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How to coordinate with Smartpin in NCO mode? IN not working? — Parallax Forums

How to coordinate with Smartpin in NCO mode? IN not working?

RaymanRayman Posts: 15,013
edited 2019-01-14 15:40 in Propeller 2
I have pin#1 toggling using Smartpin in NCO mode like this:
'Turn on pixel clock
            mov     x,##SmartMode
            wrpin   x,#PClkPin
            mov     x,##$0D  '1.2 MHz with $0D, 9.62 MHz with wypin=$8000_0000
            wxpin   x,#PClkPin
            mov     x,##$1000_0000'8000_0000  'Toggle every n base period
            wypin   x,#PClkPin
            dirh    #PClkPin

Then, I'm trying to make pin#0 follow the output using testp on the smartpin like this:
            testp   #PClkPin wc 
    if_nc   drvh    #DePin
    if_c    drvl    #DePin                                                        
            jmp     #TestLoop

Doesn't work though, seems in on smartpin is always high...
What am I doing wrong?


  • ElectrodudeElectrodude Posts: 1,671
    edited 2019-01-14 18:43
    The IN, OUT, and DIR lines of a pin don't mean what they normally mean when the smartpin is in a non-zero mode. See the smartpin documentation for what they do mean in each mode. It would seem from the documentation that IN is raised on every accumulator overflow and drops again when you AKPIN or WRPIN the pin.

    Also, unrelated to your problem, you can replace this:
        if_nc   drvh    #DePin
        if_c    drvl    #DePin
    with this:
                drvnc    #DePin

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 15,013
    Thanks! Akpin (new name, right?) is what I needed to do. That wasn't so clear...
    This now produces a pulse on DePin every time PClkPin goes low:
                testp   #PClkPin wc 
                akpin   #PClkPin
                drvc    #DePin                                                      
                jmp     #TestLoop
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 15,013
    I may need to try bit-banging the pixel clock too...

    This works fine at 1 MHz, but at 10 MHz only catches every 5th pulse:
                testp   #PClkPin wc 
                drvc    #DePin   
                akpin   #PClkPin                                                   
                jmp     #TestLoop
  • @rayman

    You can use the smart pin input selector to read the output state of neighbor pins.
    From the smart pin docs:


    %AAAA: ‘A’ input selector

    0xxx = true (default)
    1xxx = inverted
    x000 = this pin’s read state (default)
    x001 = relative +1 pin’s read state
    x010 = relative +2 pin’s read state
    x011 = relative +3 pin’s read state
    x100 = this pin’s OUT bit from cogs
    x101 = relative -3 pin’s read state
    x110 = relative -2 pin’s read state
    x111 = relative -1 pin’s read state
    Here's an example of reading a smart pins output state.
    dat	org
    	hubset	#1		'rcslow
    	wrpin	#%1_00110_0,#56	'nco frequency mode
    	wxpin	##10000,#56	'base period
    	wypin	##$80000000,#56
    	dirh	#56
    	wrpin	##%1111 << 28,#57	'input selector = inverted, pin - 1
    	rep	#2,#0			'repeat forever
    	testp	#57 wc			'get pin 56 state
    	drvc	#59			'send inverted state to pin 59
  • @ozpropdev

    I am looking at the smart pin codes. I noted that you wrote:

    wrpin #%1_00110_0,#56 'nco frequency mode
    wxpin ##10000,#56 'base period
    wypin ##$80000000,#56

    This is in the docs:


    I have seen in the forums what you wrote as well as something like this:

    prng = %0000_0000_000_10100_00000000_01_00001_0
    dither = %0000_0000_000_10100_00000000_01_00010_0 ' remember to wypin
    dither_pwm = %0000_0000_000_10100_00000000_01_00011_0 ' remember to wypin
    dac = %0000_0000_000_10100_00000000_00_00000_0

    What is the easiest way or what of the aaaa,bbbb,fff,pppp etc can I leave out?

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,307
    edited 2019-07-14 01:37
    The M field, plus the end zero, (the right most six bits) is the smartpin mode select. Everything else is non-smartpin.

    The T field is often needed to force the pin's DIR high when using a smartpin. This is because the cog's DIR is now controlling the smartpin instead of the pin directly.

    The P field is the most complex, it defines the pin config of the custom pins. All the interface attributes like pull-up resistors and switching on the ADC.

    Fields A, B and F work together in selecting digital input sources. Input selector A works for cogs as well but only smartpins can see B. F applies to both A and B.
  • pilot0315 wrote: »
    What is the easiest way or what of the aaaa,bbbb,fff,pppp etc can I leave out?

    For clarity all the bit fields were shown.
    You can remove all the leading zeros.
    prng = %10100_00000000_01_00001_0
      dither = %10100_00000000_01_00010_0    ' remember to wypin
      dither_pwm = %10100_00000000_01_00011_0    ' remember to wypin
      dac  = %10100_00000000_00_00000_0

