So, anybody know where to get a mercury tilt switch anymore?· The smaller, glass-bulb (sort of like a neon bulb)·kind like they used to sell at Radio Shack?
You're going to have a hard time finding those things.· The EPA has outlawed them.· You best bet - find an A/C contractor and see if he has any old thermostats lying around.
You may also be able to find some at an automitive junk yard. Not the type shaped like a neon bulb, but none-the-less a tilt switch. They typically use(d) them as a switch for trunk and and under-hood lights.
I can buy them off the shelf here in Taiwan. I have two or three lying around here.
I just cannot export them to you.
Mercury poisoning is nasty stuff.
I have a couple that appear to be additionally clad in metal.
While it is easy to say, 'The EPA has outlawed them', you have mercury wetted relay switchs and a multitude of other high voltage/high power switching applications that have relied on mercury on a daily basis. I suspect the EPA just took them out of the hands of the public. Are mercury batteries still sold in the USA?
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Export, ex-shmort.· If you put a couple in a box, who's to know?
Well, you can't blame a guy for trying.
I know there are the metal type, but I think that they're considerably bigger than those bulb-type guys.· I guess the concern is breaking the glass bulb and spilling the stuff.
Can't think of anything else so easy to use, in an electronic context, for actuation/de-activation (based on position.)· I've tried one of those tilt-switches with the bearing in it, but it doesn't rest reliably on a contact.
[noparse][[/noparse] I guess the Indians who lived in the San Jose area would paint themselves with the cinnabar they found around there.· Cinnabar is the ore from which mercury is extracted. ]
Cinnabar has been used for ceremonial paint since the dawn of man, I think I saw an anthropologic study on determining which set of bones belonged to the shaman of a prehistoric european tribe by measuring the mercury content of the bones.
PJ Allen said...
So, anybody know where to get a mercury tilt switch anymore? The smaller, glass-bulb (sort of like a neon bulb) kind like they used to sell at Radio Shack?
Why don't you use an optical tilt encoder??? It could be built using a break beam, or photo-reflective sensor...
If one did it right, you could possibly measure degree of tilt.
The automotive switches I've seen have a metal case, and are fairly small (about 0.25" (6mm) dia x 0.38 (9 mm) long. You might even be able to find these at an automotive parts store.
Go to and put tilt in the search box. You will find 7 devices, 3 under a buck. I think some of them are 2 axis.
Also has two optical tilt sensors by Sharp. They are in stock is 1.95 @ 1 pc.
I dont' believe any contain mercury but that is even better.
Rick B.
Post Edited (mediaprefect) : 11/28/2005 7:23:25 PM GMT
So how many years in jail do I get for sending a mercury switch to the U.S.A?
I have both kinds. But ......Sorry PJ, I just can't do it.
Last time I left a box unattended in the post office [noparse][[/noparse]while getting another from the car], they thought it was a bomb.
[noparse][[/noparse]It was 500 Christmas cards!]
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Oh, please -- they'll probably let out a·couple of kidnappers to make room for the likes of you, Kramer.· In the highly unlikely event that anyone would care, let alone know, the most they'd do is confiscate it.·
I'm getting a head-ache, already (probably from all the mercury in that tuna fish I had last night.)· So, who should care?
Anyways.· I think I've found a way achieve my objective with this ball-bearing-dealy, so it'll clunk.
When you get 1st Place in the "Darwin Awards", you're a Winner & a Loser.
Have you looked at using ball bearings?
LIke those little ball bearing can have a little petre' dish looking thing and have a metal ring around the outside and have the bottom of the dish metal....
Of course there's a small gap between teh two plates (right in the corner)...then when its tilted (in any direction) the balls roll to the end and make contact.
DEbounce would be a major issues....but put a cap across the leads....
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ·
Steve "Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
Well, that's pretty much what these dudes are: a little plastic box with 4 leads through it (all the same axis) and a ball-bearing.· I bought a few from allelectronics a few years ago.· They sold them for years, but I can't find them on their site (just looked.)·
So, when it's in the REST position it's making contact and when it gets flipped [noparse][[/noparse]The Objective] it's in the ACTIVE position (no contact) and the process begins, and then it has to be placed back in the REST position to Reset the device.
By the way, if you really are worried about heavy metal poisoning [noparse][[/noparse]cadium, lead, or mercury], try Mung Bean Soup.
That's right. The Chinese have used the green skin of Mung Beans to remove heavy metal poisonig for thousands of years. You may want to add a bit of sugar to your cooked Mung Beans. You will also find that it will make you cool as a cucumber even when it is 100 degrees F. It really is amazing stuff. But take care not to get too cold during the winter months.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
I found a small one in a talking alarm clock. I will get back to you on where you can get the clock, if you would like.
this thread was started 6 years ago.
PJ's probably already succumbed to whatever toxins his switches inflicted upon him. We can only hope the Mung Bean soup saved him from the old alchemist's malady.
Yes indeed, Newton seems to have succumbed to mercury poisoning involved in his duties as head of Britian's mint and covert alchemy research.
The best place to find a mercury switch these days is in a Honeywell furnace wall thermostat that might be still in use in your own home.
I see that the electronics shops here in Kaohsiung are still selling a tilt switch - which may or may not be mercury; but it is encased in a barrel-like tube of brass and plastic. It may be a metal ball unit, like the Mouser device above.
