It is 2:05am. Haven't been able to breadboard Chip's circuit sucessfully. Have begun to solder up a version of the same to see if that will move it ahead. But I think I will call it a night.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Wow,·this is one special chip. I spent wednesday getting my prototyping &·breadboard running, using a USB2SER - and started with the 'Graphics_Demo',·much more·impressive than the usual 'flash an LED' on a microcontroller. I was a little surprised to find that the USB2SER pinout was different to the 'Propellor Clip' shown on the simple diagrams, but that didn't cause me any real problems.
Changing over to PAL from NTSC was·OK once I'd managed to find the appropriate mode·setting - a few comments in the examples where the mode value is set would have helped - or perhaps just PAL versions of the video based demos.
I ran through the PS/2 Mouse and keyboard interfacing examples, all very smooth, although the 'Keyboard_Demo' caught me out by being based on the Pin numbers for the Rev A demo board rather than the Rev B schematic I was copying.
I found the Propellor tool a little confusing at first, but very powerful and slick once I found my feet. My main problems were getting used to setting the 'Top object', once I got around that I found it great to use.
So onto todays experimentation - I connected up an Incremental Encoder and used the provided 'Rotary Encoder' sample to play around, as·the main·application I have for the propellor requires 4 high speed quadrature decoders on the device. It all worked OK. (I'm a bit suspicious of the timing numbers in·'Rotary Encoder' as I can't understand how it could take anything other than a multiple of 16 clocks per 'additional encoder' since it uses a wrlong in each UpdatePos loop - my cycle counts are 144 + 48(n-1) ).·One other detail·is it's INB support is only half implemented - there is still one INA present in the code.
I then tweaked the 'Rotary Encoder' sample around to match the interface that I required, and then dropped in·some assembler code that I sketched out about a month ago. Of course it didn't work the first time, but using the video output to display the values that were coming from the code made it straightforward to investigate·my problems:
· Problem 1: Lack of #'s on some of my direct JMP's. ARGH! I have a feeling that one is going to bite me forever.
· Problem 2: WAITPNE with wz appears to not alter the z flag·depending on the basic maths of the WAITPNE (INA & S)·term, so I assume that it just follows the overall (INA & S) != D expression in some way. I couldn't be sure what I would have expected from the instruction set information.
· Problem 3: PAR is readonly in the cog - pretty sensible really, but I hadn't figured that out.
Being a C and assembler programmer I was expecting to find Spin frustrating, but it seemed to just 'fit'. Debugging·using a spare Spin cog and the·video output·is great. The cog instruction set will take some getting used to, but it seems to be quite easy to write fast code in.
So I now have an 'Rotary Encoder' equivalent object that·provides 1 encoder per cog, with low current consumption·that should·fiollow·up to 2.5Million encoder counts per second at 80MHz, which is just what·my application needs.
Still having difficulty as F7 comes up with a message saying the "No Cog has been identified on any serial port."
I moved on the the 3 transistor design and soldered up an interface.
I will go through and check everything again
I am begining to wonder if I can verify serial port function. Is that hidden from view in the software?
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Are you using a laptop or desktop computer?
(Older desktops usually have more 'standard' serial ports and works better. Laptops should be thrown at the designers of the chipsets used in them)
If you're using a laptop with a serial port, check that the FIFO is switched off, or better yet, use a decent FTDI-based USB-to-serial adapter...
Don't visit my new website...
The EEPROM used is a 24c256 I2C EEPROM, and those CAN be progammed from a BS2.
In theory, one could connect one to a BS2, run a program on it to dump a Spin program onto it, and then plug the EEPROM into the Propeller board...
(Except, you had a lack of EEPROMs, right?)
It wouldn't need to be much of a Spin program, just the Blinkled.Spin test program.
That's all that's needed to verify that the Propeller is running(or is that rotating?)
Don't visit my new website...
