ser2ftp.exe: Free Program for Stamp/Propeller-to-Website Transfer.
Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)
Posts: 23,514
I've written a program for the PC that I call "ser2ftp". With this program running, a connected BASIC Stamp or Propeller board can save data to the PC or upload it to a remotely-served website via FTP. This is a way to get real-time Stamp data onto the web without having to run a server locally — something that many ISPs do not allow — and without any additional external hardware.
ser2ftp handles several different kinds of files:
I've prepared a demo using a Parallax MoBoStamp-pe, along with a DS1620 temperature sensor. The MoBoStamp samples the ambient temperature each time it's reset by ser2ftp (every 15 minutes) and records the reading in a circular EEPROM buffer. It then uses the plot commands to generate a graph of the last 24 hours of readings, along with an html file showing the latest reading and the time it was taken. Both the image (gif) file and the html file are uploaded to my website by ser2ftp, which you can view here: A photo of the device, along with the PBASIC program that generates the two files are attached below.
If there's sufficient interest, I plan to document ser2ftp and make it available for download.
Update (2007.01.11): I've attached the documentation below. If anyone would like to test the program, PM me with information about your proposed app, and I'll get back to you.
Update (2012.04.22): Attached is a zip with the .exe file, the documentation, and the Perl source.
ser2ftp handles several different kinds of files:
- Text files: txt, htm, html, etc.
- Binary data files: bin, dat
- Image files: gif, jpg, png
I've prepared a demo using a Parallax MoBoStamp-pe, along with a DS1620 temperature sensor. The MoBoStamp samples the ambient temperature each time it's reset by ser2ftp (every 15 minutes) and records the reading in a circular EEPROM buffer. It then uses the plot commands to generate a graph of the last 24 hours of readings, along with an html file showing the latest reading and the time it was taken. Both the image (gif) file and the html file are uploaded to my website by ser2ftp, which you can view here: A photo of the device, along with the PBASIC program that generates the two files are attached below.
If there's sufficient interest, I plan to document ser2ftp and make it available for download.
Update (2007.01.11): I've attached the documentation below. If anyone would like to test the program, PM me with information about your proposed app, and I'll get back to you.
Update (2012.04.22): Attached is a zip with the .exe file, the documentation, and the Perl source.
I am definitely interested! I have been using serproxy running on a remote Linux box that I remote into over my network.
The ability to upload the types of files you listed and impose data collected from a Basic Stamp (or any other microcontroller for that matter) into those files would give me the ability to further enhance my home built weather station.
The three questions I have for you are as follows:
"I learn when I succeed, but I learn more when I fail."
In answer to your questions:
1. Perl.
2. The source code will be released under the GPL, once it has stabilized.
3. Of course!
Definitely interested in what you're doing. If you need a beta test, let me know!
Tom Sisk
I'm interested in testing it too.
What will be your policy for "For Profit" use ?
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"USA Today has come out with a new survey - apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population." - David Letterman
No problem with commercial use, so long as the terms of the GPL are honored.
I've got some "real work" in front of me for a couple days, then I can finish some mods on the program. I want to implement a better "timeout reset", more in line with the cron system used by Linux. This will permit restart intervals that align better with time-of-day boundaries.
I've posted the documentation in the top posting, along with notes about how to become a tester.
You may remember a while back a program called Microwebserv from CS Microsystems. I think they're long gone, but it worked in a similar manner using the PC for connections to the internet. Was a great solution for me to use to check the temperature on my radiant heat boiler system [which used to throw itself into heat overdrive for some reason - I could have done a better control system with a BS2 at the time[.
Ken Gracey
BTW, if all you need is a way to get Propeller data to a CSV file on your local machine, consider using the Windows CSV File Server that I posted more recently here: