Word Glossary for Tachyon NEON V5
This is where to come for the current Word Glossary for Tachyon 5v7, an EEPROM resident forth system on the Parallax Propeller 1. When coding, it's suggested to keep the .pdf glossary open on your screen next to the terminal and use the bookmarks to jump to the various sections. e.g. Maths, Stack, Memory etc. The CTRL F shortcut is good for finding individual words.
The glossary is now at version 1.6 and was written in LibreOffice Writer (the .odt file is the original doc). All the public words are at the front, all the private words (internal words useful only within a code module) are at the back. For most programmers, the public words are all you need. If you spot any issues, would like changes or have some additions, this discussion is the place to tell us. The glossary will get up-issued to fill in any gaps as more is learnt about Tachyon. I've enjoyed overhauling the glossary - and it's good to contribute something back to the Tachyon community.
Useful Tachyon and TAQOZ links
Tachyon Encyclopedia
Tachyon Forth News
Tachyon Neon forum discussion
Tachyon Juno forum discussion
Tachyon Dawn forum discussion
ASCII table
Bob Edwards, ham radio operator and constructor G4BBY, SW U.K.
The glossary is now at version 1.6 and was written in LibreOffice Writer (the .odt file is the original doc). All the public words are at the front, all the private words (internal words useful only within a code module) are at the back. For most programmers, the public words are all you need. If you spot any issues, would like changes or have some additions, this discussion is the place to tell us. The glossary will get up-issued to fill in any gaps as more is learnt about Tachyon. I've enjoyed overhauling the glossary - and it's good to contribute something back to the Tachyon community.
Useful Tachyon and TAQOZ links
Tachyon Encyclopedia
Tachyon Forth News
Tachyon Neon forum discussion
Tachyon Juno forum discussion
Tachyon Dawn forum discussion
ASCII table
Bob Edwards, ham radio operator and constructor G4BBY, SW U.K.
Thanks for putting this together!
I've created multiple Google documents to make this easier to update and keep up-to-date. While the office document is easier to work with on the PC, it doesn't lend itself to viewing on a mobile device. Large google docs tend to be slow so what I've done is factored out all the extra stuff into other documents that are linked to in the main glossary. But there's also a lot of stuff that is not right at all for V5 since this glossary was borrowed from older bytecode versions, so I am in the process of fixing that up.
I'm finding that this smaller glossary is ideal for the beginner and the links to the sub-documents are all that we need. In which case we can link to documents dedicated to examples and demos etc. In which case the glossary becomes more of a user manual.
Tachyon Forth V5 Glossary (EDIT VERSION)
non-editable pubdoc version
I was reading the dictionary description that I had originally written some time back and it was talking about the msb of the attribute being set etc which was the case in previous versions. In fact the document that this glossary was based on I created back in 2014 and there have been a lot of changes. So there was that section and I also started checking right from the start with V5 running on a board. So I'm slowly going through each word and fixing up any discrepancies such as duplicates and non-existing words. I'm putting this into a google doc so that it's easier to collaborate on, but that does not prevent it from being recombined into an office document and pdf either.
So I'm trying to fix things up on my end and treating these online documents as a convenience if need be although they are convenient on my phone I notice.
Hi, Bob,

thank you for your work here! And thank you, for bringing this into foreground!
There is :=! in your document. In my opinion, the version in extend.fth does not work.
Hi Christof,
You are very welcome - I hope the glossaries have encouraged people to try out Tachyon and Taqoz.
Concerning :=! just check this and see if it works for you (there's a similar example in the glossary in the :=! comment field):-
Constants made with the := word cannot be changed in this way! Not the best syntax as := and :=! seem to be a set but aren't.
Cheers, Bob
I have downloaded the glossary linked in first post.
byte, long etc. are missing. That seems odd.
byte would hold 0 -255 (figured by the name)
long - well I haven't a clue as glossary is silent.
A list of all such words and range of values they can hold would be of value.
Any Programming 101 course in C or C++ will discuss such data types.
The K&R first mentions on page 9 int -32768 to +32768 yet Tachyon glossary is silent.
Are you aware, that both Tachyon and this glossary are written by people, who have invested many many hours and did not get any money for this???? I am writing this because of your tone.
word= 16 bit.
long= 32 bit.
Totally aware of that. But your comment doesn't address why such a fundamental building block would be missing.
Is that an offer from you to reach out and help with improving this glossary ?
I really would like to think so.
I'm just starting with the P1. I've been at FORTH for just a little more than a year. Previous FORTHs had the simple variable declaration. Tachyon does not. Then I learned byte to declare a byte sized variable. The others seem shrouded in mystery which is frustrating.
Please excuse "A fix is in order!" like I could ever demand anything from the FOUTH community.
That has been removed.
Hi @rwl7532 , Tachyon is a bit different, so I wrote the glossary for it. You may not be aware that the glossary has a 'Table of Contents' menu if you're reading it directly from github. After downloading the glossary and opening it in Acrobat Reader, you have to press the button highlighted with the red arrow to get the menu to appear (sometimes). 'Constants and Variables' is the section you want. Happy forthing - ask all the questions you need. If Tachyon gets you interested enough, I recommend trying Taqoz on the Propeller 2 - there's much more memory to play with, the processors are much faster, and Taqoz is better organised - but still non-standard. The P2 EVAL board is quite expensive for a hobbyist, but this lower cost board is nearly as good.

Cheers, Bob
P.S. This was one of my first glossaries and the headings are not in alphabetic order. Would folks like them rearranged or leave it as it is? The Taqoz glossary, written later, has all headings in alphabetic order.
@bob_g4bby Appreciate the response! My tablet pdf reader apparently lacks as there is no TOC when using it. It was there when I used my Ubuntu laptop! Nice! When I got to the CONSTANTS and VARIABLES section I couldn't help noticing (for instance) the range of values that byte holds is not included. Originally I thought byte held only positive values 0-255. I'm still learning!
I also will be looking for a better pdf reader for my tablet. Due to my eyesight, this tablet (Galaxy Tab S6 Lite) is my preferred.
@bob_g4bby I also would like to add that some glossaries or Tachyon summaries have a column headed CONSOLE EXAMPLES. Those really talk to me !