Sneak Preview - a New Prop Computer
Sneak Preview - a New Prop Computer
After years of computer product development, decades, half a century of time passes by and along comes a new chip that opens up new invention and discovery - the Parallax Propeller chip.
In some ways, the computer hobbyist is no different from the amateur astronomer. Both can make discoveries with their hardware. It is not completely uncommon to discover a comet, a new star gone supernova or a dust storm on Mars, with a homemade reflector telescope.
Likewise, the computer hobbyist has the freedom to design and create new products based on new hardware components and software ideas. In similar fashion, it too can lead to discovery. In many cases, something old made into something new can bring about a revolutionary new thinking.
With the introduction of the Propeller chip, many new unique cottage industries have sprung up, with potential products in development and those already for sale. Some of these new computers include:
Each of these computers have specific function and purpose. Now for a moment, imagine a completely new computer, with a function and purpose unique unto itself...
Post Edited (humanoido) : 1/18/2010 8:50:56 AM GMT
After years of computer product development, decades, half a century of time passes by and along comes a new chip that opens up new invention and discovery - the Parallax Propeller chip.
In some ways, the computer hobbyist is no different from the amateur astronomer. Both can make discoveries with their hardware. It is not completely uncommon to discover a comet, a new star gone supernova or a dust storm on Mars, with a homemade reflector telescope.
Likewise, the computer hobbyist has the freedom to design and create new products based on new hardware components and software ideas. In similar fashion, it too can lead to discovery. In many cases, something old made into something new can bring about a revolutionary new thinking.
With the introduction of the Propeller chip, many new unique cottage industries have sprung up, with potential products in development and those already for sale. Some of these new computers include:
Dracblade Zicog CPM single prop computer ProtoBlade computer RamBlade computer TriBlade computer SixBlade computer Propeller Based Single Board Computer on TriBladeProp Pro-VIC Board Computer - ManAtWork Prop Board computer Propeller System Module Morpheus computer Proteus computer Propteus computer The Briel PockeTerm pPropQL computer pPropQL020 computer Hive Project Retro Style Computer The OctoCore! Computer Chameleon PIC/AVR Computer[/i][/list]
Each of these computers have specific function and purpose. Now for a moment, imagine a completely new computer, with a function and purpose unique unto itself...
Post Edited (humanoido) : 1/18/2010 8:50:56 AM GMT
For me, the past is not over yet.
Visit some of my articles at Propeller Wiki:
MATH on the propeller
OMU for the pPropQL/020
To think I used to pay for entertainment, now I get it for free, whether I want it or not.
Have patience with the Prop'ound Prop'osal. Prop' yourself up in the arm chair in a Prop'itiate fashion, and Prop'el your thinking into what Prop'hets might say, and think about the Prop'ensity of the invention, and then you'll come to terms at the speed of Prop'jet Prop'ellant - imagination Prop'agation of information. Remain of Prop'er respect and keep your Prop'erty at hand, because soon you will be Pro'pining and a Prop'itious Prop'onent of this new computer at a Prop'portion you had not imagined before. Don't worry, I won't keep it Prop'rietary for long, so hold onto your Prop'ioceptors, keep out of the bottle of Prop'enol, and you'll be fully prepared to enter the Prop'eller Prop'ylaeum. What have you started?
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
A complete catalogue of all general purpose computer platforms built with the Propeller.
For me, the past is not over yet.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Post Edited (Leon) : 1/8/2010 1:09:47 PM GMT
I’m dizzy already [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Announcement: To cut costs in the current economic climate, we have switched-off the light at the end of the tunnel.
Please tell us what this top secret development is all about, sure no one here will go telling others. Is it one of the funny arty type things you have done before? - I could never understand them, but is probably just me really...
My guess for the sweepstake is A full version of OS/2 Warp Server. Could you provide a mere glimpse of some hardware for us to see better what you are working on?
It's eComStation now.
(I'm waiting for V2.0 to go from RC7a to Gold now so that I have something decent to install on my Asus Eee 701 )
Don't visit my new website...
Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi): What you said is actually music to my ears, but it serves much better for another project I'm working on.
localroger: It could be called a Teaser or a Trailer, like the short cliffhanger clips preceding a movie.
