Playing around with some 3D printed ratchet wheels (ergo, the clicking sound). I slammed this simple 1-servo wiggle walker together in an hour today using paint sticks, a tongue depressor, super glue and an MG-995 servo (AKA the world's worst servo). Not a dead reckoning champion but decent results in 5 minutes of programming. Or should I say CODING, that seems to be the preferred buzzword these days.
Lets add some new entries here, @Whit @"Duane Degn" @"Ken Gracey" @xanadu @Martin_H !
This thread will be TEN YEARS OLD on Feb 21 and I think it deserves some love. Especially since Omicron is spreading rapidly and we may be locked down again soon. I'm doing my usual one-day visit to CES in Las Vegas tomorrow, hoping for an uneventful trip: 600 miles driving RT, leaving at 4:30 am. Might be my last trip for a while. They already shortened the show by 1 day because of Covid. New York Toy Fair (tentatively Feb 19-22) is crumbling, Hasbro and MGA just pulled out.
Bummer, but let's make the best of a bad situation. Start planning your figure 8 robot. Simple or complex, beginner or veteran.
No rules, there's no wrong way to do it. A figure 8 can be as simple as a 360 circle to the left, followed by one to the right. Anything CLOSE to a circle! Or anything 8-related, get creative! Martin_H had a robot arm draw a figure 8. We have a month and a half, what will YOU build?
First video is an ant robot I made for Minds-i with some Parallax parts.
Second video is the good BOE-Bot with laser Pings. Watch the lights on Pings when robot is in center between the tubes and trying to decide which way to go.
Very nice. I'm working on programming productivity tracker and after will be working on arcs for my stepper diff drive. I can say that servo steering would make that much easier to do.
This thread's tenth anniversary on Feb 21 coincides with President's Day this year, if that provides any inspiration to budding Figure-8 robot builders! Just 5 weeks away. Carol: feel free to figure-8 your way around two of Abe's top hats!
My favorite President's Day ad... who's your founding father?
What do I win for "First Figure 8 on 2022"? Beer nuts? Time to get this party started!
I just found this one-servo, passive-leg walker I started ~5 years ago and never finished. Perfect for jump-starting this thread for its upcoming 10th anniversary on Presidents Day. I had to "git her done" in an hour today, so it's very rough, but she did a figure 8! 8-ish anyway.
Chassis is a BS2 Homework board with passive (free-floating) legs attached. One servo underneath leans the walker left/right. Battery is an 18650 cell powerbank. Control here is a Picaxe but fear not, I'll make it legit BS2 at some point, that's the whole purpose here. 2 clamps added for weight give it an alligator look IMHO.
What's in your wallet? Rather, what will you "Figure 8" within the next month?
I was recently given a couple of BBC micro:bits and have started to tinker with them using Micropython. What fun, all the time on Spin made picking up Python pretty easy. And since Parallax has been selling these for awhile, I figured it was a good idea to use one in the Figure 8 Challenge.
Erco has a post about how to take one of his cheapo $5.00 Line Following Robots and convert it to use a microcontroller. It's a quick little board that plugs into the chip socket, and I was able to use it to connect to a micro:bit breakout board.
Perfect, Jeff! Awesome job and oh so timely since just six days remain before the tenth anniversary of the challenge on Feb 21. I plan to cobble at least one more entry togethrt by then.
Who else will rise up to answer the call this week?
And yes, I bought one! The Erco Figure Eight Challenge has probably increased global commerce!
Whit, at this point I'll settle for you walking a Figure 8 in your R2-D2 beanie.
That micro is a Nunya.
Challenge met at 0.21!
I'll be working on a new bot over break, hopefully a figure 8 is in the offing!
Beat you to it! I also did this with the FLiP, but lost the video! Ugh. Will re-shoot later.
Playing around with some 3D printed ratchet wheels (ergo, the clicking sound). I slammed this simple 1-servo wiggle walker together in an hour today using paint sticks, a tongue depressor, super glue and an MG-995 servo (AKA the world's worst servo). Not a dead reckoning champion but decent results in 5 minutes of programming. Or should I say CODING, that seems to be the preferred buzzword these days.
Lets add some new entries here, @Whit @"Duane Degn" @"Ken Gracey" @xanadu @Martin_H !
@erco - pretty accurate too!
