Shmoopy said...
And all that for the low, low price of just $19.95 (+S&H)!
Very good guess. Cost depends on what parts are on hand. The basics cost about $10 to $12. All that remains are a few extras (the choices for the board, cabinet, wiring cables, Prop Tool, etc.) You could do quite well with the low price of $19.95. Most of us already have the lights, switches, jacks and boards. If you have a Propeller Educational Kit on hand, that will definitely get you started, and includes a Prop Tool, board, wiring, lights, etc.
The challenge of punching the holes was solved today. A hole punch with a larger depth was purchased. Even with the maximum depth, the template will need to be redesigned. This overall process will take another two days. The photo shows a package of templates that need redesign to accommodate punch outs and the maximum depth of the punch. This process will be repeated with a clear plastic overlay.
Template for redesign adds two days of work to the project.
I finished the front panel and cabinet a full week ahead of time.
There's a lot of overtime work into this. Here's a pic of the results.
Any more guesses about what kind of computer project?
This hint is a rather good one. You can see the physical size and
several revealing details. I supposed once you've guessed "flying pigs"
there's no place to follow? [noparse];)[/noparse]
nightwing said...
Kind of looks like an Alair 8800 style computer...
You must have some kind of microscopic vision with an automatic image re-constructor or something coupled to a Memorex data base of computers of latent antiquity. I did a double take and you are absolutely right - it does resemble the Altair 8800 styling in some ways. I will give you a full five points for this acute observation.
Project Announcement - a New Prop Computer is Born
The project wiring was completed tonight and the computer is working!
Overall, it's about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I don't know if you can
see from the photos the enormous amount of work that went into this
computer. Everything tests out good. Had the test programs running a
couple hours tonight. I'm very happy with it and going out to celebrate
These photos show a new kind of Parallax chip-based Propeller
computer that was born tonight.
Post Edited (humanoido) : 1/14/2010 12:14:11 PM GMT
nightwing said...
Kind of looks like an Alair 8800 style computer...
You must have some kind of microscopic vision with an automatic image re-constructor or something coupled to a Memorex data base of computers of latent antiquity. I did a double take and you are absolutely right - it does resemble the Altair 8800 styling in some ways. I will give you a full five points for this acute observation.
Tnks! ^_^
I date back from those days. ^_^ Really looks like a very nice design! ^_^
I think this is the famous proverbial question. First, I think that some projects are like designing and building a car. After the inventor has the car completed, its up to the new car owner to drive it to new places. Although yesterday, I began a paper listing some of the features of this new computer. I'm still working on the list... It's a list because there are several special capabilities. But don't worry, it's really a simple project with one key characteristic that will become apparent. Currently I'm working on the list, a computer manual, a paper to be submitted, getting some programs up and running, and writing a small operating system and demo for personal use. It's become a remarkable, all time consuming, encompassing project.
A New Prop Computer - More Details
* The name is the MC Computer.
* I have discovered it will run programs (with slight modifications)
in the Parallax Propeller Education Kit Labs: Fundamentals Experiments with the multiprocessing Propeller chip by Andy Lindsay
and some programs posted in the Propeller Chip forum.
Sorry ... so far I only see blabla ... not a single detail. I personally don't like this kind of threads.
Hmmm, I'm beginning to agree - humanoido would be better to wait until he's ready to give enough detail. (I feel this thread is starting to get a little Machine Intelligence like :-().
I've seen threads which propose a mystery product/project, and enjoyed following those very much. Perhaps there is more here. For example, we know who has patience, who can read clues, who has interesting questions, who is respectful, who is positive, and interested, and who understands the importance of disclosure agreements. For those who are intuitive and like a mystery, this collective could be a favorite and add up to some very informative info about a new Propeller computer. Even the "new list" is appreciated by many who read it, and is updated. On the other hand, MagIO2, there are other Propeller threads with other topics, just try your best to post positive comments.
The difference between humanoid and mit is he has contributed and shown working stuff in the past. Mit did not even seem to grasbe the concepts they were talking about.
I actually enjoy this kind of thread generally, I really enjoyed Bagger's thread about his demo and I was even thinking about doing something similar with an object I have recently written except in reverse, I would show what it does and people could guess how. What really matters is whether the hype matches the reality. I have no doubt that there is something different about what you have created but to be honest it would have so be pretty special to live up to the "sales" pitch.