  • @evanh
    Thank you. I will experiment with the information.
    I will let you know.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,307
    edited 2020-04-27 12:18
    Here's my latest "ASCII art" block diagram:
    ***   Guide of where WRPIN config bits are used   ***
    All cogs share the one-per-pin mode config registers.
                .......................                      :               ..........................
                : Custom I/O Pad Ring :                      :               : Synthesised Core Logic :
                '''''''''''''''''''''''                      :               ''''''''''''''''''''''''''
                                                             :                             CogDAC (Streamers/Cogs)
                                                             :          [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]<============================= cog0
                                                             :          [             ]<============================= cog1
                           [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]                   :          [   DAC bus   ]<============================= cog2
                    |      [  Flash DAC  ]<=============================[   select    ]<============================= cog3
                    |<-----[   Network   ]                   :          [             ]<============================= cog4
                    |      [   (%P...P)  ]                   :          [   (%P...P)  ]<============================= cog5
                    |      [             ]<-                 :          [             ]<============================= cog6
                    |      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]  |                :          [             ]<============================= cog7
                    |                       |                :          [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]<===\\
                    |                       |                :               ^             ||
                    |      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]  |                :               |   ------------------------------------- RND
                    |      [ Logic Drive ]<-+-------------   :        BitDAC |  | Other    ||
    [%%%%%%%%]      |<-----[   (%P...P)  ]                |  :               |  v          ||SmartDAC
    [        ]      |      [             ]<-------------  |  :          [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]    ||
    [Physical]      |      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]              | |  :   Enable [             ]<------------------------------ OUT
    [ Even # ]------+            ^                      |  -------------[    Logic    ]    ||
    [ Pin Pad]      |            |                      |    :   Output [    Output   ]<---------------------------+-- DIR
    [        ]      |             -----------            --------+------[             ]    ||                      |
    [%%%%%%%%]      |                        |               :   |      [    (%TT)    ]    ||    [%%%%%%%%%%%%]    |
                    |                        |               :   |      [  (%MMMMM_0) ]    \\====[            ]    |
                    |                        |               :   | OUTin[             ]          [   Even #   ]<---
                    |      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]   |               :   |   ---[             ]<---------[  Smartpin  ]
           (Self)   | PinA [  Comparator ]   |               :   |  |   [%%%%%%%%%%%%%] SmartOUT [ (%MMMMM_0) ]
                    +----->[   & Logic   ]   |               :   |  |                            [            ]
           (Pair)   | PinB [  & Schmitt  ]   |               :   |  |                            [  (X reg)===]<==== WXPIN
                  -------->[  (%P...P)   ]---+ Input         :   |  |     -1  -2  -3             [  (Y reg)===]<==== WYPIN
                 |  |      [             ]   |               :   |  |      |   |   |             [  (Z reg)===]====> RDPIN
                 |  |      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]   |               :   |  |      v   v   v             [            ]
                 |  |                        |               :   |  |   [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]  SmartA  [            ]
                 |  |                        |   [%%%%%%%%]  :   |   -->[    Mux &    ]--------->[---o----o---]-------> IN
                 |  |      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]    -->[   Mux  ]  :   |      [  De-glitch  ]  SmartB  [  (M == 0)  ]
                 |  |      [ Sigma-Delta ]       [(%P...P)]------------>[   (A_B_F)   ]--------->[            ]
                 |  +----->[     ADC     ]------>[        ]  :   |      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]          [            ]<------ ACK
                 |  |      [  (%P...P)   ]       [%%%%%%%%]  :   |         ^   ^   ^             [  USB brain ]
                 |  |      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]                   :   |         |   |   |             [%%%%%%%%%%%%]
                 |  |                                        :   |        +1  +2  +3
                 |  |                                        :   |
                 |  |                                        :   |
                 |  |                                        :   |                         CogDAC (Streamers/Cogs)
                 |  |                                        :   |      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]<============================= cog0
                 |  |                                        :   |      [             ]<============================= cog1
                 |  |      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]                   :   |      [   DAC bus   ]<============================= cog2
                 |  |      [  Flash DAC  ]<=============================[   select    ]<============================= cog3
                 |<--------[   Network   ]                   :   |      [             ]<============================= cog4
                 |  |      [   (%P...P)  ]                   : __|__    [   (%P...P)  ]<============================= cog5
                 |  |      [             ]<-                 : \   /    [             ]<============================= cog6
                 |  |      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]  |                :  \ /     [             ]<============================= cog7
                 |  |                       |                :   O      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]<===\\
                 |  |                       |                :   |              ^          ||
                 |  |      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]  |                :    -----------   |          ||
                 |  |      [ Logic Drive ]<-+-------------   :         Other |  |BitDAC    || SmartDAC
    [%%%%%%%%]   |<--------[   (%P...P)  ]                |  :               v  |          ||
    [        ]   |  |      [             ]<-------------  |  :          [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]    ||
    [Physical]   |  |      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]              | |  :   Enable [             ]<------------------------------ OUT
    [ Odd #  ]---+  |            ^                      |  -------------[    Logic    ]    ||
    [ Pin Pad]   |  |            |                      |    :   Output [    Output   ]<---------------------------+-- DIR
    [        ]   |  |             -----------            ---------------[             ]    ||                      |
    [%%%%%%%%]   |  |                        |               :          [    (%TT)    ]    ||    [%%%%%%%%%%%%]    |
                 |  |                        |               :          [  (%MMMMM_0) ]    \\====[            ]    |
                 |  |                        |               :    OUTin [             ]          [   Odd #    ]<---
                 |  |      [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]   |               :       ---[             ]<---------[  Smartpin  ]
           (Pair)|  | PinB [  Comparator ]   |               :      |   [%%%%%%%%%%%%%] SmartOUT [ (%MMMMM_0) ]
                 |   ----->[   & Logic   ]   |               :      |                            [            ]
           (Self)|    PinA [  & Schmitt  ]   |               :      |                            [  (X reg)===]<==== WXPIN
                 +-------->[  (%P...P)   ]---+ Input         :      |     -1  -2  -3             [  (Y reg)===]<==== WYPIN
                 |         [             ]   |               :      |      |   |   |             [  (Z reg)===]====> RDPIN
                 |         [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]   |               :      |      v   v   v             [            ]
                 |                           |               :      |   [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]  SmartA  [            ]
                 |                           |   [%%%%%%%%]  :       -->[    Mux &    ]--------->[---o----o---]-------> IN
                 |         [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]    -->[   Mux  ]  :          [  De-glitch  ]  SmartB  [  (M == 0)  ]
                 |         [ Sigma-Delta ]       [(%P...P)]------------>[   (A_B_F)   ]--------->[            ]
                  -------->[     ADC     ]------>[        ]  :          [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]          [            ]<------ ACK
                           [  (%P...P)   ]       [%%%%%%%%]  :             ^   ^   ^             [ USB passive]
                           [%%%%%%%%%%%%%]                   :             |   |   |             [%%%%%%%%%%%%]
                                                             :            +1  +2  +3
                .......................                      :               ..........................
                : Custom I/O Pad Ring :                      :               : Synthesised Core Logic :
                '''''''''''''''''''''''                      :               ''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    And to go with it, the P field write up is here -

