BS2SX and ASI-204B LCD
Have been trying all morning to get this parallel LCD to work with my stamp. Anyone using one successfully? Any special tricks required to make it work?
All Shore ASI-G-2048B-CYS, uses Samsung KS0066 Controller
Pin Function
1 Vss
2 Vdd
3 Vo
4 RS
5 R/W
6 E
7-14 DB0-DB7
15 BL Anode
16 BL Cathode
I have tried every demo program I can find on this forum, and none of them work. I rewired/recoded from 4-bit to 8-bit and back to 4-bit. Triple checked all the connections. I even checked the timing with an o-scope. Everything seems to be working good right up to the LCD, but I never get anything other than the backlight to display. Backlight LED is 4.2v (120mA), driven by BOE 5V regulator through a 6.8 ohm (1/4W) resistor. 10K contrast POT is connected to Vdd, Vo and Vss, and I have also tried just grounding Vo. I have a 9V DC wall transformer powering BOE.
My latest wiring follows this schematic:
The attached code (and many versions of tweaks) does not work for me:
At this point, I am ready to toss the LCD...unless someone can tell me of a test mode for it. I didnt buy it new, I salvaged it from a front panel that was on a server being tossed out, and I never actually saw the panel working.
All Shore ASI-G-2048B-CYS, uses Samsung KS0066 Controller
Pin Function
1 Vss
2 Vdd
3 Vo
4 RS
5 R/W
6 E
7-14 DB0-DB7
15 BL Anode
16 BL Cathode
I have tried every demo program I can find on this forum, and none of them work. I rewired/recoded from 4-bit to 8-bit and back to 4-bit. Triple checked all the connections. I even checked the timing with an o-scope. Everything seems to be working good right up to the LCD, but I never get anything other than the backlight to display. Backlight LED is 4.2v (120mA), driven by BOE 5V regulator through a 6.8 ohm (1/4W) resistor. 10K contrast POT is connected to Vdd, Vo and Vss, and I have also tried just grounding Vo. I have a 9V DC wall transformer powering BOE.
My latest wiring follows this schematic:
The attached code (and many versions of tweaks) does not work for me:
At this point, I am ready to toss the LCD...unless someone can tell me of a test mode for it. I didnt buy it new, I salvaged it from a front panel that was on a server being tossed out, and I never actually saw the panel working.