Unless I'm crazy (always a possibility), it was released about a month ago and is available from ladyada www.deepdarc.com/ybox2/ for $75 in kit form. I bought it when it came out, which is what got me interested in the prop. His site also has source code for the twitter widget, weather widget, clock, and so forth.
Easy kit, great instructions, and plenty of open IO for further experimentation. I think I saw darco at fry's.
Easy kit, great instructions, and plenty of open IO for further experimentation. I think I saw darco at fry's.
People do not cooperate under the division of labor because they love or should love one another. They cooperate because this best serves their own interests. Neither love nor charity nor any other sympathetic sentiments but rightly understood selfishness is what originally impelled man to adjust himself to the requirements of society, to respect the rights and freedoms of his fellow men and to substitute peaceful collaboration for enmity and conflict.