How's It Going?
The manual must be good (a tribute to Jeff), as it's been pretty quiet here since we released the Propeller Tool.· So what's happening, folks, any cool programs or·code snippets·to share yet?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
1. A package from Parallax...
2. Chapter 3 of the manual...
Don't visit my new website...
2. Playing with ExpressPCB laying out a hobby board for the Propeller.
3. Skimmed through the manuals, but can't get focused with out a chip!
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
1. Can F7 using my Home Brew Demo Board·and the USB2SER!
2. Can't F7 using the descrete programmer, will debug that later.
3. Can BlinkLed.spin stand alone mode!
So what I have here is a·working Home Brew Demo Board that·can be programmed with the USB2SER and can run standalone, so that means the EEPROM is wired correctly!
Cool! now to do the May N&V article!
Post Edited (Mike Cook) : 5/3/2006 5:01:48 PM GMT
· tix[noparse][[/noparse]reg] := ||value // lookupz(reg : 1000, 60, 60, 24, posx)
· case reg
··· 0 : tix := ||value // 1000
··· 1 : scs := ||value // 60
··· 2 : mns := ||value // 60
··· 3 : hrs := ||value // 24
··· 4 : dys := ||value
Cool, huh?· Like with any language, there is more than one way to skin a cat.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Well, lets see... I just completed my 2nd Digi Key order for more stuff (Oh heck, the Mrs is gonna get mad... but what the heck!)...
I've got 1 program in mind that will demonstrate the power of true parallel processing...
The maunal is great...
Man, I cant wait until my dev board is completed!...
(You guys are awesome!)
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Now to rig up some resistors to play with· TV.SPIN!
Having a BLAST!
I'm working on 1-Wire stuff today; had to set it aside for some other projects -- today's the day to make it work!
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
And I still need the pcb and some servos! I'm getting there... [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
BTY: It's been a very productive 30 minutes since my Propellers arrived, I think I need a beer to celebrate!
Post Edited (Mike Cook) : 5/3/2006 5:34:03 PM GMT
With the graphics demo.... If you have a Mouse plugged in, you can move the cross-hair in the middle.
You can also Pause or throw "Snowballs" with the mouse buttons!
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
I need 1-wire for my car-computer project...
(I'll use them as electronic door-keys)
I think I've figured out how to detect an iButton with the Propeller running at 1COG@20KHz(using Assembly), but implementing the entire 1-Wire protocol is a bit daunting...
(I've implemented a minimum version of it on my PDA, but there I 'cheated' and used a DS2480-based adapter)
Don't visit my new website...
Is the Propeller clip shown in manual page 1-5 equivalent to a USB2SER ?
I've got a PS/2 mouse jack but no PS/2 mouse handy right now. OOPS forgot about all the old stuff buried in the garage! I'll need to put my beer down and go 'brave' the garage, there must be a PS/2 mouse out there some where!
Right now having too much fun watching the Propeller composite output!
I need to work out a deal with Bean. I'll bet he can do some nifty overlay code using the Propeller.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Will the demo which "demonstrates the power of true parallel processing" be impressive enough to convince the Mrs of a worthy investment ? Maybe she'll get one too! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Back on topic, I'm going to call the distributor tomorrow and pray that A)They have a load of Propellers and that B)They saved a few for me like they said they would!
I suppose I will just re-read these docs for now..
Beware the pink squirrel!
I've got a Mini-Tanner's in my garage! Besides BGMICRO is closer, need to get off my butt and go scavenge around in the garage for some simple hardware!
Since I've got the Propeller up and running it's now time to dive down into the documentation & forums to experiment with some of the knowledge that has been provided.
It's been a banner day today, May 3, 2006:
1. 20th wedding anniversary today (May 3, 1986)!
2. Pool people are out starting the 'Big Dig'! (my wife's 20th anniversary present)
3. Propellers showed up today! (my birthday present from 03-30-06)
4. Big box of goodies from also arrived.
5. Notification of the arrival of 2200 GPS receivers + 1100 Active GPS antennas!
I'm a happy boy today!
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
The guinea pig (me) has been successful at loading Example 1 into EEPROM and running independently of all but power. My only complaint is if you will warranty my keyboard, as it has suffered from soldering iron rash, not PS2 though... [noparse]:)[/noparse]) The feeling is similar to that of taking a poop after a night of heavy partying!!! Sorry, but that one has been a long time coming.
It's bedtime in Europe, and I can sleep tight knowing my Propeller chip will not FRY when I turn the power on for the first time, or the next time, or the next time............
Thanks for the help so far!
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Now to pester the mailman.
Would love to see the 1wire stuff when you are done,
I'm about to post a bit of keypad code, hope it helps someone.
Ended up using a different serial port. Originally used one of the serial ports on my Edgeport/4, this has worked with all other Parallax Products in the past (Stamps, Javelin, & SX Key), used a generic FTDI biased USB to serial adapter connected to the discrete programmer.
The Propeller Tool can 'Identify' & 'Program' the chip with out any problems.
Post Edited (Mike Cook) : 5/4/2006 11:10:21 AM GMT
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
·I know I am an old fogey but upon an initial reading the single line code is cryptic and certainly not self documenting.· However, if it executes faster then great I would trade self documenting for speed any day and just add in my own comments.
Is there any decrease/increase in execution time?
..."Went back and checked the discrete programmer, this time it worked without any issues."...
..."The Propeller Tool can 'Identify' & 'Program' the chip with out any problems."...
I'm glad you got everything working.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
The chips arrived last Sunday, but I've been bogged down with buying missing parts and my own lack of information from not keeping up with the Forum.
I am certainly happy that the 'discrete programer' [noparse][[/noparse]aka Beau's 3 Transistor design / first version] is working as I cannot get any MAX3232 without placing a second order at Spark Fun [noparse][[/noparse]Mouser is backordered that item for 5 weeks].
I intend to try Chip's two transitor version first -- just because it seems that much less work to think about.
As I said before, I tend to get dyslexic with discrete transistors. I suspect many of us do.
I have everything in place except the Programing interface [noparse][[/noparse]including +5 and +3.3 supply, so I may have a confirmation tonight [noparse][[/noparse]the 'Identify & Program' routine] or in the next few days. [noparse][[/noparse]I have a busy work schedule tomorrow].
I am using a 4mHz crystal as I have yet to get the 5mHz, but apparently the serial interface for download of programing is not dependent on it being any set frequency.
For all the late comers, Mike Cook has been the earliest to start with the proto-board and an endless source of good insight.
Think I will also print out Chapter Four tonight. That should keep me up until 3am.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan