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Rocket acceleration? — Parallax Forums

Rocket acceleration?

Mike15Mike15 Posts: 109
edited 2006-10-19 13:27 in Learn with BlocklyProp
I have completed a rocket payload project and have now launched and collected data.

Attached is the data from the two flights and data from a rocket simulation program.

The first tab shows the plotted data of each flight. The filtered reading is exactly that a "digitally filtered" reading of the acceleration.·The at rest reading is that of the output of the accelrometer when the rocket is at rest on the launch pad.

The second tab shows the raw data stored in·an external·eeprom. The first column is a reading from·the real time clock. the next is the accelrometer reading. The third the filtered reading and the at rest reading after that.

The·last tab shows the·raw flight data and raw simulator data compared and times matched. the plot shows how close the raeding of the accelrometer and the simulated acceleration are.

·I·ran a higher weight on the simulator program·Then what the rocket actully ended up weighing. Thats why I think the differance is there.

Now for the question with this data how can altitude be figured out?

Is it easiest to do it row by row? But then all the error incured by each row adds up and.

Is there a diffrent approach to calculating altitude?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

If there is any intrest I will post code and schematic.


  • The CaptainThe Captain Posts: 60
    edited 2006-08-23 04:01
    Does this help
  • Robert@HCCRobert@HCC Posts: 80
    edited 2006-08-23 05:34
    Mike15 said...
    I have completed a rocket payload project and have now launched and collected data.

    If there is any intrest I will post code and schematic.

    I would be interested in seeing what you have , Mike. I am working on a similiar project, and while it is almost complete I am always interested in seeing how someone else approched similar problems.
    Either way , thanks for sharing the above data!
  • Mike15Mike15 Posts: 109
    edited 2006-08-23 21:40
    here is some of the info.·
    1040 x 684 - 147K
    1368 x 2080 - 624K
  • achilles03achilles03 Posts: 247
    edited 2006-08-24 13:18
    Yes, it's relatively easy to figure out. A couple questions though:

    1. What ADXL are you using? The ADXL150? I can't see where you've converted the filtered acceleration data into actual acceleration, and you either need to calibrate the sensor (best) or have the datasheet to convert the ADC reading into acceleration. Or did I miss it?

    2. What kind of filter are you using? Kalman filtering?

    3. I see in your program that you've got the capability to get pressure data too. But it looks like you just zeroed it out? If you have pressure AND acceleration data, you can estimate your altitude to accuracies exceeding the resolution of either sensor alone.

    4. What exactly are you doing here:
    sValue = (adc */ P50) + (sValue */ P50)

    If you can atleast give me the PN for sensor (or calibration data), I'll calculate altitude in your spreadsheet and repost it.

  • achilles03achilles03 Posts: 247
    edited 2006-08-24 14:53
    Also, what motor(s) did you use and what was the diameter and mass of your rocket?
  • Mike15Mike15 Posts: 109
    edited 2006-08-25 00:56
    each count of the ADC = 1 mV

    as for the "filtering" thats this line of code
    sValue = (adc */ P50) + (sValue */ P50)

    it takes a percentige of the last reading and multiplies it with a percentage of the next reading

    I used a G- 104 from aerotech rocketry
    Airfarame 24.5 oz
    Motor hard. 2.2 oz

    As for the pressure sensor I am incorperating it and GPS to the next payload.
  • achilles03achilles03 Posts: 247
    edited 2006-08-25 13:30
    Mike15 said...
    each count of the ADC = 1 mV

    as for the "filtering" thats this line of code
    sValue = (adc */ P50) + (sValue */ P50)

    it takes a percentige of the last reading and multiplies it with a percentage of the next reading

    I used a G- 104 from aerotech rocketry
    Airfarame 24.5 oz
    Motor hard. 2.2 oz

    As for the pressure sensor I am incorperating it and GPS to the next payload.

    That's good info. But you also need to tell me the accelerometer's PN. A change of 1mv for one accelerometer might be equivalent to a 1g change, while for another accelerometer it might be a .001g change. Some accelerometers measure +/- 500g's, while others only measure +/- 2g's. So it's not a simple relationship (like 1mv = 1g for ALL accelerometers ever made). They vary from PN to PN and application to application. I see an ADXL on your schematic, but no info on the rest of the PN...

    Also, if you're using a 12-bit ADC, I think 1bit is closer to 1.22mV.

    If you can provide the PN, I can provide the rest.

    (also what was your rocket diameter?)


    Post Edited (achilles03) : 8/25/2006 2:15:23 PM GMT
  • Mike15Mike15 Posts: 109
    edited 2006-08-26 00:37
    The rocket diamiter is 2.6 in.

    The accelrometter is the ADXL78 from analog devices. If I remeber right 1g is equal to 27 counts?

    Thanks for the attention to this matter
  • achilles03achilles03 Posts: 247
    edited 2006-08-26 02:16
    Done and Done...

    In a nutshell, it looks like you hit 325 to 330 meters for each flight.

    It looks like your sensor was for AD22279, so it's 55mV/g. It also looks like you may have underguessed your drag coefficient a little. I redid your simulator, so you can change things in the spreadsheet and see how it affects your flight. I didn't worry about the filtered data, as your filter is mainly just smoothing.

    It looks like you have a very good correlation between simulation and actual data. Good job. Feel free to ask any questions.

  • Mike15Mike15 Posts: 109
    edited 2006-08-30 22:59
    ·Thanks alot for the help. Were or how did you find the 55 mV per g?

    Post Edited (Mike15) : 8/30/2006 11:27:23 PM GMT
  • achilles03achilles03 Posts: 247
    edited 2006-09-06 02:50
    It was in the datasheet under the specifications table. As it turns out, there's more than one version of that accelerometer. I usually end up reading the datasheet 3 times before I've incorporated it in a project. It's really easy to overlook something minor that has a major impact.
  • AImanAIman Posts: 531
    edited 2006-10-19 13:27
    Every see the movie October Skies? Kind of a slow movie but a fairly good story about one of the people who fell in love with rockets when we as a nation first started out using them.
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