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propeller-load save to SD card — Parallax Forums

propeller-load save to SD card


Is everything working fine, I install a SD card and I can do all the examples.
I want saving to the SD card because I have a large program.
I´m working with a Raspberry, I tested in two models.
I´m using CMake to creat the ".elf" files.

With the memory model "lmm" everything is working, I see the Hello World!
I wrote:
make debug
/opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard GettingStarted.elf -r -t
with the file CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
find_package(PropWare REQUIRED)


set(MODEL lmm)

create_simple_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} GettingStarted.cpp)

Now I change the memory model to
set(MODEL xmmc)

cmake ..
I can´t do the
make debug

but I can use:
/opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard -l GettingStarted.elf -r -t

Everything seems fine! No warnings No errors! BUT NO HELLO WORLD!? :(
And I have in the SD card the file AUTORUN.PEX
pi@raspberrypi:~/PropellerProjects/PropWare/Examples/GettingStarted/bin $ /opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard -l GettingStarted.elf -r -t
Propeller Version 1 on /dev/ttyUSB0
Patching __cfg_txpin with 0000001e
Patching __cfg_baudrate with 0001c200
Loading the serial helper to hub memory
10392 bytes sent
Verifying RAM ... OK
Loading 'GettingStarted.pex' to SD card
5100 bytes sent
Loading sd_loader.elf to hub memory
16444 bytes sent
Verifying RAM ... OK
[ Entering terminal mode. Type ESC or Control-C to exit. ]
Loading SD driver
Loading cache driver
Initializing SD card
Mounting filesystem
Opening 'autorun.pex'
Starting kernel
Loading flash/EEPROM at 0x30000000
Stopping the SD driver
Starting program            [BUT NO HELLO WORLD]

Now I can write:
/opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard -l -r -t
Everything seems fine! No warnings No errors! BUT NO HELLO WORLD!? :(
pi@raspberrypi:~/PropellerProjects/PropWare/Examples/GettingStarted/bin $ /opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard -l -r -t
Propeller Version 1 on /dev/ttyUSB0
Loading sd_loader.elf to hub memory
16444 bytes sent
Verifying RAM ... OK
[ Entering terminal mode. Type ESC or Control-C to exit. ]
Loading SD driver
Loading cache driver
Initializing SD card
Mounting filesystem
Opening 'autorun.pex'
Starting kernel
Loading flash/EEPROM at 0x30000000
Stopping the SD driver
Starting program            [BUT NO HELLO WORLD]

Any sugestion for this issue?


  • Hmm... interesting. I'll start looking into this. I also recently picked up an Activity Board so I should be able to replicate your issue exactly.
  • Oh, just FYI, you can remove the "set_compile_flags()" line. That was only needed in conjunction with "add_library()"
  • Can you please post the .elf file you're trying to load?
  • ASAS Posts: 149
    DavidZemon wrote: »
    Hmm... interesting. I'll start looking into this. I also recently picked up an Activity Board so I should be able to replicate your issue exactly.

    I take a foto with my propeller kit with the SD, I just choose the activityboard because I think that is the same!

    The file activityboard.cfg I don´t had change nothing:
    # Propeller activity board configuration.
        clkfreq: 80000000
        clkmode: XTAL1+PLL16X
        baudrate: 115200
        rxpin: 31
        txpin: 30
        cache-driver: eeprom_cache.dat
        cache-size: 8K
        cache-param1: 0
        cache-param2: 0
        eeprom-first: TRUE
        sd-driver: sd_driver.dat
        sdspi-do: 22
        sdspi-clk: 23
        sdspi-di: 24
        sdspi-cs: 25

    About the "set_compile_flags()", Thanks!! (only for libraries :thumb: )
    I already try without them and I get the same result.
    I hope you can give any help.
    1755 x 561 - 235K
    foto.jpg 235.3K
  • ASAS Posts: 149
    edited 2016-02-13 22:21
    David Betz wrote: »
    Can you please post the .elf file you're trying to load?

    Thanks for your help.