Heater: I know, you are exactly imagining it. BTW, your imagination is remarkable on a great number of projects you have developed. It would not surprise me if you know exactly, because you have contributed such thoughtful comments to my other posts.
Gadgetman: Correct, it is not the OS2 Warp Server.
stevenmess2004: You got one of your wishes.
Ale: Updated the list to include the HIVE.
Leon: It is not a strange STAMP contraption. LOL!!! Though, I'd like to have one, it sounds very interesting...
heater: Correct, another list is now begun. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Leon: You may guess the number of props but it is not advisable.
Mike_GTN: It is not Windows 3.0 on the Propeller. It may blow you mind if I say your thinking could be most interesting.
Graham Stabler: It is true, other things run on SPIN and I keep getting a muscle "PASM" in my mind. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
simonl: in my mind, a supercomputer can be super for many things other than speed, so the question is... is it a computer with things that are super other than speed, and would I call it a supercomputer?
Gadgetman: Yes, it may be used with an ASUS EEE PC.
Woooooooooosh (the sound of it flying over his head?)
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
People who operate outside of the "rulebook" tend to come up with very interesting solutions.
Stuff that the rest of us would never try because it "could never work."
Inspirational stuff afoot! Just quit teasing us. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
New to the Propeller?
Visit the: The Propeller Pages @ Warranty Void.
Hypebole, indeed.
OBC: I like to try new things and see if new discoveries and inventions can be made. When I was a little kid age 7, I had a lot of home science projects that led to interesting things. I was lucky to survive this in some cases. We lived in the country-side, and I talked my dad into giving me one of the vacant tiny buildings so I could use it as a science laboratory. I had to trade my "tree house" for it, which he thought was less safe. However, the building held a deep dark secret - it was a chicken coop! The chickens were gone, but I remember their feathers and long lasting remnants took weeks to clean out while holding breath. Certainly, that was one of the things that other people would not try!
Is it an automated Chicken sorter? Plump .and. or.not plump enough kind of logic decisions.
If Chicken = Fat
Feed up
Do something else
Obviously this code might not run, not been able to test yet. Is A work in progress or proof of concept more than anything else. I shall have to make A flowchart to get it all straight in my mind before diving in to more months of coding. This really could be something commercial. To handle more than one Chicken we need to Farm out the data to an additional Propeller based board. As the Chickens increase the firmware will take this fully in to account and will generate realtime hardware devices. If A chicken also went missing the firmware is fully able to ungenerate the last hardware incarnation. Does this sound like magic? - Well this is already being done in a basement workshop near each and everyone of us.
** Edit, Oh my code does not run on the Propeller, I think could be my clock settings. I used the following: -
_chickenmode = xtal1 + pll16x '96MHz Fast Chicken
_xinfreq = 6_000_000
Never one to be stopped on simple problems, have A concept of my own. Building furniture from Propeller Prototype boards......
Not a flying pig then.
p.s. In case you really didn't get it I was talking about Phil's comment going over your head.
In case you really didn't get it I was talking about Phil's comment going over your head.
I grew up around Chickens... Want to have some fun? If you ever have your eyes checked, ask the optometrist if they can tell you had a chicken coop for a laboratory.
There is a bacteria in Chicken feces that gets in your eyes. the bodiy's natural defenses
take car of it, but the little skeletons stay there forever. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Ok, enough off topic stuff. How about some more details about your ideas? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
New to the Propeller?
Visit the: The Propeller Pages @ Warranty Void.
The drilling guide worked sucessfully but it's trash now.
I have the printed overlay and clear plastic that goes onto the front panel.
But how to cut out the holes in the paper and clear plastic where the lights and switches are located?
A paper hole punch cannot reach the inner switche locations.
An exacto knife will take forever and a day.
Punching paper with an awl will tear it....
OBC: I wore goggles... Want to have more fun? Have your blood tested next time you are at the doctors. Anyone touch a chicken egg or breathe the air around one? It has the same bacteria.
Graham Stabler: I got it. But guess who's head my comment went over... [noparse]:)[/noparse] No, not a flying pig.
Mike_GTN: automated Chicken sorter? Nope. That was OBC's project... [noparse];)[/noparse]
JohnyMac: if it was a parabola, it would all come back at you... be glad.
Ok, that's the tips for this log in. See you next time.
Post Edited (humanoido) : 1/10/2010 9:58:01 PM GMT