In case anyone has forgotten, the sponsor of this nice forum offers a perfectly good non-mercury tilt switch alternative that measures four directions of tilt, instead of just one. Very tiny, also, so it'll fit in tight spaces. I just used two in a project (positioned orthogonally) and they work very well.
Sorry to disappoint, but rumours of my demise are exaggerated.
Right. 5 years ago I did the project with a "ball in a cage" tilt switch. I wasn't pleased because everyone decided to shake the thing on account of that. So I decided to make that work for the project and used the shaking to influence the random seed.
Everyone get some sleep.
Sid Weaver
Do you have a Stamp Tester yet?
You may also be able to find some at an automitive junk yard. Not the type shaped like a neon bulb, but none-the-less a tilt switch. They typically use(d) them as a switch for trunk and and under-hood lights.
John R.
8 + 8 = 10
I just cannot export them to you.
Mercury poisoning is nasty stuff.
I have a couple that appear to be additionally clad in metal.
While it is easy to say, 'The EPA has outlawed them', you have mercury wetted relay switchs and a multitude of other high voltage/high power switching applications that have relied on mercury on a daily basis. I suspect the EPA just took them out of the hands of the public. Are mercury batteries still sold in the USA?
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Well, you can't blame a guy for trying.
I know there are the metal type, but I think that they're considerably bigger than those bulb-type guys.· I guess the concern is breaking the glass bulb and spilling the stuff.
Can't think of anything else so easy to use, in an electronic context, for actuation/de-activation (based on position.)· I've tried one of those tilt-switches with the bearing in it, but it doesn't rest reliably on a contact.
[noparse][[/noparse] I guess the Indians who lived in the San Jose area would paint themselves with the cinnabar they found around there.· Cinnabar is the ore from which mercury is extracted. ]
Cinnabar has been used for ceremonial paint since the dawn of man, I think I saw an anthropologic study on determining which set of bones belonged to the shaman of a prehistoric european tribe by measuring the mercury content of the bones.
Why don't you use an optical tilt encoder??? It could be built using a break beam, or photo-reflective sensor...
If one did it right, you could possibly measure degree of tilt.
The automotive switches I've seen have a metal case, and are fairly small (about 0.25" (6mm) dia x 0.38 (9 mm) long. You might even be able to find these at an automotive parts store.
John R.
8 + 8 = 10
Go to and put tilt in the search box. You will find 7 devices, 3 under a buck. I think some of them are 2 axis.
Also has two optical tilt sensors by Sharp. They are in stock is 1.95 @ 1 pc.
I dont' believe any contain mercury but that is even better.
Rick B.
Post Edited (mediaprefect) : 11/28/2005 7:23:25 PM GMT
Mouser & DigiKey -- well, who'd've thunk it?
I have both kinds. But ......Sorry PJ, I just can't do it.
Last time I left a box unattended in the post office [noparse][[/noparse]while getting another from the car], they thought it was a bomb.
[noparse][[/noparse]It was 500 Christmas cards!]
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
I'm getting a head-ache, already (probably from all the mercury in that tuna fish I had last night.)· So, who should care?
Anyways.· I think I've found a way achieve my objective with this ball-bearing-dealy, so it'll clunk.
When you get 1st Place in the "Darwin Awards", you're a Winner & a Loser.
LIke those little ball bearing can have a little petre' dish looking thing and have a metal ring around the outside and have the bottom of the dish metal....
Of course there's a small gap between teh two plates (right in the corner)...then when its tilted (in any direction) the balls roll to the end and make contact.
DEbounce would be a major issues....but put a cap across the leads....
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
So, when it's in the REST position it's making contact and when it gets flipped [noparse][[/noparse]The Objective] it's in the ACTIVE position (no contact) and the process begins, and then it has to be placed back in the REST position to Reset the device.
That's right. The Chinese have used the green skin of Mung Beans to remove heavy metal poisonig for thousands of years. You may want to add a bit of sugar to your cooked Mung Beans. You will also find that it will make you cool as a cucumber even when it is 100 degrees F. It really is amazing stuff. But take care not to get too cold during the winter months.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
this thread was started 6 years ago.
PJ's probably already succumbed to whatever toxins his switches inflicted upon him. We can only hope the Mung Bean soup saved him from the old alchemist's malady.
The best place to find a mercury switch these days is in a Honeywell furnace wall thermostat that might be still in use in your own home.
I see that the electronics shops here in Kaohsiung are still selling a tilt switch - which may or may not be mercury; but it is encased in a barrel-like tube of brass and plastic. It may be a metal ball unit, like the Mouser device above.
@ PJ
Take care and get well.
Many others also there, current ratings vary 0.3-0.8 amps.
If they really are contraband, and illegal to ship, makes me want 'em all the more!
I've tried the non-mercury ball bearing types and they are VERY noisy (Electrically speaking).
-- Gordon
Time to put this thread to bed
I don't think the US mail allows shipments of Hg. It will be interesting to see how (if) it gets to you.
It will get through. It will be sent as a gift.
Right. 5 years ago I did the project with a "ball in a cage" tilt switch. I wasn't pleased because everyone decided to shake the thing on account of that. So I decided to make that work for the project and used the shaking to influence the random seed.
Everyone get some sleep.
I've heard that such gifts are sometimes delivered by the Kalifornia Kustoms Agents Kwanzaa Karolers:
On the first day of Kwan-zaa my Chinese squeeze sent to meeeee....
a lot of switches made of mer-cur-reeeeee!