    I send the file attached, I save it inside the rar because the forum don´t accept the .elf file.
  • AS wrote: »
    David Betz wrote: »
    Can you please post the .elf file you're trying to load?

    Thanks for your help.

    I send the file attached, I save it inside the rar because the forum don´t accept the .elf file.
    Can you post it as a .zip or .tar file? I don't have an application that can open a .rar file.

  • ASAS Posts: 149
    I attached the .zip file.
  • ASAS Posts: 149
    I was thinking about the "activityboard.cfg", I have only a EEPROM of 32kb and activity board have 64kb. I need change this file?
  • AS wrote: »
    I was thinking about the "activityboard.cfg", I have only a EEPROM of 32kb and activity board have 64kb. I need change this file?
    Yes, it does. You must have at least a 64k EEPROM to use the EEPROM cache driver. It won't work with a 32k EEPROM.

  • AS wrote: »
    I attached the .zip file.
    Thanks for posting this. Can you tell me what version of PropGCC you're using? Is it the old one that comes with SimpleIDE or a newer build?

  • I've been reading over this thread and I'm not sure what you're trying to do. Do you want to run a large program directly from the SD card or do you want to run it from EEPROM? You don't need a 64k EEPROM to use the SD cache driver. you only need it for the EEPROM cache driver.
  • ASAS Posts: 149
    I´m using the PropGCC version that comes with SimpleIDE for Raspberry.

    OK! sorry!
    I want use a large program directly from the SD card. In this case is not important the EEPROM if it is 32 or 64kb?
    I read something about the driver to open the "autorun.pex" and I thought that the size of EEPROM could be important!


  • AS wrote: »
    I´m using the PropGCC version that comes with SimpleIDE for Raspberry.

    OK! sorry!
    I want use a large program directly from the SD card. In this case is not important the EEPROM if it is 32 or 64kb?
    I read something about the driver to open the "autorun.pex" and I thought that the size of EEPROM could be important!

    Thanks. I'm building release_1_0 so I can test this. I've mostly been working on a much more recent version of propgcc lately.

  • I'm not sure what's going wrong with this program. I tried just loading and running it and it doesn't seem to print anything. I did this on a real ActivityBoard with a 64k EEPROM. What is it supposed to do?
    david-betzs-macbook-pro:Downloads dbetz$ propeller-load -b activityboard GettingStarted.elf -r -t
    Propeller Version 1 on /dev/cu.usbserial-PAYMDDM
    Patching __cfg_txpin with 0000001e
    Patching __cfg_baudrate with 0001c200
    Loading the serial helper to hub memory
    10392 bytes sent                  
    Verifying RAM ... OK
    Loading cache driver 'eeprom_cache.dat'
    1532 bytes sent                  
    Loading program image to flash
    3052 bytes sent                  
    Loading .xmmkernel
    1732 bytes sent                  
    [ Entering terminal mode. Type ESC or Control-C to exit. ]
  • ASAS Posts: 149
    The program is a simple "Hello World":
    #include <PropWare/printer/printer.h>
     * @example     GettingStarted.cpp
     * Print some text to the terminal. A great place to start with PropWare to ensure your environment is functional!
     * @include GettingStarted/CMakeLists.txt
    int main () {
        pwOut << "Hello, world!";
        return 0;

  • ASAS Posts: 149
    The same program with memory model "lmm" is working great.

    in this case I type:
    /opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard GettingStarted.elf -r -t
    and it works!