    EDIT: Added DAC paths to block diagram
    EDIT2: Now shows DAC and ADC and comparator locations
    EDIT3: Named a separate SMART_OUT after finding that OUT can be looped back as an input while the smartpin is the output without being circular
    EDIT4: Typo correction: Was two "odds"
    EDIT5: Rearrange "Other"
    EDIT6: Updated with corrections after Chip provided more details -
    EDIT7: Added X, Y and Z registers to smartpin
    EDIT8: Added DAC Enable and smartpin ACK
    EDIT9: Updated to latest -
  • Hey guys I think I am getting it. Let you know.
  • evanh wrote: »
    Here's my latest "ASCII art" block diagram:
    ***   Guide of where WRPIN config bits are used   ***
    All cogs share the one-per-pin mode config registers.
                                     ----------------------------------------------------------------- RND
                                    |        :
                                    |        :                            COG_DAC (Streamers/Cogs)
                                    |        :          [=============]<----------------------------- cog0
                               Other|        :          [             ]<----------------------------- cog1
                                    |        :          [   DAC bus   ]<----------------------------- cog2
                                    |        :          [   select    ]<----------------------------- cog3
                                    v        :          [             ]<----------------------------- cog4
                           [=============]   : DAC_MODE [             ]<----------------------------- cog5
                           [  Flash DAC  ]<-------------[   (%P...P)  ]<----------------------------- cog6
                           [   Network   ]   :          [    (%TT)    ]<----------------------------- cog7
    [========]             [             ]   :          [  (%MMMMM_0) ]
    [        ]<------------[   (%P...P)  ]   :          [             ]<------------------------------ OUT
    [Physical]             [             ]   :  driveH  [             ]<---------------------------+-- DIR
    [  Even  ]             [             ]<-------------[ Logic Output]                            |
    [  Pin   ]             [  Pin Output ]   :  driveL  [             ] SMART_DAC[============]    |
    [        ]------       [             ]<-------------[             ]<---------[            ]    |
    [========]      |      [=============]   :          [             ] SMART_OUT[            ]<---
                    |            |  ^        :      ----[             ]<---------[            ]
                    |            |  |        :     |    [=============]          [            ]
                    |    COMP_DAC|  |Feed    :     |                             [            ]
                    |            |  |back    :     |                             [   Odd #    ]
                    |            v  |        :  OUT|      -1  -2  -3             [  Smartpin  ]
                    |      [=============]   :     |       |   |   |             [ (%MMMMM_0) ]
                    | PinB [  Comparator ]   :     |       v   v   v             [            ]
                  -------->[             ]   :     |    [=============]      A   [            ]
                 |  | PinA [   (%P...P)  ]   :      --->[ Logic Input ]--------->[---o----o---]-------> IN
                 |  +----->[             ]   :          [  (%A_B_F)   ]      B   [  (M == 0)  ]
                 |  |      [  Pin Input  ]------------->[             ]--------->[            ]
                 |  |      [             ]   :          [=============]          [            ]
                 |  |      [ Sigma-Delta ]   :             ^   ^   ^             [============]
                 |  |      [     ADC     ]   :             |   |   |
                 |  |      [=============]   :            +1  +2  +3
                 |  |                        :
                 |  |                        :
                 |  |                        :                            COG_DAC (Streamers/Cogs)
                 |  |                        :          [=============]<----------------------------- cog0
                 |  |        |\              :          [             ]<----------------------------- cog1
                 |  +--------| |O--- Other   :          [   DAC bus   ]<----------------------------- cog2
                 |  |        |/     |        :          [   select    ]<----------------------------- cog3
                 |  |               v        :          [             ]<----------------------------- cog4
                 |  |      [=============]   : DAC_MODE [             ]<----------------------------- cog5
                 |  |      [  Flash DAC  ]<-------------[   (%P...P)  ]<----------------------------- cog6
                 |  |      [   Network   ]   :          [    (%TT)    ]<----------------------------- cog7
                 |  |      [             ]   :          [  (%MMMMM_0) ]
                 |  |      [   (%P...P)  ]   :          [             ]<------------------------------ OUT
    [========]   |  |      [             ]   :  driveH  [             ]<---------------------------+-- DIR
    [        ]<------------[             ]<-------------[ Logic Output]                            |
    [Physical]   |  |      [  Pin Output ]   :  driveL  [             ] SMART_DAC[============]    |
    [  Odd   ]   |  |      [             ]<-------------[             ]<---------[            ]    |
    [  Pin   ]   |  |      [=============]   :          [             ] SMART_OUT[            ]<---
    [        ]---+  |            |  ^        :      ----[             ]<---------[            ]
    [========]   |  |            |  |        :     |    [=============]          [            ]
                 |  |    COMP_DAC|  |Feed    :     |                             [            ]
                 |  |            |  |back    :     |                             [   Odd #    ]
                 |  |            v  |        :  OUT|      -1  -2  -3             [  Smartpin  ]
                 |  |      [=============]   :     |       |   |   |             [ (%MMMMM_0) ]
                 |  |      [  Comparator ]   :     |       v   v   v             [            ]
                 |  |      [             ]   :     |    [=============]      A   [            ]
                 |  | PinB [   (%P...P)  ]   :      --->[ Logic Input ]--------->[---o----o---]-------> IN
                 |   ----->[             ]   :          [  (%A_B_F)   ]      B   [  (M == 0)  ]
                 |    PinA [  Pin Input  ]------------->[             ]--------->[            ]
                  -------->[             ]   :          [=============]          [            ]
                           [ Sigma-Delta ]   :             ^   ^   ^             [============]
                           [     ADC     ]   :             |   |   |
                           [=============]   :            +1  +2  +3
                .......................      :               ..........................
                : Custom I/O Pad Ring :      :               : Synthesised Core Logic :
                '''''''''''''''''''''''      :               ''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    And to go with it, the P field write up:
    WRPIN   {#}D,{#}S	Write D to mode register of smart pin S[5:0], acknowledge smart pin.
       bit 30    25     20   15   10      5     0
            |     |      |    |    |      |     |
     2    1    1
     0    5    0
    %PPPPPPPPPPPPP: low-level custom pin control (for engineering sample die)
    	common labelling of pin config bits
    		%C = clocked I/O (extra clock for IN and OUT)
    		%I = invert IN output
    		%O = invert OUT input
    		%HHH/LLL = digital out drive strength
    			000: Fast
    			001: 1k5R
    			010: 15kR
    			011: 150kR
    			100: 1mA
    			101: 100uA
    			110: 10uA
    			111: Float
    		PinA is specified pin number
    		PinB is PinA's odd/even pair
             0      5    0
    	%0_VVV_CIOHHHLLL = Digital mode (default = %0000000000000)
    		DIR enables PinA digital output
    		%VVV = Digital config
    			000: IN = PinA logic, PinA output from OUT
    			001: IN = PinA logic, PinA output from IN
    			010: IN = PinB logic, PinA output from IN
    			011: IN = PinA schmitt, PinA output from OUT
    			100: IN = PinA schmitt, PinA output from IN
    			101: IN = PinB schmitt, PinA output from IN
    			110: IN = PinA > PinB comparator, PinA output from OUT
    			111: IN = PinA > PinB comparator, PinA output from IN
             0     5     0
    	%100_VVV_OHHHLLL = ADC_MODE, first order sigma-delta
    		IN has bitstream, sysclock bitrate, for smartpin mode %01111 (Y=0)
    		OUT is PinA digital output, clocked
    		DIR enables PinA digital output
    		%VVV = ADC config instruction
    			000: GIO, 1x (~5 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
    			001: VIO, 1x       "
    			010: PinB, 1x      "
    			011: PinA, 1x      "
    			100: PinA, 3.16x (~1.58 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
    			101: PinA, 10x   (~0.5 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
    			110: PinA, 31.6x (~0.158 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
    			111: PinA, 100x  (~0.05 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
             0      5    0
    	%101_VV_DDDDDDDD = DAC_MODE (%TT = 00 and %MMMMM = 00000), 8-bit flash
    		OUT enables PinA ADC (ADC config %011), sysclocked bitstream on IN
    		DIR enables PinA DAC output
    		%VV = PinA DAC config
    			00: 990 ohm, 3.3 volt range
    			01: 600 ohm, 2.0 volt range
    			10: 123.75 ohm, 3.3 volt range
    			11: 75 ohm, 2.0 volt range
    		%DDDDDDDD = DAC level
    		for %TT = %01 and %MMMMM = %00000, %101_VV_xxxxSSSS = COG_DAC mode
    			%SSSS = Cog/streamer select: sets DAC level (registered?)
    		for %00000 < %MMMMM < %00100 = SMART_DAC mode
    			DIR/IN are usual smartpin ctrl
    			%DDDDDDDD ignored, smartpin sets DAC level (registered?)
    		for %MMMMM >= %00100 or (%TT = %1x and %MMMMM = %00000) = BIT_DAC mode
    			OUT sets DAC level (clocked?, ADC disabled?, IN = ?)
    				0: 0 = GIO level
    				1: %DDDDDDDD
             0      5    0
    	%11_VV_CDDDDDDDD = COMP_DAC comparator mode
    		DIR enables PinA digital output
    		%VV = Comparator config
    			00: IN = PinA > D, PinA driven by 1k5R from OUT
    			01: IN = PinA > D, PinA driven by 1k5R from !IN
    			10: IN = PinB > D, PinA driven by 1k5R from IN
    			11: IN = PinB > D, PinA driven by 1k5R from !IN
    		%DDDDDDDD = DAC level for internal analogue compare