Graham said...
I actually enjoy this kind of thread generally, I really enjoyed Bagger's thread about his demo and I was even thinking about doing something similar with an object I have recently written except in reverse, I would show what it does and people could guess how.
What really matters is whether the hype matches the reality. I have no doubt that there is something different about what you have created but to be honest it would have so be pretty special to live up to the "sales" pitch.
But I think you have made a nice box at least.
Which object did you write?
What features do you like about the box?
You must be joking - there is no sales pitch, or hype.
It's not for sale, and every comment is accurate.
So exactly what are you referring to?
Uh oh, let's not let the "nasties" fly.· This thread has been fun and I sure hope it stays that way.· The other thread being referenced (MIT) was an obvious waste of electrons.
Personally I hate mysteries and waiting, but threads like this that are well intended, fun and light can be a·joy to watch along the way.
I agree, this thread is fun, even if some of the claims are outrageous such as "Now for a moment, imagine a completely new computer, with a function and purpose unique unto itself..."
You are right h that every comment is accurate:
1) a completely new computer --- yes, every new computer is completely new, in the purely physical sense at least.
2) with a function and purpose (hold it there) --- so this is true of all designs
3) unique unto itself --- yes but what a barrow-load of male bovine excrement (and the chicken variety too I believe)
The problem we have is the absurd hype and claims such as "imagine" and "unique unto itself" when you have not provided any details or clues and contrary to your claims, no, we are not unimaginative. I could say "imagine this wonderful wonderful thing, full of wonders" but if I didn't provide some more to go on then people would think I've OD'd on meds or I've been smoking "those" mushrooms. If indeed the "completely new computer" is a plastic box complete with 21 holes and a boiler plate, driven by a Propeller chip then it is truly wonderful and I'm sure everybody would agree....if you were only 10 years old that is.
Aha! now I understand.
BTW h, seriously, posting details of your project and some stories can be interesting, just skip the hype and then detail the "function and purpose" from the start (then back it up) so beginners and the unsuspecting can choose to preserve their dignity or simply be entertained or even surprised.
Making your own labels?
Now to contribute something to the forum with application in this thread do you know that you can do equipment labels using a color laser and heavy duty laser labels? The labels I use are Avery L7067 (A4) and they are a thin but tough polyester which is resistant to water and chemicals (except those citrus sprays). I create all my new labels using OpenOffice Draw, the color laser, and the single sheet size laser label. For the leds I have found it easier to recess the led behind the label and let it shine through a blank part of the label. This saves having to punch holes for leds and things like switches don't matter as you simply piece through and the edges of the holes are covered by the mounting nuts. OpenOffice allows me to input exact positions and dimensions so that I know it will all line up.
mctrivia said...
i like those labels. to bad i only have a black and white printer.
The toner used in color lasers seems to be different, the black comes out a lovely shiny black, not at all like the regular toner. So the resultant labels have a very professional finish and quite suitable for prototypes and preproduction. Once I am happy with the artwork etc I can email the OO file and get back production grade labels exactly as I know they should be. I remember getting a simple label done professionally a few years ago before I used this method, well they redid the artwork for some silly reason, charged me for it so I ended up paying a ridiculous $800 for 50 small (2"x2") labels. Their redone artwork was inferior and all I can say is never never again.
some day i may upgrade to a color lazer. I have other more important purchases first though. Still will have to buy a pack of these labels even if I can only do black and white for now.
What kind of color laser printer do you have? My last color inkjet printer went TU months ago, and I'm loathe to buy another one for cheap, while mortgaging my house to buy ink cartridges. (Plus, try to get one these days that isn't burdened with scanner and fax capabilities.) I'm lacking any serious color capability in-house right now, and color lasers are beginning to look attractive.
I have used a few different lasers, the one we just happen to have at home here is an older Konica Minolta 2400W. The toner lasts a long long time and I figure it's cheaper to buy the latest printer when it's on special than it is to go and buy a whole new swag of cartridges (ink or toner). Black is the exception though. I see Office Depot have the Samsung CLP315 for $199.99 which is about dollar for dollar here in Oz at Office Works for $198. The label paper costs around $1 a sheet normally so buying a printer and labels is still way cheaper even for one small run.
