Erco's Figure Eight Challenge
In another thread Erco issue the challenge that he would produce a robot with a single encoder that would beat a differential drive robot running a figure eight course. I foolishly accepted this challenge as I have a proof of concept robot I've been working on. But that isn't progressing quite as well as I would like, so in the mean time I figured I'll post my baseline attempt. This is CBA using its wheel encoders to run a figure eight course. I'm using the encoders as wheel speed sensors, so I arc by turning one wheel twice as fast, then even, then opposite wheel twice as fast, then even.
I imagine an S2 could beat the wheels off my CBA because its encoders are much more accurate. But someone who owns one will need to do that.

I imagine an S2 could beat the wheels off my CBA because its encoders are much more accurate. But someone who owns one will need to do that.
The size of the figure eight wasn't specified, but you were planning a BS1 with a tricycle drive.
My problem with the ten foot square challenge is that I don't have a ten foot area to run around in!
Yep, I had to move my living room furniture around to clear enough room to compete in a contest for ROBOT magazine:
and there's a look at the underside at
and here:
BTW Your insistence that the BS1 still has some life in it made me rethink my view that the BS2 is obsolete. True the BS2 doesn't have interrupts like the Arduino or concurrent processing like the Propeller, but for straight forward linear tasks it's more than adequate. Math is really its only major weak spot because the comparison operators don't understand two's compliment.
It almost looks like you could use 1 PPR if the robot was dedicated to just do squares and triangles..
Your prolific creativeness makes me jealous. It's like you get to play with toys, all day, everyday.
Then again he has to brave the 405 (I'm guessing, anyway). I wouldn't wish that on anyone, even if he does still use a BS1!
-- Gordon
Gordon: I'm optionally on the 405 for ~3 miles, but that's the least of my worries. What are we gonna do about $4.50 gas?
I think you guys are having just a bit too much fun.
I have not really spent any time just having fun with microcontrollers, but I like a challenge and this figure eight challenge seems interesting. Are there any rules that apply to hardware?
Bruce, give it a try. This is a free form challenge and the only rule we have is that you make a figure eight. Erco was limited to a BS1 with a single sensor, but others are not.
A stepper powered robot means no encoders. You could beat Erco with a robot like that!
Bruce: Glad to hear you're interested! No hardware restrictions at all. As you know, I'm a minimalist who enjoys getting the most from the least. No one in their right mind would use a mechanical switch as an encoder! When I issued the challenge, I purposely limited myself to a BS1 and one encoder to draw other people in. Most anyone could program an S2 do this "two circle" figure 8 in a minute or two. But homebuilt bots are way more fun, and that's how you learn things, by scratch-building. Hope you and others decide to jump in.
Even the definition of "figure 8" is loosey-goosey. Most anything 8-ish is valid, the primary goal is to end up right where you started.
Hey Pal, whose side are you on?
PS: Nice job BTW
as one will have to decide on what sound effects to play thru the speaker, and in what order to flash the LED's...
oh yes, there is the decision of which program to use, either spin, or the more graphical S2 software.
and of course the trivial amount of time to actually "write" the code for a figure 8...
I will try to post tonight, and let you know the exact time it takes me...
Or howzabout Matt_G? Perhaps he dismissed the figure 8 as a young man's game...?
The ankle shackles keep me pretty much bound to the workbench here.
On those few occasions that I break free, Ken makes sure that the laser at my rooms' exit is fully charged.
And with our ROBOTICS EXPO coming up, (preparations are fully underway!), there's no time - this is not a bad thing though, because we're expecting BOATLOADS of visitors (and lots of kids!) in about 5.5 weeks - It's gonna be a real treat.:thumb:
ps. I'm ignoring the "young man's game" comment for now...however, watch yer back!
Go ahead and sit this one out, try out that new rocking chair, maybe take a nap, We'll try not to make to much noise...:)
Here is my Scribbler 2 in action, 53 seconds of pure figure 8 fury...
Everybody get into the act! Your homebuilt robot, 2 plates, and a few minutes of quality coding time on YouTube. What's not to like?
But I like to roll my own as it were, So...
yah, thats right,.. I'm goin there..