    EDIT: Added DAC paths to block diagram.
    EDIT2: Now shows DAC and ADC and comparator locations.
    EDIT3: Named a separate SMART_OUT after finding that OUT can be looped back as an input while the smartpin is the output without being circular.
    Nice! That clears some of my doubts. One DAC and one ADC per pin! That's brutal (in a very good way).

    That made my day! You helped me a lot.

    Kind regards, Samuel Lourenço
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,307
    Nice to hear, thanks.

    True, the prop2 can't be called minimalistic quite like the prop1 was. And the hardware config bits has grown numerous. But the symmetries that the prop1 had are still there, even in the new hardware, leading to plenty of mix and match possibilities.

  • evanh wrote: »
    Here's my latest "ASCII art" block diagram:
    ***   Guide of where WRPIN config bits are used   ***
    All cogs share the one-per-pin mode config registers.
                                     ----------------------------------------------------------------- RND
                                    |        :
                                    |        :                            COG_DAC (Streamers/Cogs)
                                    |        :          [=============]<----------------------------- cog0
                               Other|        :          [             ]<----------------------------- cog1
                                    |        :          [   DAC bus   ]<----------------------------- cog2
                                    |        :          [   select    ]<----------------------------- cog3
                                    v        :          [             ]<----------------------------- cog4
                           [=============]   : DAC_MODE [             ]<----------------------------- cog5
                           [  Flash DAC  ]<-------------[   (%P...P)  ]<----------------------------- cog6
                           [   Network   ]   :          [    (%TT)    ]<----------------------------- cog7
    [========]             [             ]   :          [  (%MMMMM_0) ]
    [        ]<------------[   (%P...P)  ]   :          [             ]<------------------------------ OUT
    [Physical]             [             ]   :  driveH  [             ]<---------------------------+-- DIR
    [  Even  ]             [             ]<-------------[ Logic Output]                            |
    [  Pin   ]             [  Pin Output ]   :  driveL  [             ] SMART_DAC[============]    |
    [        ]------       [             ]<-------------[             ]<---------[            ]    |
    [========]      |      [=============]   :          [             ] SMART_OUT[            ]<---
                    |            |  ^        :      ----[             ]<---------[            ]
                    |            |  |        :     |    [=============]          [            ]
                    |    COMP_DAC|  |Feed    :     |                             [            ]
                    |            |  |back    :     |                             [   Odd #    ]
                    |            v  |        :  OUT|      -1  -2  -3             [  Smartpin  ]
                    |      [=============]   :     |       |   |   |             [ (%MMMMM_0) ]
                    | PinB [  Comparator ]   :     |       v   v   v             [            ]
                  -------->[             ]   :     |    [=============]      A   [            ]
                 |  | PinA [   (%P...P)  ]   :      --->[ Logic Input ]--------->[---o----o---]-------> IN
                 |  +----->[             ]   :          [  (%A_B_F)   ]      B   [  (M == 0)  ]
                 |  |      [  Pin Input  ]------------->[             ]--------->[            ]
                 |  |      [             ]   :          [=============]          [            ]
                 |  |      [ Sigma-Delta ]   :             ^   ^   ^             [============]
                 |  |      [     ADC     ]   :             |   |   |
                 |  |      [=============]   :            +1  +2  +3
                 |  |                        :
                 |  |                        :
                 |  |                        :                            COG_DAC (Streamers/Cogs)
                 |  |                        :          [=============]<----------------------------- cog0
                 |  |        |\              :          [             ]<----------------------------- cog1
                 |  +--------| |O--- Other   :          [   DAC bus   ]<----------------------------- cog2
                 |  |        |/     |        :          [   select    ]<----------------------------- cog3
                 |  |               v        :          [             ]<----------------------------- cog4
                 |  |      [=============]   : DAC_MODE [             ]<----------------------------- cog5
                 |  |      [  Flash DAC  ]<-------------[   (%P...P)  ]<----------------------------- cog6
                 |  |      [   Network   ]   :          [    (%TT)    ]<----------------------------- cog7
                 |  |      [             ]   :          [  (%MMMMM_0) ]
                 |  |      [   (%P...P)  ]   :          [             ]<------------------------------ OUT
    [========]   |  |      [             ]   :  driveH  [             ]<---------------------------+-- DIR
    [        ]<------------[             ]<-------------[ Logic Output]                            |