    I attached a .zip (of a .elf file) with the same program compiled in lmm mode.
  • ASAS Posts: 149
    edited 2016-02-14 17:26
    The 1st .elf I sent was built with "xmmc" memory model.
    To save the "AUTORUN.PEX" to the SD card I should write:
    /opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard -l GettingStarted.elf -r -t
    It´s necessary the "-l"? Right? To save the program to the SD card in the mode "xmmc"?

    and I obtain the result:
    pi@raspberrypi:~/PropellerProjects/PropWare/Examples/GettingStarted/bin $ /opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard -l GettingStarted.elf -r -t
    Propeller Version 1 on /dev/ttyUSB0
    Patching __cfg_txpin with 0000001e
    Patching __cfg_baudrate with 0001c200
    Loading the serial helper to hub memory
    10392 bytes sent
    Verifying RAM ... OK
    Loading 'GettingStarted.pex' to SD card
    5100 bytes sent
    Loading sd_loader.elf to hub memory
    16444 bytes sent
    Verifying RAM ... OK
    [ Entering terminal mode. Type ESC or Control-C to exit. ]
    Loading SD driver
    Loading cache driver
    Initializing SD card
    Mounting filesystem
    Opening 'autorun.pex'
    Starting kernel
    Loading flash/EEPROM at 0x30000000
    Stopping the SD driver
    Starting program                                   BUT NO HELLO WORLD

    At this moment I already have the "AUTORUN.PEX" file in the SD card.

    I write:
    /opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard -l -r -t

    and the result is similar, no "Hello World":
    pi@raspberrypi:~/PropellerProjects/PropWare/Examples/GettingStarted/bin $ /opt/parallax/bin/propeller-load -b activityboard -l -r -t
    Propeller Version 1 on /dev/ttyUSB0
    Loading sd_loader.elf to hub memory
    16444 bytes sent
    Verifying RAM ... OK
    [ Entering terminal mode. Type ESC or Control-C to exit. ]
    Loading SD driver
    Loading cache driver
    Initializing SD card
    Mounting filesystem
    Opening 'autorun.pex'
    Starting kernel
    Loading flash/EEPROM at 0x30000000
    Stopping the SD driver
    Starting program                                    BUT NO HELLO WORLD
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,516
    edited 2016-02-14 18:35
    Something odd is going on. I tried your program on a C3 board it didn't work there either. Then I tried this program:
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
        printf("Hello, world!\n");
        for (;;)
        return 0;
    And it works fine with both the EEPROM cache driver and the C3 cache driver.
    david-betzs-macbook-pro:Downloads dbetz$ propeller-load -b activityboard hello.elf -r -t
    Propeller Version 1 on /dev/cu.usbserial-A8004ILf
    Loading the serial helper to hub memory
    10392 bytes sent                  
    Verifying RAM ... OK
    Loading cache driver 'eeprom_cache.dat'
    1532 bytes sent                  
    Loading program image to flash
    4048 bytes sent                  
    Loading .xmmkernel
    1736 bytes sent                  
    [ Entering terminal mode. Type ESC or Control-C to exit. ]
    Hello, world!
  • David Betz wrote: »
    Something odd is going on. I tried your program on a C3 board it didn't work there either. Then I tried this program:
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
        printf("Hello, world!\n");
        for (;;)
        return 0;
    And it works fine with both the EEPROM cache driver and the C3 cache driver.
    david-betzs-macbook-pro:Downloads dbetz$ propeller-load -b activityboard hello.elf -r -t
    Propeller Version 1 on /dev/cu.usbserial-A8004ILf
    Loading the serial helper to hub memory
    10392 bytes sent                  
    Verifying RAM ... OK
    Loading cache driver 'eeprom_cache.dat'
    1532 bytes sent                  
    Loading program image to flash
    4048 bytes sent                  
    Loading .xmmkernel
    1736 bytes sent                  
    [ Entering terminal mode. Type ESC or Control-C to exit. ]
    Hello, world!
    Could it be that you need a delay at the end to see the output? I'm not sure why that would be required in XMMC mode but not LMM mode though.

  • ASAS Posts: 149
    With LMM mode everything is working ok with me too, I see the "Hello World".

    The issue is when I compile in XMMC mode and try to upload to Propeller, using the SD Loader (-l) or SD CacheDriver (-z).
    I already made several tests and the Propeller don´t run the program. I try the delay too, but nothing.
  • AS wrote: »
    With LMM mode everything is working ok with me too, I see the "Hello World".