Did a quick test this morning with my Dell GX280 running XP SP2 and the discrete programmer. In my previous post I stated that I could not 'Identify' (F7) the propeller with my Edgeport/4 (this is a USB four serial port external adapter). What worked for me was the following:
1. Built in serial port on my GX280, actual 9 pin RS-232 port, connected to the discrete programmer.
2. An FDTI chip biased USB to serial adapter (a clone of one like what Parallax sells), connected to the discrete programmer.
Not to offend, I've attached a document that I refer to when I'm building something with transistors. I don't work with transistors enough to have this 'burned' into my memory so it serves as my 'cheat sheet'!
Hope this Helps!
Post Edited (Mike Cook) : 5/5/2006 11:27:08 AM GMT
Well I have an Asus Tualitin Desktop that programs BasicStamps just fine via serial and that is the same WindowsXP SP2 with Norton Internet Security ·and System Mechanic Pro V6.0.
Mike Cook's transistor info is in agreement with mine. I suppose a power LED on the interface would be very helpful.
No USB2SER yets, so it is just plain old RS-232.
Is the USB a requirement in the scheme of things? I cannot find that stated anywhere.
Us backward people expect all good things to be backwardly compatible, but those days are rapidly disappearing.
As we all know there are a lot of items that could be preventing the serial connection.
It may well not be on the IDE side, but actually the breadboard and interface.
The main lesson here is that DIY construction can eat up days that might be better spent in programing.
I may reload the IDE as I completely lost an·unrelated·directory today for some unexplained reason.· Fortunately, I have a April copy in Norton Ghost.· But, it just isn't what anyone wants to see.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
One way to test your discrete programmer would be to do a loop back test with it. With your Basic Stamp editor open, start a new debug window. Make sure DTR is unchecked, I believe it is by default. Then connect RX & TX together on the discrete programmer. Now type in the input line of the Basic Stamp debug window, you should see what your typing. If that works then you can be pretty sure that you have the transmit and receive circuits wired correctly. Now to test the DTR you will need a logic probe or a scope. When you check the DTR check box in the Basic Stamp debug window you should see a very short <100mS negative pulse on the RST line of the discrete programmer.
I believe one of the beta testers commented that if you build this on a plastic bread board it will be somewhat 'flaky' best bet is to use a chunk of perf board and try to keep the leads going to the Propeller chip as short as possible. From the picture of my Home Brew Demo Board, mine is on a 1.375" x 1.375" perf board and the connections to the Propeller chip are about 4" long. Once I figured out to use a real RS-232 port or a FDTI USB to serial adapter it has worked flawlessly.
Hope this helps.
P.S. You might want to check your BIOS settings for the serial port on your ASUS motherboard. I used to build a lot of 'clones', when you could make money at it, and my 'hard &·fast rule' was to nail down the serial port to whatever address & interrupt and not leave it in 'AUTO'
Ah, a nasty little solder bridge between pin 3 and 4 of the DB9.
Everything is now working fine. F7 now shows a Propeller active.
This is the 'original 3·transistor arrangement' by Beau and NO USB at all.
No changes in resistances or capacitance values·either.
So,·I have to get the blinking LED to really feel I haven't damaged anything.
As usual, I will let it run a day or two. That makes me feel more secure.
Post Script.·· The Blinking LED is doing just fine at 4Mhz.· Callinging it a night.· And, now the FUN really, really begins....
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Yee Haw! It works! Another Propeller is up and spinning!
I wired up an LED to bit 27, tweaked BlinkLED for a 4 mHz crystal and IO bit 27, and it blinks!
It even saves to EEPROM, and boots BlinkyLED on powerup!
The EEPROM wouldn't work until I added the 10K from SDA to 3.3V. I saw the 10K on the clip circuit, and didn't know whether it was for the clip or the EEPROM, so when I wired the serial interface I left it off.
So at first, I only got an error message when trying to save to EEPROM.
I've got a Mini-Tanner's in my garage! Besides BGMICRO is closer, need to get off my butt and go scavenge around in the garage for some simple hardware!
Since I've got the Propeller up and running it's now time to dive down into the documentation & forums to experiment with some of the knowledge that has been provided.
