OK.· I have another question for anyone interested in helping.·· I just want to move a DC motor forward.· No reverse.· I will set pin 4 high.
Using a ULN2003.
Could someone look at my setup and tell me if it is ok?
THANKS TO ALL for helping me.· Project is coming along fairly well.
The ULN2003 will ground the motor connection. So the other motor connection needs to to +12 not ground.
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THANKS in advance!· (this one really has me puzzled.)· I am a beginner, but have some knowledge!
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
I swear I am not one of those guys that forsakes research by just asking on the forum.· I'm doing this to learn, and I am doing the research.· Just can't figure out what I am missing...
I believe my second diagram is as the article shows....
Thanks again.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Make sure some else checks me out on this before you make any permanent changes and test this, but I think you have Vss and ground reversed in your wiring. As I remember, the ULN2003's usually supply a switched ground, rather than switched power. Thus, positive power goes directly to the motor, and the ground lead comes from the switched side of the IC.
Bruce Bates
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support