I got to tag along to a seminar a while back.
Lots of computer industry heavyweights were giving speeches about the future of computing.
Most of it way over my head but I was excited by talk of 3d architectures that were cooled by
forcing coolant through pores in the 3d chip and circulating through a sort of radiator. Optical
was bandied about as a good way to handle communications within the chip as well as to the
outside world. Basically a super cpu block with 2 power leads and that was it.
No idea how such a thing could be constructed...there was some talk of molecular assemblers..
a sort of 3 dimensional copy machine that would build stuff in 3 dimensions using raw materials.
I'd love to see that on my desktop someday soon!
I'm eager for the future to arrive
- Some mornings I wake up cranky.....but usually I just let him sleep in -
Supercooled processors have been around for decades. But you require a refrigeration expert to keep it running!
Holly, there just isn't the package you want that doesn't impose severe cost penalties. Same goes for the lovely extras. Bottom line, no-one will buy it. The PropII has to have 64 I/O. That is a current restriction of the Prop I.
PropII is not aimed at a desktop replacement although we are all trying to make it do that. LOL. But, tongue-in-cheek, we are using older or simpler operating systems than what even DOS became.
Now, where is that wooden stake ???
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Links to other interesting threads:
Which question? If it's about letting some cogs hog more hub slots than others, that was discussed at length and eventually dismissed as I mentioned. If it's about freezing the Prop II design, no it's not frozen yet, but most of it is probably frozen, certainly the major parameters like the chip process to be used, supply voltages, number of I/O pins, number of cogs, amount of hub ram, basic hub logic, basic cog logic, overall design of the I/O pads. What seems to still be in a little flux is the set of small functional units around the cog like the multiplier, video generator, and cog counters. I am not Chip and I am not privy to any information that has not been posted here or in the webinars, but I have read or listened to it and I can add 2 + 2 and get 4 (most of the time).
I did say quite some time back that there'd be no DIP package for Prop II and I stand by that. It's too expensive and not generally available anymore. What Chip was talking about (and I did listen to the webinar) was a DIP format module like the SpinStamp probably using a BGA packaged version of the Prop II like the SpinStamp does for the Prop I.
The beast lives again because people don't bother reading the whole epic thread and the same questions and desires come up again.
CounterRotatingProps said...
BTW your new avatar is quite cool ...
Thanks, I went searching for a new avatar after someone said my old one looked like an image of someone
who was stuck-up and full of herself...LoL ...so I looked for something fun and silly. That is a small part of
an old 1948 ad from a comic book. The ad was selling TooTsie Roll Pop Propeller Beanies for a quarter each.
There were a few runners ups.
If I had a beanie I'd take a picture of me wearing it...but who actually has a propeller beanie handy
- Some mornings I wake up cranky.....but usually I just let him sleep in -
Post Edited (HollyMinkowski) : 8/18/2009 3:40:44 AM GMT
Holly, your alternate choices for avatar are ... well, as the comic said, " HOOTIN' ZOOTS " * !
I like the Spock version especially and the all-too familar doll with "Bring it"
BTW - I agree with kwinn. Your old avatar was classy and artful. So whoever told you it looked stuck up needs to have a Prop Beenie stuck on their head ... it'll give 'em a lift to higher understanding.
* Hey, where is Zoot anyway? - you resemble that remark.
CRP said...
wow what happens when this thread gets to page 36 and the html has to wrap ... will it do a second line ...
Assuming you mean the page numbers on the forum thread list, yes, it wraps. With chrome at least you can just resize the window and watch it wrap. Besides, on my screen there are still spots for four or five page numbers. What makes you think it's your screen that blows up the internet? Huh? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
CounterRotatingProps said...
the all-too familar doll with "Bring it"
I almost went with the Talking Tina doll, but the "Bring It" seemed a bit harsh.
Of course that doll is from an old Twilight Zone episode, you can see it when
SyFy channel runs a marathon. It's an early 60's doll called the Vogue Brikette.