It's been a banner day today, May 3, 2006:
1. 20th wedding anniversary today (May 3, 1986)!
2. Pool people are out starting the 'Big Dig'! (my wife's 20th anniversary present)
3. Propellers showed up today! (my birthday present from 03-30-06)
4. Big box of goodies from also arrived.
5. Notification of the arrival of 2200 GPS receivers + 1100 Active GPS antennas!
I'm a happy boy today!
·Shee! it's a Small world! My son turned 24 today May 7th and My 24th wedding anniversary is the 22nd....
Cheers to you all··· Dennis
Well my PropStick arrived today. I· got it altogther late this afternoon and put up the Prime Number 4-cog BlinkLED code that Jon posted ... everything went up and running first try
... Phil, the PropStick is a great little board ... Jon the multi-cog BlinkLED really brings home Multi-Processing in a very simple demonstration .. Chip, your chip is awesome!
The IDE is pretty good for a 0.95 Beta ... and Spin just isn't gonna be that hard to learn ... I was playing with files and compiling (clean!)·and running variations on the programs·in very short order.
Tomorrow to wire up the TV out and hook up a serial LCD display, then convert the Parallax serial display object·to an Anderson ( LCD Serial controller. I will post that when·I get it working right.
cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
got my propstick up and running, no problems... thru example 6 of the begginners... used a old rca cable that i had, for my composite signal, cut off the one end and put the center wire in one spot of a edge connector strip, the ground in another, add 3 resisters and there ya go ..... pigtail for a tv ( had a tv card in my comp ter so picture in pic while programinng ) [noparse]:)[/noparse]
The PropStick here is gradually acquiring more peripherals.
1) TV (miniature, so far)
2) Mouse (after revising the Demo board wiring)
3) VGA monitor (without a hitch!!) The connector was a bit of wiring, but the breadboard looks pretty good considering. And the display looks good on a 17" monitor, too. The True Type symbols look like some ancient language.
4) Next step: keyboard
So now that the question is, how can the Graphics_Demo program be modified to run on a VGA? Is a different Graphics driver needed? It doesn't seem obvious to me how to get from the TV version to a VGA version.
The TV card in the computer is a great idea.
Why didn't I think of that.
Here I have been worrying about more desktop clutter with two video displays. I can use that for my workbench arrangement without much effort.
Then I can wait for the 2.5 VGA from Parallax. Already have extra keyboards and mice.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Aha! I wondered how come your TV screen "photos" looked so nice while mine were coming out so crappy, with horizontal bars and moire' patterns out the gazoo. Makes perfect sense. I've even got a TV input card installed. 'Just have to use it!
Beau seems to ahead of us again.
I have been in a big rush to get video going, but I don't own a TV and really don't want one.
Also, I just found out that the VGA interface will require two·three·DACs and I don't want to mess with breadboarding such frequency sensitive stuff.
Besides, the demo board has nearly everything integrated. Things won't come unpluged and one can remain focused on the programing.
So for now, I am going to get a TV card; later I can option out to VGA when my demo board arrives -- probably that little 2.5" one.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
modified the generic lcd driver bkp.000.spin for my scott edwards ILM-216..
even saved it to its own i can spawn a object off it
·had to go down to 2400 baud to get a good solid display thou... does the parallax 4x 16 lcd have any problems with the·serin being only 3 volts signal ??
I, too, have seen issues with the SEETRON displays driving by the Propeller·-- but it's not a defect.· Scott designed his displays with a voltage divider on the serial input so that you could connect them directly to the RS-232 output of a PC.· When you run 3.3 through this divider you can miss bits from time-to-time.·
The Parallax serial LCD is not intended to be connected to RS-232 levels, so there is no divider, hence it works fine with the 3.3v output of the Propeller.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Jon Williams Applications Engineer, Parallax
It is getting easier everyday [noparse][[/noparse]and more fun than I can describe. It really rounds out my programing knowledge.]
I can do things I never dreamed of a few months ago. What a big surprise.
I just came back from another shopping run.
