Newbie Activity Bot Start Up Problem...
I am new to the BOE Bot and Activity Bot; but I have a better understanding of the BOE Bot than the Activity Bot. I tried out the Activity Bot tonight and was faced with a game stopping issue. When I try to calibrate the servos and encoders, I get a red error that states that the building is done, but the program won't run. I have updated to the most recent library and not sure what the problem is...any help is appreciated!

Be sure to check the COM Port, (upper right), is set to the COM port of you BOT. I believe Simple IDE do not do an auto check for the COM Port yet, and defaults to COM1
Hmm, let's see. 2 Questions to start:
1. If you are following through the ActivityBot tutorial, it sent you over to Set Up SimpleIDE at some point. When you set up the software, were you able to confirm the programming connection with the Hello program, as shown here?
2. I'm just guessing that you are using Windows since you are also using the Boe-Bot. Could you please let us know which operating system and version you are using? (I'm wondering if your USB drivers might need updating?)
I am also very new to SimpleIDE, and I ALWAYS forget to check my COM Port. Hopefully auto detect will be implemented soon..
Hi Publison,
What version of SimpleIDE are you using, and on what OS?
We've been working on improving this. As of v0.9.45, it should update the COM port box drop down list when a board (like the Activity Board) is connected to the computer. You'll need to verify and possibly select the proper port (often the last port listed, but it depends on your system configuration at the time).
The next release will improve on this by visibly making the list drop down (revealing the updated list of ports and provide your cue to verify and possibly select the desired port), and we're also fixing some issues with this regarding how this feature works with regards to the Simple Terminal.
I just mean to imply that the COM Port HAS to be selected. It is available in my version 09.0.45.
Thanks for your work on this great project!
I, like many others just got a build fail going to the EEPROM. COM Port selection fixed the problem.
You're welcome. Thanks for the feedback! We hope to have the next version released this month.
Did you get this solved? Was the issue in setting the COM port in SimpleIDE, or do you still need troubleshooting help?
You are correct, I just need to ensure picking the COM port. Thanks!
When I work with the Activity Bot, I have two windows open; the on-line instruction "book" and SimpleIDE. That makes SimpleIDE only half of the screen. That makes the COM port hidden and easy to overlook.
While I understand why the manual is on-line, is it possible to buy a paper Activity Bot manual?
Oh good, I'm glad that was the issue and all is well.
We do not have a printed manual at this time. However, we set up the web pages to make it very easy to print your own.
On the first page of the tutorial, or at the beginning of any section, click the "Printer-friendly version" link at the bottom-right corner. All of the web pages in the tutorial (or in the section of the tutorial) will open as a single HTML file. You can then save that file to your computer so you don't have to be online to work. Or, you can print that file to PDF or to your home printer.