You still see them at yard sales...I almost bought one once but could not get
the old lady down to 15.00 They have bright red/orange hair and a sort of
devilish grin. Of course they made up a special outfit for the doll in that old tv show
and the Brikette doll was not a talking doll...I think they based the talking on
the Chatty Kathy doll.
I bet that way back when that scary show aired a lot of little girls saw it and
recognizing it as their Brikette doll became a bit frightened.
Oh my, the topic of this post has really wondered hasn't it...
- Some mornings I wake up cranky.....but usually I just let him sleep in -
> I bet that way back when that scary show aired a lot of little girls saw it and
> recognizing it as their Brikette doll became a bit frightened.
Yeah, it is pretty freaky looking --- like it needs to have a knife in it's mouth, sideways, pirate wise. !^(|) arrr matey! Get one at another yard sale, stick one of Parallax's just announced voice response boards in her belly and a speaker in the mouth, hooked up to a Prop. Just in time for Halloween! Put it on the front porch by the door, and your candy supply will not run low that night! <G>
> Oh my, the topic of this post has really wondered hasn't it
Well you know, not really: we're talking about Propellers on virtual heads - and Parallax sells at least a 2-d version:
That bigger ROM is going to be used, eventually, for sinking the entire development system into. This way, we can finally get OFF the PC for good, if we want to. I don't want us to keep wasting our time (and energy) writing perishable Windows apps. We've spent what has got to be cumulative man-years at Parallax wrestling with Windows to get what we needed, while at the same time we're chasing bizarre·bugs which routinely result from Windows patches and upgrades. It's been like building on a sandy foundation all along, and it just gets worse and worse.
I think you really need to port your software over to the Qt framework. It's the only cross-platform framework out there that has real manpower continuously invested into it, and by a big name company (Nokia). They issued a press release recently that they bet all of their phone future on Qt. It's serious, IOW, and methinks would be a safe bet from your standpoint.
I'm a very happy user of Qt. Luckily I haven't had to deal with Windows quirks much at all for many years. It is open source, available under LGPL so you don't need to open source your application that uses Qt!
For the most part, Qt takes care of all OS bugs and quirks. Write once, run anywhere, in a true fashion. I routinely develop using Qt on OS X, and the end users are on Windows. Qt SDK comes with Qt Creator -- a nice IDE with code completion, built-in documentation, bundled C/C++ compiler, version control interfaces, etc. Of course the Creator is open source so if you wish you can use the Creator shell as a cross-platform base for your own IDE development.
Qt is a C++ framework, but it also integrates with many scripting languages.
About the only thing Qt doesn't abstract out is the FTDI driver, but since they recently got their act together and did a real usblib-2 port to Unices (including OS X) that supports their D2XX API, that shouldn't be a problem anymore.
Anyway, Chip is building his own silicon, his own computer, his own compiler etc. I seriously believe we will see an on-chip self-hosting programming system coming as well. I don't see that lack of a GUI library stopping him:)
QextSerialPort does not wrap functionality of D2XX that I need for my application, and that you'd need if you're serious about streaming data efficiently. The serial port APIs exposed by most OSes miss the few key bits here.
My current take on more Cogs or RAM is.......... less of each, if I could get it at a significantly lower price, and PortB wired out (or at least internally connected).
For me that would make a very viable replacement for the EOL SX.
Yes, my wish list has changed considerably over time. Once, I wanted both. Now - external memory means there is enough memory to run big programs, and with the clever Catalina code to move any number of binaries in and out of cogs on the fly, maybe there are enough cogs as well.
So I'm just a happy little bunny with the Prop exactly as it is.
Well, maybe not. Now I want more ram for a video buffer...
Q: "How many bits are there in·the smallest compressed data file?"
A: Two - one for the data, the other for the compression algorithm.
I got to tag along to a seminar a while back.
Lots of computer industry heavyweights were giving speeches about the future of computing.
Most of it way over my head but I was excited by talk of 3d architectures that were cooled by
forcing coolant through pores in the 3d chip and circulating through a sort of radiator. Optical
was bandied about as a good way to handle communications within the chip as well as to the
outside world. Basically a super cpu block with 2 power leads and that was it.