I just got all the resistors for the video set ups in 1% tolerances [noparse][[/noparse]that is all they had]·and extra RCA connectors. Already have the PS/2 recepticles.
Yesterday I installed a very inexpensive TV box [noparse][[/noparse]has remote, but doesn't put the TV in a window on the computer] that sits between my VGA and the Computer. I didn't want to load more software drivers into my computer, so this is an all hardware outboard solution. It is a good one because suddenly my VGA is wonderfully clearer and I have both the coax for TV [noparse][[/noparse]have cable into my place] and the 3 RCAs for Video with stereo sound.
I have been reading the SPIN examples and have to say that is a Must for anyone and everyone. It really fills in the gaps.
Inaki was having trouble with his video and after coming back from the store I am beginning to wonder if it is a problem with the RCA connector. Some have a tab to the ground side that is held by a nut. If it were to become loose, all sorts of odd behavior could be happening. A lump of solder on that nut would not hurt, may help.
And, I am nearly ready to use the LCD display with my setup too. I am planning to use the parallel, but I do have a serial if that isn't available. After that, it is keyboard and mouse. Some people have had trouble with thinking the schematic showed the backside image, rather than the front side image of the PS/2 socket.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
·firmware on board! oh yeah! it has a RTC onboard as well.
·a USBTOSER will work 9600 baud 8bit 1 stop
·Up and running in no time via PC direct using a term program,just the thing for getting used to it ·and for updating the firmware if needed,The tutorial is very well done,even the Stamp got a mention,like Parallax ·These guy's have done their homework,everything you could want or need to get it working is here:
There's no reason -- that I can see -- why one couldn't connect an SD card directly to the Propeller; the work at the same voltage level and the Propeller certainly has the RAM to buffer data blocks to/from it.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Jon Williams Applications Engineer, Parallax
ONly 1 thing... no file system. Now, if you create your own, it's not an issue... BUT...
If you want to be able to xfer the contents between PC's and the uController, you will need to either devise and read FAT 12/16/32 or HACK out a method
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
You don't know the SD connector problems I have/had...
You guys are right, the file system is the pain in the butt too.
For my SD Datalogger (BTW prototype built and working! ) I settled on a simplied file system that would fit in the SX48.
It is FAT16, but only uses the 1st sector of the FAT so it is limited to 16 files.
If I hadn't already had it 95% done, I probably would have done it on the Propeller. The chip price is higher, but I wouldn't need an external 32K RAM chip.
There is plenty of info on the web, but it's all piecemeal and it takes quite a bit of work to "bring it all together".
Cheap 4-digit LED display with driver IC·
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Changing over to PAL from NTSC was·OK once I'd managed to find the appropriate mode·setting - a few comments in the examples where the mode value is set would have helped - or perhaps just PAL versions of the video based demos.
I ran through the PS/2 Mouse and keyboard interfacing examples, all very smooth, although the 'Keyboard_Demo' caught me out by being based on the Pin numbers for the Rev A demo board rather than the Rev B schematic I was copying.
I found the Propellor tool a little confusing at first, but very powerful and slick once I found my feet. My main problems were getting used to setting the 'Top object', once I got around that I found it great to use.
So onto todays experimentation - I connected up an Incremental Encoder and used the provided 'Rotary Encoder' sample to play around, as·the main·application I have for the propellor requires 4 high speed quadrature decoders on the device. It all worked OK. (I'm a bit suspicious of the timing numbers in·'Rotary Encoder' as I can't understand how it could take anything other than a multiple of 16 clocks per 'additional encoder' since it uses a wrlong in each UpdatePos loop - my cycle counts are 144 + 48(n-1) ).·One other detail·is it's INB support is only half implemented - there is still one INA present in the code.
I then tweaked the 'Rotary Encoder' sample around to match the interface that I required, and then dropped in·some assembler code that I sketched out about a month ago. Of course it didn't work the first time, but using the video output to display the values that were coming from the code made it straightforward to investigate·my problems:
· Problem 1: Lack of #'s on some of my direct JMP's. ARGH! I have a feeling that one is going to bite me forever.
