propeller-load save to SD card

Is everything working fine, I install a SD card and I can do all the examples.
I want saving to the SD card because I have a large program.
I´m working with a Raspberry, I tested in two models.
I´m using CMake to creat the ".elf" files.
With the memory model "lmm" everything is working, I see the Hello World!
I wrote:
Now I change the memory model to
but I can use:
Everything seems fine! No warnings No errors! BUT NO HELLO WORLD!?
And I have in the SD card the file AUTORUN.PEX
Now I can write:

Any sugestion for this issue?
Is everything working fine, I install a SD card and I can do all the examples.
I want saving to the SD card because I have a large program.
I´m working with a Raspberry, I tested in two models.
I´m using CMake to creat the ".elf" files.
With the memory model "lmm" everything is working, I see the Hello World!
I wrote:
make debugor
/opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard GettingStarted.elf -r -twith the file CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3) find_package(PropWare REQUIRED) project(GettingStarted) set(MODEL lmm) set_compile_flags() create_simple_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} GettingStarted.cpp)
Now I change the memory model to
... set(MODEL xmmc) ...
cmake .. makeI can´t do the
make debug
but I can use:
/opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard -l GettingStarted.elf -r -t
Everything seems fine! No warnings No errors! BUT NO HELLO WORLD!?

And I have in the SD card the file AUTORUN.PEX
pi@raspberrypi:~/PropellerProjects/PropWare/Examples/GettingStarted/bin $ /opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard -l GettingStarted.elf -r -t Propeller Version 1 on /dev/ttyUSB0 Patching __cfg_txpin with 0000001e Patching __cfg_baudrate with 0001c200 Loading the serial helper to hub memory 10392 bytes sent Verifying RAM ... OK Loading 'GettingStarted.pex' to SD card 5100 bytes sent Loading sd_loader.elf to hub memory 16444 bytes sent Verifying RAM ... OK [ Entering terminal mode. Type ESC or Control-C to exit. ] Loading SD driver Loading cache driver Initializing SD card Mounting filesystem Opening 'autorun.pex' Starting kernel Loading flash/EEPROM at 0x30000000 Stopping the SD driver Starting program [BUT NO HELLO WORLD]
Now I can write:
/opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard -l -r -tEverything seems fine! No warnings No errors! BUT NO HELLO WORLD!?

pi@raspberrypi:~/PropellerProjects/PropWare/Examples/GettingStarted/bin $ /opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard -l -r -t Propeller Version 1 on /dev/ttyUSB0 Loading sd_loader.elf to hub memory 16444 bytes sent Verifying RAM ... OK [ Entering terminal mode. Type ESC or Control-C to exit. ] Loading SD driver Loading cache driver Initializing SD card Mounting filesystem Opening 'autorun.pex' Starting kernel Loading flash/EEPROM at 0x30000000 Stopping the SD driver Starting program [BUT NO HELLO WORLD]
Any sugestion for this issue?
I take a foto with my propeller kit with the SD, I just choose the activityboard because I think that is the same!
The file activityboard.cfg I don´t had change nothing:
About the "set_compile_flags()", Thanks!! (only for libraries :thumb: )
I already try without them and I get the same result.
I hope you can give any help.
Thanks for your help.
I send the file attached, I save it inside the rar because the forum don´t accept the .elf file.
OK! sorry!
I want use a large program directly from the SD card. In this case is not important the EEPROM if it is 32 or 64kb?
I read something about the driver to open the "autorun.pex" and I thought that the size of EEPROM could be important!
in this case I type: and it works!
I attached a .zip (of a .elf file) with the same program compiled in lmm mode.
To save the "AUTORUN.PEX" to the SD card I should write: It´s necessary the "-l"? Right? To save the program to the SD card in the mode "xmmc"?
and I obtain the result:
At this moment I already have the "AUTORUN.PEX" file in the SD card.
I write:
and the result is similar, no "Hello World":
The issue is when I compile in XMMC mode and try to upload to Propeller, using the SD Loader (-l) or SD CacheDriver (-z).
I already made several tests and the Propeller don´t run the program. I try the delay too, but nothing.
Really thanks!
but I can´t understand why
I should write in the code something like:
with a "while(1)" I should write it in every cycle?
Ok I will test it!
Is not easy to me really understand.
But I will test it.
I trying to understand how is the best way to deal with that.
But with this example I have the same issue:
the led don´t react in XMMC mode.
with LMM everything ok, with XMMC don´t work.