BUMP! Been too long. Who's got something to share?
This thread will be ten years old on Feb 21. What will we do to celebrate?
How about a little classic rock!
You funny man, Whit! Whatcha gonna do to celebrate 10 years?
A 10th anniversary gift is, traditionally, made of tin or aluminum.
Sounds like tin robots and aluminum BoeBots are always in fashion with passion, and clashin' ...
This thread will be TEN YEARS OLD on Feb 21 and I think it deserves some love. Especially since Omicron is spreading rapidly and we may be locked down again soon. I'm doing my usual one-day visit to CES in Las Vegas tomorrow, hoping for an uneventful trip: 600 miles driving RT, leaving at 4:30 am. Might be my last trip for a while. They already shortened the show by 1 day because of Covid. New York Toy Fair (tentatively Feb 19-22) is crumbling, Hasbro and MGA just pulled out.
Bummer, but let's make the best of a bad situation. Start planning your figure 8 robot. Simple or complex, beginner or veteran.
No rules, there's no wrong way to do it. A figure 8 can be as simple as a 360 circle to the left, followed by one to the right. Anything CLOSE to a circle! Or anything 8-related, get creative! Martin_H had a robot arm draw a figure 8. We have a month and a half, what will YOU build?
Here's my first from Feb 29, 2012:
And 2014:
And one from 2007, predating this thread:
First video is an ant robot I made for Minds-i with some Parallax parts.

Second video is the good BOE-Bot with laser Pings. Watch the lights on Pings when robot is in center between the tubes and trying to decide which way to go.

Still fun to review. Great work, Carol!
Very nice. I'm working on programming productivity tracker and after will be working on arcs for my stepper diff drive. I can say that servo steering would make that much easier to do.
Steppers are big fun too!
This thread's tenth anniversary on Feb 21 coincides with President's Day this year, if that provides any inspiration to budding Figure-8 robot builders! Just 5 weeks away. Carol: feel free to figure-8 your way around two of Abe's top hats!
My favorite President's Day ad... who's your founding father?
What do I win for "First Figure 8 on 2022"? Beer nuts? Time to get this party started!
I just found this one-servo, passive-leg walker I started ~5 years ago and never finished. Perfect for jump-starting this thread for its upcoming 10th anniversary on Presidents Day. I had to "git her done" in an hour today, so it's very rough, but she did a figure 8! 8-ish anyway.
Chassis is a BS2 Homework board with passive (free-floating) legs attached. One servo underneath leans the walker left/right. Battery is an 18650 cell powerbank. Control here is a Picaxe but fear not, I'll make it legit BS2 at some point, that's the whole purpose here. 2 clamps added for weight give it an alligator look IMHO.
What's in your wallet? Rather, what will you "Figure 8" within the next month?
Don't forget this thread's 10-year anniversary on Feb 21... let's see some new Figure 8s! @"Carol Hazlett" @Whit @xanadu @Martin_H
And Feb 7 is National Love Your Robot Day!
Me, I'm loving Rick100's 3D printed Silent Running drones. Dudes is awesome and his files are available on Thingiverse!
A one-motor IR-controlled robot from Rick100, very well done & documented, also on Thingiverse.
Cool stepper bot. Perhaps I can whip something up for 2022!
Most excellent, Jon! Now if we can build a fire under my other hero @"Duane Degn" !
I was recently given a couple of BBC micro:bits and have started to tinker with them using Micropython. What fun, all the time on Spin made picking up Python pretty easy. And since Parallax has been selling these for awhile, I figured it was a good idea to use one in the Figure 8 Challenge.
Erco has a post about how to take one of his cheapo $5.00 Line Following Robots and convert it to use a microcontroller. It's a quick little board that plugs into the chip socket, and I was able to use it to connect to a micro:bit breakout board.
Here's my shot at the challenge:
Perfect, Jeff! Awesome job and oh so timely since just six days remain before the tenth anniversary of the challenge on Feb 21. I plan to cobble at least one more entry togethrt by then.
Who else will rise up to answer the call this week?
@Whit @"Duane Degn" @xanadu @Martin_H @tommytailspin @"Carol Hazlett"
Thanks! Lots of time spent figuring out how to deal with the two motors that are just slightly different in speed.
Yup, I saw that slight rightward curve. Nicely compensated, Boss!