· Problem 2: WAITPNE with wz appears to not alter the z flag·depending on the basic maths of the WAITPNE (INA & S)·term, so I assume that it just follows the overall (INA & S) != D expression in some way. I couldn't be sure what I would have expected from the instruction set information.
· Problem 3: PAR is readonly in the cog - pretty sensible really, but I hadn't figured that out.
Being a C and assembler programmer I was expecting to find Spin frustrating, but it seemed to just 'fit'. Debugging·using a spare Spin cog and the·video output·is great. The cog instruction set will take some getting used to, but it seems to be quite easy to write fast code in.
So I now have an 'Rotary Encoder' equivalent object that·provides 1 encoder per cog, with low current consumption·that should·fiollow·up to 2.5Million encoder counts per second at 80MHz, which is just what·my application needs.
I moved on the the 3 transistor design and soldered up an interface.
I will go through and check everything again
I am begining to wonder if I can verify serial port function. Is that hidden from view in the software?
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
(Older desktops usually have more 'standard' serial ports and works better. Laptops should be thrown at the designers of the chipsets used in them)
If you're using a laptop with a serial port, check that the FIFO is switched off, or better yet, use a decent FTDI-based USB-to-serial adapter...
Don't visit my new website...
The EEPROM used is a 24c256 I2C EEPROM, and those CAN be progammed from a BS2.
In theory, one could connect one to a BS2, run a program on it to dump a Spin program onto it, and then plug the EEPROM into the Propeller board...
(Except, you had a lack of EEPROMs, right?)
It wouldn't need to be much of a Spin program, just the Blinkled.Spin test program.
That's all that's needed to verify that the Propeller is running(or is that rotating?)
Don't visit my new website...
Did a quick test this morning with my Dell GX280 running XP SP2 and the discrete programmer. In my previous post I stated that I could not 'Identify' (F7) the propeller with my Edgeport/4 (this is a USB four serial port external adapter). What worked for me was the following:
1. Built in serial port on my GX280, actual 9 pin RS-232 port, connected to the discrete programmer.
2. An FDTI chip biased USB to serial adapter (a clone of one like what Parallax sells), connected to the discrete programmer.
Not to offend, I've attached a document that I refer to when I'm building something with transistors. I don't work with transistors enough to have this 'burned' into my memory so it serves as my 'cheat sheet'!
Hope this Helps!
Post Edited (Mike Cook) : 5/5/2006 11:27:08 AM GMT
· One thing I did notice Jon, The driver for the USBtoser is for XP.
· I,m one of those who have a 64bit banger,you cannot use a XP 32bit driver on one,
· The IDE works fine,the USB driver MUST be a 64bit one even if IDE uses the 32bit emulator!
· Not to fear,I found it at the USB FTDI chipsite.·· is·· for those who need it!
· I had some fun with the Doc,s(grin) click below to see bigger pic of the Sig one!
· Cheers Dennis
Post Edited (cocokiwi) : 5/5/2006 12:48:54 PM GMT
Mike Cook's transistor info is in agreement with mine. I suppose a power LED on the interface would be very helpful.
No USB2SER yets, so it is just plain old RS-232.
Is the USB a requirement in the scheme of things? I cannot find that stated anywhere.
Us backward people expect all good things to be backwardly compatible, but those days are rapidly disappearing.
As we all know there are a lot of items that could be preventing the serial connection.
It may well not be on the IDE side, but actually the breadboard and interface.
The main lesson here is that DIY construction can eat up days that might be better spent in programing.
I may reload the IDE as I completely lost an·unrelated·directory today for some unexplained reason.· Fortunately, I have a April copy in Norton Ghost.· But, it just isn't what anyone wants to see.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 5/5/2006 3:01:28 PM GMT
One way to test your discrete programmer would be to do a loop back test with it. With your Basic Stamp editor open, start a new debug window. Make sure DTR is unchecked, I believe it is by default. Then connect RX & TX together on the discrete programmer. Now type in the input line of the Basic Stamp debug window, you should see what your typing. If that works then you can be pretty sure that you have the transmit and receive circuits wired correctly. Now to test the DTR you will need a logic probe or a scope. When you check the DTR check box in the Basic Stamp debug window you should see a very short <100mS negative pulse on the RST line of the discrete programmer.