    [Physical]   |  |      [  Pin Output ]   :  driveL  [             ] SMART_DAC[============]    |
    [  Odd   ]   |  |      [             ]<-------------[             ]<---------[            ]    |
    [  Pin   ]   |  |      [=============]   :          [             ] SMART_OUT[            ]<---
    [        ]---+  |            |  ^        :      ----[             ]<---------[            ]
    [========]   |  |            |  |        :     |    [=============]          [            ]
                 |  |    COMP_DAC|  |Feed    :     |                             [            ]
                 |  |            |  |back    :     |                             [   Odd #    ]
                 |  |            v  |        :  OUT|      -1  -2  -3             [  Smartpin  ]
                 |  |      [=============]   :     |       |   |   |             [ (%MMMMM_0) ]
                 |  |      [  Comparator ]   :     |       v   v   v             [            ]
                 |  |      [             ]   :     |    [=============]      A   [            ]
                 |  | PinB [   (%P...P)  ]   :      --->[ Logic Input ]--------->[---o----o---]-------> IN
                 |   ----->[             ]   :          [  (%A_B_F)   ]      B   [  (M == 0)  ]
                 |    PinA [  Pin Input  ]------------->[             ]--------->[            ]
                  -------->[             ]   :          [=============]          [            ]
                           [ Sigma-Delta ]   :             ^   ^   ^             [============]
                           [     ADC     ]   :             |   |   |
                           [=============]   :            +1  +2  +3
                .......................      :               ..........................
                : Custom I/O Pad Ring :      :               : Synthesised Core Logic :
                '''''''''''''''''''''''      :               ''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    And to go with it, the P field write up:
    WRPIN   {#}D,{#}S	Write D to mode register of smart pin S[5:0], acknowledge smart pin.
       bit 30    25     20   15   10      5     0
            |     |      |    |    |      |     |
     2    1    1
     0    5    0
    %PPPPPPPPPPPPP: low-level custom pin control (for engineering sample die)
    	common labelling of pin config bits
    		%C = clocked I/O (extra clock for IN and OUT)
    		%I = invert IN output
    		%O = invert OUT input
    		%HHH/LLL = digital out drive strength
    			000: Fast
    			001: 1k5R
    			010: 15kR
    			011: 150kR
    			100: 1mA
    			101: 100uA
    			110: 10uA
    			111: Float
    		PinA is specified pin number
    		PinB is PinA's odd/even pair
             0      5    0
    	%0_VVV_CIOHHHLLL = Digital mode (default = %0000000000000)
    		DIR enables PinA digital output
    		%VVV = Digital config
    			000: IN = PinA logic, PinA output from OUT
    			001: IN = PinA logic, PinA output from IN
    			010: IN = PinB logic, PinA output from IN
    			011: IN = PinA schmitt, PinA output from OUT
    			100: IN = PinA schmitt, PinA output from IN
    			101: IN = PinB schmitt, PinA output from IN
    			110: IN = PinA > PinB comparator, PinA output from OUT
    			111: IN = PinA > PinB comparator, PinA output from IN
             0     5     0
    	%100_VVV_OHHHLLL = ADC_MODE, first order sigma-delta
    		IN has bitstream, sysclock bitrate, for smartpin mode %01111 (Y=0)
    		OUT is PinA digital output, clocked
    		DIR enables PinA digital output
    		%VVV = ADC config instruction
    			000: GIO, 1x (~5 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
    			001: VIO, 1x       "
    			010: PinB, 1x      "
    			011: PinA, 1x      "
    			100: PinA, 3.16x (~1.58 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
    			101: PinA, 10x   (~0.5 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
    			110: PinA, 31.6x (~0.158 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
    			111: PinA, 100x  (~0.05 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
             0      5    0
    	%101_VV_DDDDDDDD = DAC_MODE (%TT = 00 and %MMMMM = 00000), 8-bit flash
    		OUT enables PinA ADC (ADC config %011), sysclocked bitstream on IN
    		DIR enables PinA DAC output
    		%VV = PinA DAC config
    			00: 990 ohm, 3.3 volt range
    			01: 600 ohm, 2.0 volt range
    			10: 123.75 ohm, 3.3 volt range
    			11: 75 ohm, 2.0 volt range
    		%DDDDDDDD = DAC level
    		for %TT = %01 and %MMMMM = %00000, %101_VV_xxxxSSSS = COG_DAC mode
    			%SSSS = Cog/streamer select: sets DAC level (registered?)
    		for %00000 < %MMMMM < %00100 = SMART_DAC mode
    			DIR/IN are usual smartpin ctrl
    			%DDDDDDDD ignored, smartpin sets DAC level (registered?)
    		for %MMMMM >= %00100 or (%TT = %1x and %MMMMM = %00000) = BIT_DAC mode
    			OUT sets DAC level (clocked?, ADC disabled?, IN = ?)
    				0: 0 = GIO level
    				1: %DDDDDDDD
             0      5    0
    	%11_VV_CDDDDDDDD = COMP_DAC comparator mode
    		DIR enables PinA digital output
    		%VV = Comparator config
    			00: IN = PinA > D, PinA driven by 1k5R from OUT
    			01: IN = PinA > D, PinA driven by 1k5R from !IN
    			10: IN = PinB > D, PinA driven by 1k5R from IN
    			11: IN = PinB > D, PinA driven by 1k5R from !IN
    		%DDDDDDDD = DAC level for internal analogue compare

    EDIT: Added DAC paths to block diagram.
    EDIT2: Now shows DAC and ADC and comparator locations.
    EDIT3: Named a separate SMART_OUT after finding that OUT can be looped back as an input while the smartpin is the output without being circular.

