toward baseline when the altitude reached '0' again (when the bell jar was empty and air pressure was 1 ATM.)

    I recall you mentioned two things:

    1) The concept of CO2 'partial pressure' versus 'parts per million'.

    2) The fact that the CO2 reading should change when the ASP-2 is in the vacuum chamber (it didn't.)

    Does, and will, the 'partial pressure' concept also affect the humdity reading? Will we have to fact that into our data interpretation?

    Did you see that Justin successfully integrated your program into the program (attached) and now the flash drive records millivoltage, too? Thanks! You guys make a great team!

    Any plans for hiking this weekend? (see attached picture, "Hiking at Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire.") Come hike with Susanne and I anytime. She's the vice president of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshie Forests and she knows all the trails.

    Good morning,

  • Justin AbbottJustin Abbott Posts: 54
    edited 2010-08-14 07:35
    Mr. Kibler,

    I'm glad my program worked! This is a huge step for the entire team. If everything is being recorded smoothly, then what is our next step (because our work is never done)? What's left in completing our project?

    See you at practice!
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-14 07:58
    Mr. Kibler,

    I'm glad my program worked! This is a huge step for the entire team. If everything is being recorded smoothly, then what is our next step (because our work is never done)? What's left in completing our project?

    See you at practice!


    Congratulations again on your successful program! Lots of relatively small things are left to do and we'll work on some at practice today. Probably the most important thing is figuring out what number we multiply the CO2 millivoltage by ("the constant") to convert mV to either parts per million (ppm) or ppartial pressure, or both. Here's where we'll call on Sylvie and Dr. Allen's expertise yet again. Read some of Dr. Allen's previous posts for a better understanding of the dilemma.

    We (you Rocketeers!) also have to:

    1) Figure out how to program the shortwave transmitter

    2) Figure out how to get the shortwave receiver to read the transmitter's location in longitude and latitude (so we can find the ASP in the desert!)

    3) Make back-up parts? (Do you think we should take any extra parts? Which parts? ADC chip board? Another ASP-2?)

    4) Write a step-by-step "power-up" procedure

    5) Write a step-by-step "power-down" procedure

    6) Charge and then check all the voltage for all batteries

    7) Check to make sure that ALL components are working (both transmitters, both altimeters, the ASP-2, etc.)

    8) Check the transmit and recption frequencies for the transmitters and receivers.

    9) Start thinking about (and maybe writing?) the presentation we have to make at the Breakfast Awards Banquet in Nevada. Remember that we also have a presentation to make at the Goffstown Rotary Club a week from Tuesday.

    10) Make a packing list.

    11) Pack, etc., etc., etc.

    12) Write up your findings after we launch the ASP-2. Consider publishing them or presenting them at a student conference...?

    You get the idea; there are lots of medium and small tasks left to do now that the ASP-2 is programmed and operational.

    What can you add to the list that I've forgotten?

    See you in 2 hours!

    Mr. Kibler
  • Mike NHMike NH Posts: 34
    edited 2010-08-14 13:02
    Dr. Allen, Sylvie, and Team,

    Here is the graph we made today after testing the ASP-2 in the vacuum chamber:
  • Mark KiblerMark Kibler Posts: 546
    edited 2010-08-14 19:07
    Tracy and Sylvie,

    Attached is the graph of one trial the Rocketeers conducted at practice today. It's interesting because humidity drops when pressure altitude increases but CO2 mV doesn't, and humidity increases when altitude decreases as Tracy said it should (yes?)

    Susanne hypothesizes that "there are more air and water molecules in the humidity reading" (that is, a higher concentration of H20, nitrogen, and oxygen) and a much, much lower concentration of CO2 molecules. This, she believes, may be why the CO2 mV doesn't decrease with pressure altitude: there are simply "less CO2 molecules to react" than N2, O2, and H20.

    I'm not sure whether I agree or disagree. She grills an excellent salmon steak and I like to eat. What are your thoughts? The CO2 does respond to direct CO2 (breath.) CO2 millivoltage should decrease as pressure altitude increases, right?

    We had a great practice today! The Rocketeers are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel (and it isn't New York City.) They had an excellent interview with the reporter too, whose father was an Apollo-era NASA engineer. That, in and of itself, was an education for them as she recounted seeing "shelves of rocket parts just like the one you kids are making. You're the next NASA engineers." I think that helped validate their work, at least to the parents who were at practice.

    Chocolate cookies await!

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