Because it is so quick and easy to do the labels I even try different logos and color schemes on the same page and see which one's the best. The labels also double as great packaging dress labels, the ones you put on the outside of a plain cardboard box.
Peter Jakacki said...
but if I didn't provide some more to go on then people would think I've OD'd on meds or I've been smoking "those" mushrooms. If indeed the "completely new computer" is a plastic box complete with 21 holes and a boiler plate, driven by a Propeller chip then it is truly wonderful and I'm sure everybody would agree....if you were only 10 years old that is.
Jacko: This level of sarcasm is enough. The point was made at the beginning - this is simply a fun mystery thread. BTW, cross posting is against forum rules. Start your own thread about printers and labels elsewhere.
oid, you should take what has been said as "positive" feedback, not sarcasm, more tongue in cheek though, if it's going to be entertainment then we will join in too. Besides, us aussies will "rib" our best friends a lot more for a lot less and laugh along too when it's our turn.
So now we all know that this is "simply a fun mystery thread" you can probably update the thread title while you are at it.
BTW, once again I added a constructive on-topic (it's broad) comment because you were having troubles with "boiler plate" labels and you may appreciate a simpler way of getting a pro finish.
humanoido said...
Perhaps there is more here. For example, we know who has patience, who can read clues, who has interesting questions, who is respectful, who is positive, and interested, and who understands the importance of disclosure agreements. For those who are intuitive and like a mystery, this collective could be a favorite and add up to some very informative info about a new Propeller computer. Even the "new list" is appreciated by many who read it, and is updated.
... and we learn who can live with critics and who understands the principle of forums. If you can't live with feedback you should think about using a blog instead. I only told you what I thought at the moment when I read "more details" and explicitly labeled it as being my personal opinion. That IS respect. What disrespect looks like can be read in the MIT threads.
humanoido said...
On the other hand, MagIO2, there are other Propeller threads with other topics, just try your best to post positive comments.
I know that there are other threads. But I did not know that there is a forum rule which says that all posts have to be positive. But even my first post in this thread could be positive if you learn your lesson and give just a little bit more flesh in your posts.
But ... you also got positive feedback ... maybe it's me who missed something. And the solution·is simple ... continue ... I'll follow this thread with a much lower frequency than other threads and no longer give comments like that.
So, class ... this is a lesson of humanoidity .. eh humanity .. some people prefere novels, some fairy tails, others prefere reference books and some like em all. I prefere reference books and I'm more interested in the end of this thread, so let's continue ;o)
I think it should be obvious by now that we forumistas (especially Propellerheads) do not suffer unsubstantiated hype gladly. We're a rude, impatient lot, always scratching to see what's beneath the surface and taking umbrage when our restive quest for substance goes unrewarded. My advice to anyone who wants to present a project here is to play to the audience that fills the auditorium, not to the more refined and patiently expectant crowd you wish had bought tickets.
I really do want to see what goes into that rather attractive looking box — while I'm still young! (Shh! The lights are dimming. Okay, who's hogging the popcorn?)
Propeller Education Kit - 40 pin DIP Version
Template for redesign adds two days of work to the project.
There's a lot of overtime work into this. Here's a pic of the results.
Any more guesses about what kind of computer project?
This hint is a rather good one. You can see the physical size and
several revealing details. I supposed once you've guessed "flying pigs"
there's no place to follow? [noparse];)[/noparse]
The project wiring was completed tonight and the computer is working!
Overall, it's about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I don't know if you can
see from the photos the enormous amount of work that went into this
computer. Everything tests out good. Had the test programs running a
couple hours tonight. I'm very happy with it and going out to celebrate
These photos show a new kind of Parallax chip-based Propeller
computer that was born tonight.
Post Edited (humanoido) : 1/14/2010 12:14:11 PM GMT
NYC Area Prop Club
Prop Forum Search (Via Google)
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Tnks! ^_^
I date back from those days. ^_^ Really looks like a very nice design! ^_^
* The name is the MC Computer.
* I have discovered it will run programs (with slight modifications)
in the Parallax Propeller Education Kit Labs: Fundamentals
Experiments with the multiprocessing Propeller chip by Andy Lindsay
and some programs posted in the Propeller Chip forum.