    It would be great if the two blocks could be published as PDF's, they are hard to follow with having to scroll.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,307
    Copy'n'paste into a text editor and make it full screen on the 43" monitor. ;)

    To be serious, I have no skills at page layout so anyone is likely better than me at it. The reason I used text was because I was getting frustrated with other drawing software.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,307
    Here's a screen grab conveniently in A4 proportions:
    979 x 1534 - 13K
  • Thanks for that.
  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    Publison wrote: »
    It would be great if the two blocks could be published as PDF's, they are hard to follow with having to scroll.

    Sometimes it's nice to have a printer that can do 11x17 prints. Here are both sections as jpeg's in case that helps.

    864 x 1209 - 432K
    864 x 1344 - 428K
  • kwinn wrote: »

    Sometimes it's nice to have a printer that can do 11x17 prints. Here are both sections as jpeg's in case that helps.

    I love 11x17. I sometimes print Chips assembly instructions on 24x30. Thanks for that.
  • I have built a small tool that should help with the configuration of the SP '.
    It is quick and dirty code, but may still be useful.
    If errors are found, please report. I only tested it with a few examples.

    I built it on Linux, but the cpp should also compile on other platforms.
    %AAAA: ‘A’ input selector
    0xxx = true (default)
    1xxx = invertedx000 = this pin’s read state (default)
    x001 = relative +1 pin’s read state
    x010 = relative +2 pin’s read state
    x011 = relative +3 pin’s read state
    x100 = this pin’s OUT bit from cogs
    x101 = relative -3 pin’s read state
    x110 = relative -2 pin’s read state
    x111 = relative -1 pin’s read state
    input 4bit A - Field (ex. 0101)
    %BBBB: ‘B’ input selector
    0xxx = true (default)
    1xxx = invertedx000 = this pin’s read state (default)
    x001 = relative +1 pin’s read state
    x010 = relative +2 pin’s read state
    x011 = relative +3 pin’s read state
    x100 = this pin’s OUT bit from cogs
    x101 = relative -3 pin’s read state
    x110 = relative -2 pin’s read state
    x111 = relative -1 pin’s read state
    input 4bit B - Field (ex. 0101)
    %FFF: 'A' and 'B' input logic/filtering (after 'A' and 'B' input selectors)
             000 = A, B (default)
             001 = A AND B, B
             010 = A OR  B, B
             011 = A XOR B, B
             100 = A, B, both filtered using global filt0 settings
             101 = A, B, both filtered using global filt1 settings
             110 = A, B, both filtered using global filt2 settings
             111 = A, B, both filtered using global filt3 settings
             The resultant 'A' will drive the IN signal in non-smart-pin modes. 
    input 3 bit F -Field
    %PPPPPPPPPPPPP: low-level custom pin control (for engineering sample die)
    	common labelling of pin config bits
    		%C = clocked I/O (extra clock for IN and OUT)
    		%I = invert IN output
    		%O = invert OUT input
    		%HHH/LLL = digital out drive strength
    			000: Fast
    			001: 1k5R
    			010: 15kR
    			011: 150kR
    			100: 1mA
    			101: 100uA
    			110: 10uA
    			111: Float
    		PinA is specified pin number
    		PinB is PinA's odd/even pair
    	%0_VVV_CIOHHHLLL = Digital mode (default = %0000000000000)
    		DIR enables PinA digital output
    		%VVV = Digital config
    			000: IN = PinA logic, PinA output from OUT
    			001: IN = PinA logic, PinA output from IN
    			010: IN = PinB logic, PinA output from IN
    			011: IN = PinA schmitt, PinA output from OUT
    			100: IN = PinA schmitt, PinA output from IN
    			101: IN = PinB schmitt, PinA output from IN
    			110: IN = PinA > PinB comparator, PinA output from OUT
    			111: IN = PinA > PinB comparator, PinA output from IN
    	%100_VVV_OHHHLLL = ADC_MODE, first order sigma-delta
    		IN has bitstream, sysclock bitrate, for smartpin mode %01111 (Y=0)
    		OUT is PinA digital output, clocked
    		DIR enables PinA digital output
    		%VVV = ADC config instruction
    			000: GIO, 1x (~5 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
    			001: VIO, 1x       
    			010: PinB, 1x      
    			011: PinA, 1x      
    			100: PinA, 3.16x (~1.58 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
    			101: PinA, 10x   (~0.5 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
    			110: PinA, 31.6x (~0.158 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
    			111: PinA, 100x  (~0.05 volt range, centred on VIO/2)
    	%101_VV_DDDDDDDD = DAC_MODE (%TT = 00 and %MMMMM = 00000), 8-bit flash
    		OUT enables PinA ADC (ADC config %011), sysclocked bitstream on IN
    		DIR enables PinA DAC output
    		%VV = PinA DAC config
    			00: 990 ohm, 3.3 volt range
    			01: 600 ohm, 2.0 volt range
    			10: 123.75 ohm, 3.3 volt range
    			11: 75 ohm, 2.0 volt range
    		%DDDDDDDD = DAC level
    		for %TT = %01 and %MMMMM = %00000, %101_VV_xxxxSSSS = COG_DAC mode
    			%SSSS = Cog/streamer select: sets DAC level (registered?)
        	for %00000 < %MMMMM < %00100 = SMART_DAC mode
    			DIR/IN are usual smartpin ctrl
    			%DDDDDDDD ignored, smartpin sets DAC level (registered?)
        	for %MMMMM >= %00100 or (%TT = %1x and %MMMMM = %00000) = BIT_DAC mode
    			OUT sets DAC level (clocked?, ADC disabled?, IN = ?)
    				0: 0 = GIO level
    				1: %DDDDDDDD
    	%11_VV_CDDDDDDDD = COMP_DAC comparator mode
    		DIR enables PinA digital output
    		%VV = Comparator config
    			00: IN = PinA > D, PinA driven by 1k5R from OUT
    			01: IN = PinA > D, PinA driven by 1k5R from !IN
    			10: IN = PinB > D, PinA driven by 1k5R from IN
    			11: IN = PinB > D, PinA driven by 1k5R from !IN
    		%DDDDDDDD = DAC level for internal analogue compare
    input 13 bit P - Field
    %TT:  pin DIR/OUT control (default = %00)
