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Requests for threads to be moved — Parallax Forums

Requests for threads to be moved

VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,555
edited 2021-08-26 15:02 in Forth

Hi everyone!

We had a bunch of requests recently to move threads into different categories. (Particularly Forthspace at the moment, but sometimes other threads too!)

We would ask that only the original thread author makes the requests, as we would not like to move anything against the wishes of the thread author.

Of course feel free to submit requests for very old threads if you feel the author is not available, and we will try our best to accommodate.


  • All of my requests have been successfully processed.

  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2021-08-06 19:10

    You are quite welcome. Keep the requests coming if we missed anything.

  • @VonSzarvas said:
    Hi everyone!

    We had a bunch of requests recently to move threads into different categories. (Particularly Forthspace at the moment, but sometimes other threads too!)

    We would ask that only the original thread author makes the requests, as we would not like to move anything against the wishes of the thread author.

    Of course feel free to submit requests for very old threads if you feel the author is not available, and we will try our best to accommodate.

    Oh, I think I misunderstood @Publison 's post ( The plan was for me to suggest moving the entire thread when I flagged the first post. Now only that one post has been moved with a tag message.
    Please undo.
    I am very very very sorry. I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience.
    Actually I only wanted to help

  • VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,555
    edited 2021-08-09 12:14

    Hi @dnalor
    Could you share a link to the post that has been moved with a tag message. We can take a look straight away. (right click / copy-link-address on the date-stamp of the post, then paste that link here)

    Also, never feel you need to apologise for sharing customer feedback and ideas with us. This is what we love to hear, and it always helps us all one way or another.

    It was actually your flags that made us realise that only the author should be asking, or else we might upset someone!! We always start with the best intentions for the community, and I think together we figure out the right balance. We always appreciate everyone's help and care for the forums.

  • All the threads with 'FLAG:' in the title in Forthspace are copied because of my flags. There then is now only one post with 'dnalor reported a comment in....', where ... is the link to the flagged post.

  • OH That's not good! I see the issue, that the FLAG threads were moved, and not the actual threads.

    OK- I've tidied up the FLAG threads, and when I get home I'll look into the "dnalor reported a comment" thing, as I can't see that from my phone.
    I'll check in with Publison later too. If he had intended to move the actual threads then that's cool with me too. Please bear with us and we'll figure this out.

  • I should have double checked the threads after I moved them. Something new to put on the checklist.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,307
    edited 2021-08-12 00:58

    Roger and myself have a move request for splitting a new Prop2 topic from his DVI/VGA driver topic, as per

    Basically, every post from (inclusive) the one Roger has linked -

  • I have made a little search through the threads and found quite a few that, in my opinion, could easily fall under the ForthSpace category but have not yet made it there.
    These are easily recognizable as they contain Tachyon or TAQOZ in the title, so I kindly request @bob_g4bby and @ErNa and, now quiet on the forum, @"Peter Jakacki" to maybe review their threads and make requests, if they feel it's appropriate. As a last resort, I can make a joint request but rather prefer to ask the authors first.

  • Well since @"Peter Jakacki" is sadly not here anymore I think his main threads about Tachyon and Taqoz should be moved. Because they contain the most valuable information from the original author. Should even be sticky in the ForthSpace.

    I would not go for all his post, just the threads he created about FORTH. Not sure about P2D2 but he basically build this and did software in FORTH to support the added USB3 so even P2D2 MAY belong to the ForthSpace.


  • MaciekMaciek Posts: 683
    edited 2021-08-15 08:13

    I would leave the P2D2 thread in its present category. To me it's much more the hardware project than a Forth one. The P2D2 can live without TAQOZ support all right.
    And I still hope @"Peter Jakacki" returns here at some point. I know it seems like ages since he hasn't show up here but it's been only a few months.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069

    He’s still working on getting P2D2’s built - he is redoing the pcb to fix some production issues he has been having so there’s still hope.
    Once done I hope he’ll be back but he is enjoying the other forth forum.
    I speak to him most weeks.

  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796

    Feel free to move my forth threads to here 😊

  • Moderator, please move a bunch of threads @bob_g4bby has requested to be moved to ForthSpace. Thank you.

  • If you could point us to the list of urls, then happy to work through them. Even post here if you like. Im short on time to go searching, but can manage a simple list!!

  • Those 5 done. :)

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,307
    edited 2021-08-21 22:33

    Request for split of comments to new topic "Calculating PLL clock mode" in the Propeller2 forum from existing topic starting from comment through to comment

    PS; This is same request, but reworded, as above in post #9.

  • Too many posts to split with the access moderators have. You'd have to email parallax webmaster with that request.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,307

    Thanks for trying.

  • Hi, could I request this thread re-moved
    anomaly loop and um//

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