NEW PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENT: SoundPAL, miniature sound player

The Parallax SoundPAL is a tiny module that plays canned and custom sound sequences. It is completely self-contained, including a microcontroller for generating the sounds and a small speaker for producing them. The SoundPAL interfaces easily to a BASIC Stamp and can play sounds while the BASIC Stamp is busy with other chores.

Addendum: Attached is an MP3 recording from the SoundPAL's speaker of one of its built-in sequences.
Addendum 2: Also attached is a larger zip with recordings of all the built-in sequences.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 11/7/2007 6:42:58 AM GMT
- Plugs into servo headers, and works with protoboards.
- Virtually goof-proof power sourcing makes it nearly impossible to connect wrong.
- Single-pin interface uses a simple serial protocol to define and initiate sound production.
- Custom tunes and effects are simple to program using musical notation instead of frequencies.
- Built-in control codes include repeats (1-254, plus infinite) and "subroutine" calls.
- Comes preprogrammed with 24 different tune snippets and sound effects.
- Onboard EEPROM permits saving custom sound sequences for later playback.
- Autoplay feature permits playing a pre-designated EEPROM sequence with only a power supply.
- Compact size: stackable side-to-side with additional units on 0.1" servo headers.

Addendum: Attached is an MP3 recording from the SoundPAL's speaker of one of its built-in sequences.
Addendum 2: Also attached is a larger zip with recordings of all the built-in sequences.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 11/7/2007 6:42:58 AM GMT
just out of curiosity, why is Phil doing product announcements for Parallax?· Shouldn't that be the Marketing Department's job?
Post Edited (Steve Joblin) : 11/3/2007 1:02:20 AM GMT
See note in other announcement about my participation in announcements.
Any chance (> 0.0) that we could get a few sample sounds posted on the product webpage
so potential customers can hear it before we buy it?
Rusty Haddock = AE5AE =
**Out yonder in the Van Alstyne (TX) Metropolitan Area**
Microsoft is to software what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 11/4/2007 9:46:14 PM GMT
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Rusty Haddock = AE5AE =
**Out yonder in the Van Alstyne (TX) Metropolitan Area**
Microsoft is to software what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking
All the tunes and effects are composed from square waves.
Do you know how accurate and/or the actual frequencies produced ?·
I assume the clock is simply divided ?
What divisors do you use ?
Thanks. Nifty device [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Will it run with the original DOS bassed PBASIC setup ?
Would you please post your MP3 samples unzipped ?
Just MP3 ..... My unzipper is confusing me [noparse]:([/noparse]
MegaRegards .......... mike
I looked at the PDF
It seems the context is simular to the PLAY command in QBASIC ?
(with the 'duration modifiers')
I've always used the SOUND which works the same but without the
ability to que the notes and play them as backround.
It will work with any micro which can send and receive asynchronous serial I/O.
1. RC freq = 9.6MHz
2. I've never used the DOS setup. But as long as there's a SERIN and SEROUT, I'd say yes.
3. I can't post unzipped MP3s. The forum doesn't allow it.
I listened to some of the MP3 and everything is up in the midrange or treble ?
How low of frequency will it put out?
If you take off the piezo and replace it with a RCA jack ?
Any idea why the MP3s are a no no ?
MegaRegards [noparse]:)[/noparse]
But the SoundPAL is all about miniature self-contained sound production. If you want to add a siren to your BOE-Bot, or rig up a gift box to play "Happy Birthday" when it's opened, the SoundPAL is your solution. But if you're looking to feed your stereo with tunes and effects, there are probably better ways to do it.
'No idea why MP3s are verboten, BTW. But since zips are okay, it hardly matters.
>with tunes and effects, there are probably
>better ways to do it.
Yea. Thanks [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Looks like the most viable (for my purposes)
chip from Parallax is the PWMPAL
I've had pretty good luck with that but haven't
quite got it to a groove[noparse]:)[/noparse] level ........ mike
actually if someone could figure out how to get rid of
the horrendous glitches on FREQOUT .....
I.E. maybe the pin would go open on transistions or ?
Then the PicChip itself would serve 'my purpose' ......
Post Edited (hitsware) : 11/8/2007 1:10:33 AM GMT
BTW: are the CON codes the same for a BS2px?
(e.g. baud····· CON· $8000 + 84·· 'Communication baudrate is 9600 for BS2, BS2e, and BS2pe.
reset···· CON· $8000 + 813· 'Reset baudrate is 1200 for BS2, BS2e, and BS2pe.)
I hope the volume is decent and not too low for my professional developement board.
How did you record these as MP3's ? - direct command within the SoundPAL or (just a microphone in Windows)
To record the MP3s, I used a microphone feeding into Audacity.
So for a BS2PX (not sx) - I would use:
baud· CON· $8000 + 396···· '9600 baud, inverted
reset· CON· $8000 + 3313·· '1200 baud, inverted
That's good. Thanks!