          for odd pins,  'OTHER' = NOT lower pin's output state (diff source)
          for even pins, 'OTHER' = unique pseudo-random bit (noise source)
          for all pins,  'SMART' = smart pin output which overrides OUT/OTHER
          'DAC_MODE' is enabled when P[12:10] = %101'BIT_DAC' outputs {2{P[7:4]}} for 'high' or {2{P[3:0]}} for 'low' in DAC_MODE
          for smart pin mode off (%MMMMM = %00000):
              DIR enables output
              for non-DAC_MODE:
                  0x = OUT drives output
                  1x = OTHER drives output
              for DAC_MODE:
                  00 = OUT enables ADC, P[7:0] sets DAC level
                  01 = OUT enables ADC, P[3:0] selects cog DAC channel
                  10 = OUT drives BIT_DAC
                  11 = OTHER drives BIT_DAC
                for all smart pin modes (%MMMMM > %00000):
                    x0 = output disabled, regardless of DIR
                    x1 = output enabled, regardless of DIR
                for DAC smart pin modes (%MMMMM = %00001..%00011):
                    0x = OUT enables ADC in DAC_MODE, P[7:0] overridden
                    1x = OTHER enables ADC in DAC_MODE, P[7:0] overridden
                for non-DAC smart pin modes (%MMMMM = %00100..%11111):
                    0x = SMART/OUT drives output or BIT_DAC if DAC_MODE
                    1x = SMART/OTHER drives output or BIT_DAC if DAC_MODE
    input 2 bit T - Field
    %MMMMM:     00000   = smart pin off (default)
                00001   = long repository              (P[12:10] != %101)
                00010   = long repository              (P[12:10] != %101)
                00011   = long repository              (P[12:10] != %101)
                00001   = DAC noise                    (P[12:10]   = %101)
                00010   = DAC 16-bit dither, noise     (P[12:10]   = %101)
                00011   = DAC 16-bit dither, PWM       (P[12:10]   = %101)
                00100*  = pulse/cycle output
                00101*  = transition output
                00110*  = NCO frequency
                00111*  = NCO duty
                01000*  = PWM triangle
                01001*  = PWM sawtooth
                01010*  = PWM switch-mode power supply, V and I feedback
                01011   = periodic/continuous: A-B quadrature encoder
                01100   = periodic/continuous: inc on A-rise & B-high
                01101   = periodic/continuous: inc on A-rise & B-high / dec on A-rise & B-low
                01110   = periodic/continuous: inc on A-rise {/ dec on B-rise}
                01111   = periodic/continuous: inc on A-high {/ dec on B-high}
                10000   = time A-states
                10001   = time A-highs
                10010   = time X A-highs/rises/edges -or- timeout a-/high/rise/edge
                10011   = for X periods, count time
                10100   = for X periods, count states
                10101   = for periods in X+ clocks, count time
                10110   = for periods in X+ clocks, count states
                10111   = for periods in X+ clocks, count periods
                ​11000   = ADC sample/filter/capture, internally clocked
             ​   11001   = ADC sample/filter/capture, externally clocked
              ​  11010   = ADC scope with trigger
               ​ 11011*  = USB host/device              (even/odd pin pair = DM/DP)
                11100*  = sync serial transmit         (A-data, B-clock)
                11101   = sync serial receive        (A-data, B-clock)
                11110*  = async serial transmit      (baudrate)
                11111   = async serial receive       (baudrate)
                 * OUT signal overridden
    input 5 bit M - Field
    your input
    A-FIELD 0000
    B-FIELD 0000
    F-FIELD 000
    P-FIELD 1011110000000
    T-FIELD 01
    M-FIELD 00011
    RESULT (32bit) : %00000000000101111000000001000110
    RESULT decimal : 1540166
  • ReinhardReinhard Posts: 489
    edited 2020-01-22 17:53
    I like to read an analog voltage into P0.
    I tried a Configuration, but there are many questions
    what I have is:
                         |       |   |__________ 11000 ADC SAMPLE INTERNAL CLOCKED
                         |       |______________ 01   output enabled, regardless of DIR
                         |______________________ 100 001 OHHHLLL
                                                   |  |    |__________ what is this ?
                                                   |  |_______________ VIO 1x
                                                   |__________________ ADC MODE
    if I have the Configuration
    	wrpin	##CONFIG,#PIN0   '?
            wxpin	##SAMPLERATE,PIN0'?
    do I need
    	dirh or dirl
    do I need
      	setsel  ' and how
    can I do
    	rdpin	adc,#PIN0
    do I need
    must I do any external connection, as I understand SigmaDelta as in and out ?
    I just don't get it.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,307
    Reinhard wrote: »
    I like to read an analog voltage into P0.
    I tried a Configuration, but there are many questions
    what I have is:
                         |       |   |__________ 11000 ADC SAMPLE INTERNAL CLOCKED
                         |       |______________ 01   output enabled, regardless of DIR
                         |______________________ 100 001 OHHHLLL
                                                   |  |    |__________ what is this ?  (1)
                                                   |  |_______________ VIO 1x
                                                   |__________________ ADC MODE
    if I have the Configuration
    	wrpin	##CONFIG,#PIN0   '?
            wxpin	##SAMPLERATE,PIN0'?
    do I need
    	dirh or dirl  (2)
    do I need
      	setsel  ' and how  (3)
    can I do
    	rdpin	adc,#PIN0  (4)
    do I need
    	waitsel  (5)
    must I do any external connection, as I understand SigmaDelta as in and out ?  (6)
    (1): Those bits are for optional digital output drive. Maybe you want to apply a current bias to the ADC frontend.