    The issue is when I compile in XMMC mode and try to upload to Propeller, using the SD Loader (-l) or SD CacheDriver (-z).
    I already made several tests and the Propeller don´t run the program. I try the delay too, but nothing.
    Can you try the simple program I posted a few messages ago and let me know if that works for you?

  • David Betz wrote: »
    AS wrote: »
    With LMM mode everything is working ok with me too, I see the "Hello World".

    The issue is when I compile in XMMC mode and try to upload to Propeller, using the SD Loader (-l) or SD CacheDriver (-z).
    I already made several tests and the Propeller don´t run the program. I try the delay too, but nothing.
    Can you try the simple program I posted a few messages ago and let me know if that works for you?
    Here is the output I get when I use -z on a real ActivityBoard with the version of PropGCC that comes with SimpleIDE:
    david-betzs-macbook-pro:Downloads dbetz$ propeller-load -b activityboard -z hello.elf -r -t
    Propeller Version 1 on /dev/cu.usbserial-PAYMDDM
    Loading the serial helper to hub memory
    10392 bytes sent                  
    Verifying RAM ... OK
    Loading 'hello.pex' to SD card
    6096 bytes sent                  
    Loading sd_cache_loader.elf to hub memory
    14232 bytes sent                  
    Verifying RAM ... OK
    [ Entering terminal mode. Type ESC or Control-C to exit. ]
    Loading cache driver
    Initializing SD card
    Mounting SD filesystem
    Opening AUTORUN.PEX
    Loading kernel
    Loading cluster map
    Initializing cache
    Starting program
    Hello, world!

  • ASAS Posts: 149
    edited 2016-02-14 21:20
    ok! with the code you send me it works!!! :D

    Really thanks!

    but I can´t understand why :D

    I should write in the code something like:
        for (;;)
        return 0;

    with a "while(1)" I should write it in every cycle?
    Ok I will test it!
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,516
    edited 2016-02-14 21:39
    The problem is that when main() exits it shuts down the COG and prevents any buffered output from being sent over the serial interface.
  • ASAS Posts: 149
    Thanks a lot!

    Is not easy to me really understand.
    But I will test it.
  • AS wrote: »
    Thanks a lot!

    Is not easy to me really understand.
    But I will test it.
    To be honest, I don't understand why this happens with the XMMC memory model but not with LMM either.

  • ASAS Posts: 149
    Exactly. :)

    I trying to understand how is the best way to deal with that.
  • Is this really a problem? Any real program will probably not just print a line of text and immediately exit. Normally, a program sits in a loop monitoring events and reacting to them. In fact, most microcontroller programs never exit from main() at all. The empty loop I put at the end of my example simulates the event handling loop that would normally be in any Propeller program.
  • ASAS Posts: 149
    edited 2016-02-14 23:13

    But with this example I have the same issue:
    #include "simpletools.h"                                       
    int main(void)                                   
      int Led_Intensity=0;
      pwm_start (1000);
      while(1)                                    // Endless loop
        while (Led_Intensity<1000)
          pwm_set (0,1,Led_Intensity);
          Led_Intensity ++;
          pause (1);
        while (Led_Intensity>0)
          pwm_set (0,1, Led_Intensity);
          Led_Intensity --;
          pause (1);

    the led don´t react in XMMC mode.
    with LMM everything ok, with XMMC don´t work.
  • AS wrote: »

    But with this example I have the same issue:
    #include "simpletools.h"                                       
    int main(void)                                   
      int Led_Intensity=0;
      pwm_start (1000);
      while(1)                                    // Endless loop
        while (Led_Intensity<1000)
          pwm_set (0,1,Led_Intensity);
          Led_Intensity ++;
          pause (1);
        while (Led_Intensity>0)
          pwm_set (0,1, Led_Intensity);
          Led_Intensity --;
          pause (1);

    the led don´t react in XMMC mode.
    with LMM everything ok, with XMMC don´t work.
    Well, this is certainly a different problem as you suggest. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the PWM functions. I'll let someone else who is more familiar with the Simple Libraries answer this one.

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