No idea how such a thing could be constructed...there was some talk of molecular assemblers..
a sort of 3 dimensional copy machine that would build stuff in 3 dimensions using raw materials.
I'd love to see that on my desktop someday soon!
I'm eager for the future to arrive
- Some mornings I wake up cranky.....but usually I just let him sleep in -
Holly, there just isn't the package you want that doesn't impose severe cost penalties. Same goes for the lovely extras. Bottom line, no-one will buy it. The PropII has to have 64 I/O. That is a current restriction of the Prop I.
PropII is not aimed at a desktop replacement although we are all trying to make it do that. LOL. But, tongue-in-cheek, we are using older or simpler operating systems than what even DOS became.
Now, where is that wooden stake ???
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBladeProp, RamBlade, TwinBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: Micros eg Altair, and Terminals eg VT100 (Index) ZiCog (Z80), MoCog (6809)
· Search the Propeller forums (via Google)
My cruising website is: ·www.bluemagic.biz·· MultiBladeProp is: www.bluemagic.biz/cluso.htm
close to what the prop1 sells for to survive in the market.
I'm just dreaming of the future
Kurzweil was at that seminar...and gave the same speech he always gives...but it fires up the imagination.
- Some mornings I wake up cranky.....but usually I just let him sleep in -
@Holly - BTW your new avatar is quite cool ...
(I'm almost tempted to say "you go girl!" but I won't :-P)
- Howard
Which question? If it's about letting some cogs hog more hub slots than others, that was discussed at length and eventually dismissed as I mentioned. If it's about freezing the Prop II design, no it's not frozen yet, but most of it is probably frozen, certainly the major parameters like the chip process to be used, supply voltages, number of I/O pins, number of cogs, amount of hub ram, basic hub logic, basic cog logic, overall design of the I/O pads. What seems to still be in a little flux is the set of small functional units around the cog like the multiplier, video generator, and cog counters. I am not Chip and I am not privy to any information that has not been posted here or in the webinars, but I have read or listened to it and I can add 2 + 2 and get 4 (most of the time).
I did say quite some time back that there'd be no DIP package for Prop II and I stand by that. It's too expensive and not generally available anymore. What Chip was talking about (and I did listen to the webinar) was a DIP format module like the SpinStamp probably using a BGA packaged version of the Prop II like the SpinStamp does for the Prop I.
The beast lives again because people don't bother reading the whole epic thread and the same questions and desires come up again.
- Howard
Thanks, I went searching for a new avatar after someone said my old one looked like an image of someone
who was stuck-up and full of herself...LoL ...so I looked for something fun and silly. That is a small part of
an old 1948 ad from a comic book. The ad was selling TooTsie Roll Pop Propeller Beanies for a quarter each.
There were a few runners ups.
If I had a beanie I'd take a picture of me wearing it...but who actually has a propeller beanie handy
- Some mornings I wake up cranky.....but usually I just let him sleep in -
Post Edited (HollyMinkowski) : 8/18/2009 3:40:44 AM GMT
Your new avatar is nice, but I thought the old one was nice as well. Had a touch of class. No accounting for taste.
I like your new avatar. It exudes youthful enthusiasm!
On looking over that old ad up above, there are several other cute propeller beanie avatars that could be clipped from it.
- Some mornings I wake up cranky.....but usually I just let him sleep in -
Love the old comic, but 25c is a bit expensive for 1948!
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBladeProp, RamBlade, TwinBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: Micros eg Altair, and Terminals eg VT100 (Index) ZiCog (Z80), MoCog (6809)
· Search the Propeller forums (via Google)
My cruising website is: ·www.bluemagic.biz·· MultiBladeProp is: www.bluemagic.biz/cluso.htm
I guess that's right. I didn't consider 60yrs of dollar value difference.
And that quarter would have been made of real silver too!
I wonder what a real silver quarter is worth now? I suppose that would be the real 1948
cost of the beanie....a lot for a child to part with.
