I need help finding the right Micro Controller
I have a project that is strictly D I/O I am trying to light with LEDs approximately 50 to 60 micro LEDs that are simulating Headlights, brake lights and running lights and turn signals in a that are for model automobiles in a model railroad layout. The idea here is to be able to control the the lights as if there were activities in the cars parked or in a turn etc. I don't need any analog conversions or anyting like that. Although being able to change the brightness of the brake light LEDs would be ideal for which I could use an analog voltage change type of setup. I have done lots of searching but am becoming overwhelmed with the extensive amount of micro controller and PICS and such that are out there. I would prefer something very easy to program preferably BASIC but what I need most is the largerst amnout of digital outputs available. Any narrowing down help anyone can give me is greatly appreciated.
Look at Experiment #23.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 11/18/2007 6:56:08 AM GMT
Good luck.
Four 74F675A or NJU3715 16-bit serial-to-parallel chips will let you drive 64 LEDs.
Another solution is go here (http://www.microresearch.us/) and look into their I2C-16IO 16-bit GPIO Expander module. Four of them will do the trick, too.