Is It Possible???
James Henry
Posts: 13
Ok i got my processor but the Prop Plug is on back order. i have tried to use the serial to prop stuff, but couldn't get any of the many variations to work.· which leads me to my next question.· Can i use My BS2 Homework Board to write a program to the prop or to the external eeprom???
"Given two adequate solutions, the correct one is the simpler." Leo Brodie, Thinking Forth.
StampPlot - GUI and Plotting Software
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
"Today, make it work. Tomorrow, optimize it" Leo Brodie, Thinking Forth.
the voltage on the usb adapter coming in on the dts line is -6.78V.
i even tried the 3 transitor circuit. and the same results! The USB To Serial Adapter Chipset i have no clue what it uses, windows device manager does not tell me any usefull information.
·Also i noticed if i leave the adapter plugged in it slowly pulls all power from the circuit, meaning if i monitor the 3.3V it drops over 35 seconds to 0V
Post Edited (James Henry) : 9/29/2007 10:49:00 PM GMT
That voltage dropping over 35 seconds is not possible unless perhaps your regulator is underrated and going into thermal shutdown, but what's drawing all that current?
Can you post your prop circuit and a picture of it so we can verify that it is correct?
"Shot from a cannon on a fast-moving train, hurtling between the blades of a
windmill, and expecting to grab a trapeze dangling from a hot-air balloon. . . I
told you Ace, there were too many variables!" Leo Brodie, Thinking Forth.
Hey Harrison, you actually made out which cap was which from that picture?
Check to make sure your BOEN and VSS pins are actually tied to ground. If they aren't then the built in pullup on the Reset pin won't be enabled, thus the reset signal could go all funky since the capacitor would just float there. Not to mention the Propeller would probably go into all sorts of weird reset patterns.
But other than that, a better picture is defiantly needed. I could barely make out some of the wires on the current picture.
Post Edited (Harrison.) : 9/30/2007 5:06:52 AM GMT
(1) You connect reset to pin 4 of the rs-232 plug. This pin is sometimes erroniously labelled DTR, but it is not! It is RTS! Many cables shortcut them internally but some do not.
So change the setting of the Propeller tool to RTS or RTS&DTR just for a try!
(2) I already said I do not like this cap-only reset. I can work, but it should be much more reliable to add an "open collector" NPN behind it - not much work...
Oops I have to change my first remark here Pin 4 of the 9p plug is of course DTR
There once was a time where I knew most pins by heart - of the 25p plug i.e. And pin 4 was RTS
Sorry :-(
Post Edited (deSilva) : 10/1/2007 8:14:42 PM GMT
Also try shorting the tx/rx together and seeing if you loopback (open a serial terminal and see if it echos your characters back). If it doesn't then you have some sort of pinout/power problems.
Are the transistors emitter and collector swapped? The way you have them wired could be right but most of my transistors are opposite to that. If they are proper 3904/06s then it should be ok. (Hey, don't mix the npn and pnp thing)
I'm guessing that the db9 is a female, it would have to be.
From what I can trace of your circuit everything except the cap looks right. Just please please change the electro for one of those ceramics that you have lying under the board.
Also i tried to write a demo application and save it as an binary compiled file, took the 32K of data and programed it onto the 24LC256, with the BS2 BOE, it wrote sucessfully but does not seem to load up on the propeller.
why does the prop plug have to be on back order
Should pins 7 and 8 from the adapter be tied together???
Post Edited (James Henry) : 9/30/2007 9:51:48 PM GMT
Hmm.. that seems to confirm something goes really wrong with the reset.
RESET is normally pulled-up by an internal resistor to 3V3.
Only in the cases when the PC takes over, I small pulse is generated to reset the Prop. As the Propeller Tool in the PC assumes that the Bootstrap has come up the the Prop, this pulse must not be too long.
Can you messure these sitations at the reset pin?
using the negative lead across the casing, and the positive lead to the pins
Pin···· Voltage
1······· 0V
2······· 0V
3······· -6.30V
4······· -6.30V·······
5······· 0V
6······· 0V
7······· -6.30V
8······· 0V
9······· 0V
But what at the Prop? Especially Pin 11 (Reset)
And just BTW: As you have 0V at Pin 2 of the D-Plug... You have not connected the recommended 4k7 resistor between Pin 2 and 4. Though it should not matter for this case I just mention it....
Post Edited (deSilva) : 9/30/2007 10:35:11 PM GMT
Without With
Pin Adapter Adapter
3.3V 2.55V 2.49V
RESn 0.45V 0.09V
P31 3.27V 3.10V
P30 2.76V 2.6V
VR 3.3V 3.3V
(VR = Voltage Regulator)
You can't have anything different at the Prop's 3V3 pin and the voltage regulator. There is just a wire inbetween!
How did you connect both parts of the 3V3 power stripe. You are aware that it is disconnected in the middle, aren't you?
Voltages Look A Lot Better but still no comunication
3.3V all across now
Post Edited (James Henry) : 9/30/2007 11:17:09 PM GMT
The idea behind it is to allow for two different voltages.... No need to have two different grounds
P.S.: But I think I have also seen boards whith both lanes disconnected... They have printed a "W" at that position... Most likely the Chinese glyph for: "Ha, ha , gotcha!"
for that awsome catch on the missing power rails.
I Now Have It Working Using The 3 Transistor Circuit From Datasheet 0.1
thanyou Once Again.
now its time to play <GRIN>
@James: You gave an indication of the problem yesterday at 3 o'clock; but we all ignored it....