    (2): No for pin config to take effect. Yes, a high DIR is needed for smartpin to run (A low on DIR holds the smartpin in reset). If you just wanted the raw ADC bitstream appearing on IN, then leave the smartpin mode off (M=0) and DIR should stay low unless you want the output driven. Mostly you'll be wanting the smartpin to consume the bitstream though.

    Additionally, a DIRL/DIRH pair are usually placed around any smartpin initialising code to neuter potential strange behaviour on initial mode change. Although, I have used a non-typical order to ensure the output stays driven when engaging a smartpin, but still providing the smartpin resetting function.

    (3) and (5): No, SETSE1/2/3 are only if you want to make use of the hardware event system.

    (4): Yep, RDPIN is how to read data for all smartpins. That's where the ADC's smartpin samples appear.

    (6): Nothing extra for ADC function. With the Prop2, all the sigma-delta hardware is built in. The input voltage range is limited to -0.3 to 3.6 Volts though.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,307
    Using DIR to restart a smartpin can be a useful feature for sync'ing up timings.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,307
    edited 2020-01-23 01:21
    I've roughly documented the ADC bitstream modulator (in pin pad), and associated SINC3 sampler (in smartpin). Neither are entirely accurate to the Prop2 so just use them as educational guides -

  • @evanh
    Thanks for the link and the information it contains.
    I've tried a lot, but the result is always similar:
    It doesn't matter whether I leave the pin open, connect it to GND or to VIO.
    loadp2   -t -b230400 -p/dev/ttyUSB0 adc.binary
    ( Entering terminal mode.  Press Ctrl-] to exit. )

    my current attempt:
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <propeller2.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #define P2_TARGET_MHZ 160
    #include "sys/p2es_clock.h"
    #define BAUD 230400
    #define PIN0 0
    #define PIN1 1
    #define PIN2 2
    #define SAMPLE_RATE 8000
    #define SAMPLE_PERIOD   SYSTEM_CLOCK  / SAMPLE_RATE  // CPU cycles between sample updates 
    A-FIELD 0000
    B-FIELD 0000
    F-FIELD 000
    P-FIELD 1001000000000
    T-FIELD 01
    M-FIELD 11000
    RESULT (32bit) : %00000000000100100000000001110000
    RESULT decimal : 1179760
    #define CONFIG 1179760
    void main ()
      int x1=0;
      int diff1=0;
      int diff1a=0;
      clkset(_SETFREQ, _CLOCKFREQ);
         __asm {
                  wrpin     ##CONFIG, #PIN0   
    			  wxpin     ##SAMPLE_PERIOD, #PIN0                   
                  dirh		#PIN0                            
    			rdpin  x1,#PIN0
    			//sub    x1,  diff1
    			//add    diff1,  x1
    			//sub    x1,  diff1a
    			//add    diff1a,  x1
    			//shr    x1,  #7
    		printf("%d \n",x1);

    I use about 20cm long laboratory cables to connect the pin to VIO / GND. Can it be that the converter is so sensitive and that the line induces something?
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,307
    edited 2020-01-23 11:00
    Main problem is the sample period for WXPIN is not suited. What it needs is more like the exponent of the period. Start with a hard coded number like #8.

    Another problem is %TT should be %00, %01 means the output is driven low to GIO voltage. This is reflected in the ADC readings when pin input is selected. Also, I'm guessing you didn't want x3.16 gain setting in the P bits. I'm thinking you were aiming for VIO selected instead. ie:
    A-FIELD 0000
    B-FIELD 0000
    F-FIELD 000
    P-FIELD 100_001_0000000
    T-FIELD 00
    M-FIELD 11000_0
    RESULT (32bit) : %0000_0000_0001_0000_1000_0000_0011_0000
    #define CONFIG 0x0010_8030
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,307
    Here's a friendly alternative for single pin config testing. Problem here is it's a hassle when you want to setup multiple differing pins.
    #define AFIELD  0b0000
    #define BFIELD  0b0000
    #define FFIELD  0b000
    #define PFIELD  0b100_001_0000000
    #define TFIELD  0b00
    #define MFIELD  0b11000_0
    #define CONFIG  ( AFIELD<<28 | BFIELD<<24 | FFIELD<<20 | PFIELD<<8 | TFIELD<<6 | MFIELD )
  • @evanh
    Please be patient with me. I used the above settings and set the sample period to 8 / 10 / 6.
    I switched a potentiometer between VIO and GND. The middle tap goes to P0. With a voltmeter at P0, I set a voltage of almost 0 to 1500 mV.
    Nothing changes in the result, a value (432) is constantly output via printf.
    What else can I do wrong?
  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,690
    Here is a C program that works for me. I read the ADC on P11 and produce a ramp on P13 with a DAC. So I can connect these pins together and see the increasing value on the ADC.
    // C Tests - ADC
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <propeller2.h>
    #define P2_TARGET_MHZ 160
    #include "sys/p2es_clock.h"
    #define BAUD 230400
    #define  ADC  11     // --\ Pins
    #define  DAC  13     // --/ connected together
    void pinconfig(int pin, int mode, int x, int y)
    void main()
      int v, v0, v3, da;
      clkset(_SETFREQ, _CLOCKFREQ);
      pinconfig(ADC, 0b100000_0000000_00_11000_0, 9, 0);   // ADC10bit GND ref
      v0 = _rdpin(ADC);
      pinconfig(ADC, 0b100001_0000000_00_11000_0, 9, 0);   // ADC10bit VCC ref
      v3 = _rdpin(ADC);
      pinconfig(ADC, 0b100011_0000000_00_11000_0, 9, 0);   // ADC10bit Ainp
      da = 0x4000;
      pinconfig(DAC, 0b10100_00000000_01_00010_0, 1, da);  // DAC16bit dither
      while(1) {
        v = _rdpin(ADC);              //read ADC
        _wypin(DAC,da);               //write DAC
        da = (da + 128) & 0xFFFF;     //ramp up DAC value
        printf("ADval = %d mV\n",(v-v0)*3300/(v3-v0));

  • @Ariba
    It works great!
    I tried it out right now, then I look into the sources to learn how to do it.
    Thanks for this example, Andy!
  • What have I done wrong:
    I have the config function
    _dirl / _wypin / _pinl
    not used.
    And probably the biggest mistake:
    I have not specified GND-ref and VCC-ref.
    I have learned more from your example than from blind testing in the last 2 days.
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