Sorry ... so far I only see blabla ... not a single detail. I personally don't like this kind of threads.
Announcement: To cut costs in the current economic climate, we have switched-off the light at the end of the tunnel.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
But I think you have made a nice box at least.
What features do you like about the box?
You must be joking - there is no sales pitch, or hype.
It's not for sale, and every comment is accurate.
So exactly what are you referring to?
Personally I hate mysteries and waiting, but threads like this that are well intended, fun and light can be a·joy to watch along the way.
You are right h that every comment is accurate:
1) a completely new computer --- yes, every new computer is completely new, in the purely physical sense at least.
2) with a function and purpose (hold it there) --- so this is true of all designs
3) unique unto itself --- yes but what a barrow-load of male bovine excrement (and the chicken variety too I believe)
The problem we have is the absurd hype and claims such as "imagine" and "unique unto itself" when you have not provided any details or clues and contrary to your claims, no, we are not unimaginative. I could say "imagine this wonderful wonderful thing, full of wonders" but if I didn't provide some more to go on then people would think I've OD'd on meds or I've been smoking "those" mushrooms. If indeed the "completely new computer" is a plastic box complete with 21 holes and a boiler plate, driven by a Propeller chip then it is truly wonderful and I'm sure everybody would agree....if you were only 10 years old that is.
Aha! now I understand.
BTW h, seriously, posting details of your project and some stories can be interesting, just skip the hype and then detail the "function and purpose" from the start (then back it up) so beginners and the unsuspecting can choose to preserve their dignity or simply be entertained or even surprised.
Making your own labels?
Now to contribute something to the forum with application in this thread do you know that you can do equipment labels using a color laser and heavy duty laser labels? The labels I use are Avery L7067 (A4) and they are a thin but tough polyester which is resistant to water and chemicals (except those citrus sprays). I create all my new labels using OpenOffice Draw, the color laser, and the single sheet size laser label. For the leds I have found it easier to recess the led behind the label and let it shine through a blank part of the label. This saves having to punch holes for leds and things like switches don't matter as you simply piece through and the edges of the holes are covered by the mounting nuts. OpenOffice allows me to input exact positions and dimensions so that I know it will all line up.
Here's a shot of a proto I did with laser labels.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
The toner used in color lasers seems to be different, the black comes out a lovely shiny black, not at all like the regular toner. So the resultant labels have a very professional finish and quite suitable for prototypes and preproduction. Once I am happy with the artwork etc I can email the OO file and get back production grade labels exactly as I know they should be. I remember getting a simple label done professionally a few years ago before I used this method, well they redid the artwork for some silly reason, charged me for it so I ended up paying a ridiculous $800 for 50 small (2"x2") labels. Their redone artwork was inferior and all I can say is never never again.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
What kind of color laser printer do you have? My last color inkjet printer went TU months ago, and I'm loathe to buy another one for cheap, while mortgaging my house to buy ink cartridges. (Plus, try to get one these days that isn't burdened with scanner and fax capabilities.) I'm lacking any serious color capability in-house right now, and color lasers are beginning to look attractive.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
Because it is so quick and easy to do the labels I even try different logos and color schemes on the same page and see which one's the best. The labels also double as great packaging dress labels, the ones you put on the outside of a plain cardboard box.
So now we all know that this is "simply a fun mystery thread" you can probably update the thread title while you are at it.
BTW, once again I added a constructive on-topic (it's broad) comment because you were having troubles with "boiler plate" labels and you may appreciate a simpler way of getting a pro finish.
I know that there are other threads. But I did not know that there is a forum rule which says that all posts have to be positive. But even my first post in this thread could be positive if you learn your lesson and give just a little bit more flesh in your posts.
But ... you also got positive feedback ... maybe it's me who missed something. And the solution·is simple ... continue ... I'll follow this thread with a much lower frequency than other threads and no longer give comments like that.
So, class ... this is a lesson of humanoidity .. eh humanity .. some people prefere novels, some fairy tails, others prefere reference books and some like em all. I prefere reference books and I'm more interested in the end of this thread, so let's continue ;o)
I really do want to see what goes into that rather attractive looking box — while I'm still young!
"Gratification delayed is gratification denied."