I believe one of the beta testers commented that if you build this on a plastic bread board it will be somewhat 'flaky' best bet is to use a chunk of perf board and try to keep the leads going to the Propeller chip as short as possible. From the picture of my Home Brew Demo Board, mine is on a 1.375" x 1.375" perf board and the connections to the Propeller chip are about 4" long. Once I figured out to use a real RS-232 port or a FDTI USB to serial adapter it has worked flawlessly.
Hope this helps.
P.S. You might want to check your BIOS settings for the serial port on your ASUS motherboard. I used to build a lot of 'clones', when you could make money at it, and my 'hard &·fast rule' was to nail down the serial port to whatever address & interrupt and not leave it in 'AUTO'
Post Edited (Mike Cook) : 5/5/2006 3:22:55 PM GMT
Everything is now working fine. F7 now shows a Propeller active.
This is the 'original 3·transistor arrangement' by Beau and NO USB at all.
No changes in resistances or capacitance values·either.
So,·I have to get the blinking LED to really feel I haven't damaged anything.
As usual, I will let it run a day or two. That makes me feel more secure.
Post Script.·· The Blinking LED is doing just fine at 4Mhz.· Callinging it a night.· And, now the FUN really, really begins....
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 5/5/2006 5:46:47 PM GMT
I wired up an LED to bit 27, tweaked BlinkLED for a 4 mHz crystal and IO bit 27, and it blinks!
It even saves to EEPROM, and boots BlinkyLED on powerup!
The EEPROM wouldn't work until I added the 10K from SDA to 3.3V. I saw the 10K on the clip circuit, and didn't know whether it was for the clip or the EEPROM, so when I wired the serial interface I left it off.
So at first, I only got an error message when trying to save to EEPROM.
But after adding the 10K, it all works! Yahoo!
·Shee! it's a Small world! My son turned 24 today May 7th and My 24th wedding anniversary is the 22nd....
Cheers to you all··· Dennis
... Phil, the PropStick is a great little board ... Jon the multi-cog BlinkLED really brings home Multi-Processing in a very simple demonstration .. Chip, your chip is awesome!
The IDE is pretty good for a 0.95 Beta ... and Spin just isn't gonna be that hard to learn ... I was playing with files and compiling (clean!)·and running variations on the programs·in very short order.
Tomorrow to wire up the TV out and hook up a serial LCD display, then convert the Parallax serial display object·to an Anderson ( LCD Serial controller. I will post that when·I get it working right.
cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
1) TV (miniature, so far)
2) Mouse (after revising the Demo board wiring)
3) VGA monitor (without a hitch!!) The connector was a bit of wiring, but the breadboard looks pretty good considering. And the display looks good on a 17" monitor, too. The True Type symbols look like some ancient language.
4) Next step: keyboard
So now that the question is, how can the Graphics_Demo program be modified to run on a VGA? Is a different Graphics driver needed? It doesn't seem obvious to me how to get from the TV version to a VGA version.
Jim C
The TV card in the computer is a great idea.
Why didn't I think of that.
Here I have been worrying about more desktop clutter with two video displays. I can use that for my workbench arrangement without much effort.
Then I can wait for the 2.5 VGA from Parallax. Already have extra keyboards and mice.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Yeah, the TV card idea works out nice. I have a Belkin USB Audio and Video dongle that I have used for the
video screen shots that I have posted.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Aha! I wondered how come your TV screen "photos" looked so nice while mine were coming out so crappy, with horizontal bars and moire' patterns out the gazoo. Makes perfect sense. I've even got a TV input card installed. 'Just have to use it!
I have been in a big rush to get video going, but I don't own a TV and really don't want one.
Also, I just found out that the VGA interface will require two· three·DACs and I don't want to mess with breadboarding such frequency sensitive stuff.
