Is it possible to chain these boards? Connecting several 595/165 after eachother gives a lot of I/O from few Propeller-pins.· I can see Data-out and Data-in in the pin-printout but isn't two more contacts needed for the chaining connectivity?!
I have been looking for a combined 595/165 card so if this will be accessible as kits or bare-PCBs it will be very handy!··· (and at right price of cource...)
Ohhhh! Very cool! Part of my hesitation in doing anything big is the interfacing of low and high voltage devices. That would go a long way to making it easier to get it done vs/ designing and building the interface. Very neat!
The design does not include a facility for diasy-chaining the shift registers. If it becomes something of a demand it could be something to consider in a future revision. On the current design it is possible to share some of the signal lines and add an I/O pin or two to control another board. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage (Parallax) said...
The design does not include a facility for diasy-chaining the shift registers.
I think it's a pity.· It's very useful, I have used both experiments·boards with 74HC595/165 as well as ready-made boards from (only 595).
It's very convenient to connect 4 boards in a daisy-chain and shift in/out a long.
The Digital I/O Boards are going to be posted for sale on our website on Monday barring any unforseen delays. I personally inspected the first kit yesterday and took a picture of it for you. Note the kit does not come with any relays...due to the ability to select how many and which type you would purchase the relays separately. Mechanical Omron Relays and Sharp Solid-State Relays are available.
Hey all, just noticed that these kits are actually in stock! It's just a matter of marketing at this stage and I know they're working on it.
Nice job to Chris!
All of us should say "thanks, Chris". Most of us got what we wanted from this product but it had to be up to Chris to make the decisions about what we would design. He did a great job sharing it with the forums and incorporated significant changes along the way.
Thanks, Chris!
Ken Gracey
Post Edited (Ken Gracey (Parallax)) : 2/5/2010 6:55:06 PM GMT
I don't know if anyone else noticed, but the output section has pads for both dry-contact and opto-isolated relays. This adds even more value to an already useful board. Very nicely conceived and implemented, Chris! (And thanks for the dual-row headers! )
"Carpe Ducktum" "seize the tape!!"
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway. —Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
Oops!·· There's that unforseen delays thing...should have been today.· Apparently we didn't have a picture for the website and we were missing one of the relays from our stock.· That should be taken care of today/tomorrow and I will follow up as soon as it is up.· As for the pricing, the kit will be $49.99 without relays.· We'll be offering the Omron mechanical relays @ $1.99 each if Marketing doesn't see this and go !· Not sure on the SSR, but they will be a little more in cost.· Probably half of what we used to sell the Crydom relays for though and these are more than double the current.· the schematic will be posted with the other information and I will post here as soon as it goes up.· Thanks everyone for your patience.· Let's see if I get in trouble for almost giving these away!·
FYI, the delay is the documentation. It is currently being revised for some critical information and we can't post the product until the documentation is completed and approved. This will definitely be one of the largest pieces of documentation I have written to date.
$1.99 relays. Oh Chris, you have lost your mind but you still have my total support! Engineering-driven marketing always brings certain customer benefits.
Glad to see this is coming out soon. It may work nicely for a "re-purposing" project I have at work. I am taking an old JOT conveyor and converting it to a spray fluxer.
Chris: Any particular reason the silkscreen says ""?
@Ken - I figured if anyone was going to catch me on that it would be you or Lauren. So we're pretty much giving the relays away, but it's for the greater good.
@WBA - You know...I never even noticed that...but it is a Propeller-compatible board, so we'll pretend that is the reason! Or perhaps it is a clever marketing trick? Who can say? I will get these docs done today, get them approved and get the whole thing posted. Fortunately, some of my distractions are MIA today.
Any microcontroller that uses 3.3V - 5V I/O should have no problems. I/O on the board can be read/controlled by reading high/low (in the case of inputs) on a pin or setting a pin high/low (in the case of outputs), or you can use the Synchronous Serial interface. On a BASIC Stamp that would involve using SHIFTIN/SHIFTOUT. I hope this helps. Best regards,
Ok, I promised I would follow up when everything was ready...the Digital I/O Board is ready for ordering from the following link on our website. This kit does not include any relays since the customer needs to choose which type, however both options are linked from the product page. BASIC Stamp code was included, however I will post some SPIN code real soon. I would recommend reading the documentation before a purchase so you know if you will want/need to get anything else with your order, such as Pluggable wires. Enjoy! Maybe they'll all sell this weekend!
Is it possible to chain these boards? Connecting several 595/165 after eachother gives a lot of I/O from few Propeller-pins.· I can see Data-out and Data-in in the pin-printout but isn't two more contacts needed for the chaining connectivity?!
I have been looking for a combined 595/165 card so if this will be accessible as kits or bare-PCBs it will be very handy!· ·· (and at right price of cource...)
The design does not include a facility for diasy-chaining the shift registers. If it becomes something of a demand it could be something to consider in a future revision. On the current design it is possible to share some of the signal lines and add an I/O pin or two to control another board. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Check out the new Savage Circuits TV!
Are there any plans on adding analog i/o, like 0-5vdc or 4-20ma to this or future revisions?
Does this mean the SPI can control the switch the relay contacts as well as read the control inputs?
Signature space for rent!
Send $1 to
@Cannibal Robotics - Yes, there are two shift registers on the reads the inputs and the other controls the outputs.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Check out the new Savage Circuits TV!
It's very convenient to connect 4 boards in a daisy-chain and shift in/out a long.
Any news about release date?
Post Edited (nohab) : 1/9/2010 11:53:38 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Check out the new Savage Circuits TV!
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Check out the new Savage Circuits TV!
Nice job to Chris!
All of us should say "thanks, Chris". Most of us got what we wanted from this product but it had to be up to Chris to make the decisions about what we would design. He did a great job sharing it with the forums and incorporated significant changes along the way.
Thanks, Chris!
Ken Gracey
Post Edited (Ken Gracey (Parallax)) : 2/5/2010 6:55:06 PM GMT
Does anyone have a schematic of this thing? or do I have to wait until Monday for Marketing to officially post it?
I'm looking forward to falling on my knees, weeping profusely, and begging The Bankers to buy one of these.
My computer made with the propeller,
Peter KG6LSE
"Carpe Ducktum" "seize the tape!!"
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway. —Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
What about approximate $ ?
The future is in our hands.
Which way to the future?
My computer made with the propeller,
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Check out the new Savage Circuits TV!
Post Edited (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 2/10/2010 5:07:15 AM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
You are one of them. And you are one of us.
Let's see what Lauren does with your request.
Ken Gracey
Chris: Any particular reason the silkscreen says ""?
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
WBA-TH1M Sensirion SHT11 Module
Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge, Mar 20, 2010
Propeller-Based Reverse Geo-Cache Birthday Present Project
@WBA - You know...I never even noticed that...but it is a Propeller-compatible board, so we'll pretend that is the reason! Or perhaps it is a clever marketing trick? Who can say? I will get these docs done today, get them approved and get the whole thing posted. Fortunately, some of my distractions are MIA today.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Will it also be Javelin-compatible?
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Yes, that helps. Serial Interface will be easy to use with the Jalevin. There is also the shift methods.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Very nice board. I have a few uses for it. Has there been any progress on offering relays for sale?
Omron industrial relays for $1.99 ???
Heck, I'll take a thousand. Unless I get a further bulk discount, in which case I'll take 2000. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
·"If you build it, they will come."