Losing KEPRO as a vendor for an alternate Liquid Tinning Solution means that MG can be real proud of their stuff. $32.00 for 17 ounces of liquid! Ouch. That's way more than I paid for the KEPRO product that I just ran out of.
That said, since there are really no viable alternatives... I'm going to have to suck it up and get some. My experience with the TINNIT crystals makes the 1 step $32.00 MG method the way to go for tinning.
There's nothing like a new idea and a warm soldering iron.
Yes, we tried the TINNIT and it was a BIG hassle.
We use the pint bottles·of liquid tin and it lasts a long time. When it gets weak it just takes longer to tin stuff.
For small boards we pour it into a pyrex measuring cup. But the board in for about 5 minutes, then pour it back into the bottle (the boards stick to the cup unless you shake it).· Then we rinse the boards and blow them dry. Takes about 7 minutes total.
We have a company called "safety clean" dispose of our chemicals. But I've been told that you can just let it evaporate and put the empty bottle in the trash.
But I would check with the federallies first.
I know what I know, don't confuse me with the facts...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www.hittconsulting.com ·
That said, since there are really no viable alternatives... I'm going to have to suck it up and get some. My experience with the TINNIT crystals makes the 1 step $32.00 MG method the way to go for tinning.
There's nothing like a new idea and a warm soldering iron.
We use the pint bottles·of liquid tin and it lasts a long time. When it gets weak it just takes longer to tin stuff.
For small boards we pour it into a pyrex measuring cup. But the board in for about 5 minutes, then pour it back into the bottle (the boards stick to the cup unless you shake it).· Then we rinse the boards and blow them dry. Takes about 7 minutes total.
We have a company called "safety clean" dispose of our chemicals. But I've been told that you can just let it evaporate and put the empty bottle in the trash.
But I would check with the federallies first.
I know what I know, don't confuse me with the facts...
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Never again having to buy that foul looking , smelling, slow to work, stains everything $4.49 for a 16oz bottle From Rodeo SHack............
Well worth the time spent on this forum discovering it !!!!!!!!!!
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