- Some mornings I wake up cranky.....but usually I just let him sleep in -
I like the Spock version especially and the all-too familar doll with "Bring it"
BTW - I agree with kwinn. Your old avatar was classy and artful. So whoever told you it looked stuck up needs to have a Prop Beenie stuck on their head ... it'll give 'em a lift to higher understanding.
* Hey, where is Zoot anyway? - you resemble that remark.
For me, the past is not over yet.
What's the record anyway (since we're off topic anyway - and everybody wants this thread to die ... bwwhhaaaa) ?
Assuming you mean the page numbers on the forum thread list, yes, it wraps. With chrome at least you can just resize the window and watch it wrap. Besides, on my screen there are still spots for four or five page numbers. What makes you think it's your screen that blows up the internet? Huh? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I almost went with the Talking Tina doll, but the "Bring It" seemed a bit harsh.
Of course that doll is from an old Twilight Zone episode, you can see it when
SyFy channel runs a marathon. It's an early 60's doll called the Vogue Brikette.
You still see them at yard sales...I almost bought one once but could not get
the old lady down to 15.00
devilish grin. Of course they made up a special outfit for the doll in that old tv show
and the Brikette doll was not a talking doll...I think they based the talking on
the Chatty Kathy doll.
I bet that way back when that scary show aired a lot of little girls saw it and
recognizing it as their Brikette doll became a bit frightened.
Oh my, the topic of this post has really wondered hasn't it...
- Some mornings I wake up cranky.....but usually I just let him sleep in -
> recognizing it as their Brikette doll became a bit frightened.
Yeah, it is pretty freaky looking --- like it needs to have a knife in it's mouth, sideways, pirate wise. !^(|) arrr matey! Get one at another yard sale, stick one of Parallax's just announced voice response boards in her belly and a speaker in the mouth, hooked up to a Prop. Just in time for Halloween! Put it on the front porch by the door, and your candy supply will not run low that night! <G>
> Oh my, the topic of this post has really wondered hasn't it
Well you know, not really: we're talking about Propellers on virtual heads - and Parallax sells at least a 2-d version:
So I guess the next question is how many blades should the New Prop II Beenie have?
(Like a give away anatomy question: "How many ears has the human?")
·(from my Electronic Art Links post - more good stuff there)
Makes me think of the doll heads in the movie Tideland
- Some mornings I wake up cranky.....but usually I just let him sleep in -
" What would you want more of, cogs, RAM, or Freaky Propeller Heads? "
I'm a very happy user of Qt. Luckily I haven't had to deal with Windows quirks much at all for many years. It is open source, available under LGPL so you don't need to open source your application that uses Qt!
For the most part, Qt takes care of all OS bugs and quirks. Write once, run anywhere, in a true fashion. I routinely develop using Qt on OS X, and the end users are on Windows. Qt SDK comes with Qt Creator -- a nice IDE with code completion, built-in documentation, bundled C/C++ compiler, version control interfaces, etc. Of course the Creator is open source so if you wish you can use the Creator shell as a cross-platform base for your own IDE development.
Qt is a C++ framework, but it also integrates with many scripting languages.
About the only thing Qt doesn't abstract out is the FTDI driver, but since they recently got their act together and did a real usblib-2 port to Unices (including OS X) that supports their D2XX API, that shouldn't be a problem anymore.
Qt is great stuff, I use it at work for getting our apps to run on Linux, Windows, Mac. Have yet to try it out on a mobile phone though.
Not sure what issues you have with FTDI but I've been using serial ports from Qt for ages with QextSeriaPort http://qextserialport.sourceforge.net/
Anyway, Chip is building his own silicon, his own computer, his own compiler etc. I seriously believe we will see an on-chip self-hosting programming system coming as well. I don't see that lack of a GUI library stopping him:)
My current take on more Cogs or RAM is.......... less of each, if I could get it at a significantly lower price, and PortB wired out (or at least internally connected).
For me that would make a very viable replacement for the EOL SX.
Peter (pjv)
So I'm just a happy little bunny with the Prop exactly as it is.
Well, maybe not. Now I want more ram for a video buffer...