Besides, the demo board has nearly everything integrated. Things won't come unpluged and one can remain focused on the programing.
So for now, I am going to get a TV card; later I can option out to VGA when my demo board arrives -- probably that little 2.5" one.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 5/11/2006 5:43:44 AM GMT
modified the generic lcd driver bkp.000.spin for my scott edwards ILM-216..
even saved it to its own i can spawn a object off it
·had to go down to 2400 baud to get a good solid display thou... does the parallax 4x 16 lcd have any problems with the·serin being only 3 volts signal ??
The Parallax serial LCD is not intended to be connected to RS-232 levels, so there is no divider, hence it works fine with the 3.3v output of the Propeller.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
I can do things I never dreamed of a few months ago. What a big surprise.
I just came back from another shopping run.
I just got all the resistors for the video set ups in 1% tolerances [noparse][[/noparse]that is all they had]·and extra RCA connectors. Already have the PS/2 recepticles.
Yesterday I installed a very inexpensive TV box [noparse][[/noparse]has remote, but doesn't put the TV in a window on the computer] that sits between my VGA and the Computer. I didn't want to load more software drivers into my computer, so this is an all hardware outboard solution. It is a good one because suddenly my VGA is wonderfully clearer and I have both the coax for TV [noparse][[/noparse]have cable into my place] and the 3 RCAs for Video with stereo sound.
I have been reading the SPIN examples and have to say that is a Must for anyone and everyone. It really fills in the gaps.
Inaki was having trouble with his video and after coming back from the store I am beginning to wonder if it is a problem with the RCA connector. Some have a tab to the ground side that is held by a nut. If it were to become loose, all sorts of odd behavior could be happening. A lump of solder on that nut would not hurt, may help.
And, I am nearly ready to use the LCD display with my setup too. I am planning to use the parallel, but I do have a serial if that isn't available. After that, it is keyboard and mouse. Some people have had trouble with thinking the schematic showed the backside image, rather than the front side image of the PS/2 socket.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 5/11/2006 5:05:12 PM GMT
...not that that will slow me down much.
Nice looking product.
Yours, TDP, ml, msl, & pfpp
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
·Interesting programmable item·I just recieved
· uALFAT SD memory card reader/writer.
· 3.3 volts 50ma Internal Reg down to 1.8 v
·Mp-3 player ? Logger! very easy to use!
·something to play with
·firmware on board! oh yeah! it has a RTC onboard as well.
·a USBTOSER will work 9600 baud 8bit 1 stop
·Up and running in no time via PC direct using a term program,just the thing for getting used to it
·and for updating the firmware if needed,The tutorial is very well done,even the Stamp got a mention,like Parallax
·These guy's have done their homework,everything you could want or need to get it working is here:
··· for User Manual and Tutorial and diagrams!
·GHI don't sell directly,they deal through
·Now where is That Darn SD card,I know it,s here somewhere??
·cheers Dennis
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
ONly 1 thing... no file system. Now, if you create your own, it's not an issue... BUT...
If you want to be able to xfer the contents between PC's and the uController, you will need to either devise and read FAT 12/16/32 or HACK out a method
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
Of course it will be abstracted out so there's a getblock()/putblock() call at the low level and open/read/write/close
at the top.
And then there's the I/O. SPI mode initially and maybe later SD 4-bit mode.
My real problem is finding a socket for the things.
On the other hand I hate to duplicate other people's efforts.
You guys are right, the file system is the pain in the butt too.
For my SD Datalogger (BTW prototype built and working! ) I settled on a simplied file system that would fit in the SX48.
It is FAT16, but only uses the 1st sector of the FAT so it is limited to 16 files.
If I hadn't already had it 95% done, I probably would have done it on the Propeller. The chip price is higher, but I wouldn't need an external 32K RAM chip.
There is plenty of info on the web, but it's all piecemeal and it takes quite a bit of work to "bring it all together".
Cheap 4-digit LED display with driver IC·
"I reject your reality, and substitute my own." Mythbusters
Who says you have to have knowledge to use it?
I've killed a fly with my bare mind.