hello, i will develop a project for school this semester and im interested in how you comunicated to your pc and used VB for your project. could you send me a copy of your Bstamp and VB codes?
Thank you very much
Interesting. I just built my first robotic arm. Can't beat Lynxmotiom servo erector set parts. Got a bunch from Ebay. I may also be interestted in your program. Just starting. I found you need 2 heavy duty servos with metal gears for the shoulder and elbow. Also using 2 medium power servos for the wrist and gripper. The mini servos can't pick up anything.I left the turrent off because I plan to mount it to a robot. You can contact me at rabbit.robotics@gmail.com
It's also one of the weirdest threads. A guy says he has some Visual BASIC program. And then dozens of people request copies via email. Is that how we used to distribute software back in the day?
I mean, it seems to connect V+ to everything else via a bunch or reversed bias diodes. Not only that, there are short circuits around coils A and C. I don't see how it can actually do anything.
Thank you very much
Best Regards
Manuel C. Reinhard
i am very interested in your program.
its very useful.
could i please get a copy of your program?
ModEdit: Email removed. Please contact here or using PM
It's also one of the weirdest threads. A guy says he has some Visual BASIC program. And then dozens of people request copies via email. Is that how we used to distribute software back in the day?
Anyway, I was scratching my head over the the stepper driver schematic shown in a post above http://forums.parallax.com/discussion/comment/633666/#Comment_633666
I mean, it seems to connect V+ to everything else via a bunch or reversed bias diodes. Not only that, there are short circuits around coils A and C. I don't see how it can actually do anything.