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probalby not a normal question

Jeffrey C.Jeffrey C. Posts: 17
edited 2005-12-27 20:35 in General Discussion
I want to be an electrical engineer of some sorts, I am really interested in robotics and high power microscopes, what should I do to prepare?· Are there any specific high school courses I could take (mine doesn't have much in the tech side of things) and when I graduate what should I do after.· It sounds silly but I don't know anything in this area and it's probably one of the most important things to know.· Hope it makes sense.

My name is Jeff, and I seriously couldn't think of a name...


  • quick questionquick question Posts: 50
    edited 2005-09-22 00:26
    Try to Get a Calc class in high school (at least precalc) - Also as many physics classes as offered -
    If you high school has a legobot robotics team - join - if not, see the Physics teacher and see if you can get one started....
  • Jeffrey C.Jeffrey C. Posts: 17
    edited 2005-09-22 11:31
    Alright, sounds good.· I'm stuck for a year or two, but ohwell.·
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2005-09-22 14:06
    A very strong math background is the most beneficial, if you are in the accelerated math track (taking Calc senior year), then apply for AP Physics, which is based on calculus rather than algebra as the standard high school physics is. This will give you experience in applying calculus to a physical science, which is what you will be doing throughout your college years.

    Also check to see if any of your nearby colleges offer advanced courses for high school students.


    Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 9/22/2005 2:06:21 PM GMT
  • John R.John R. Posts: 1,376
    edited 2005-09-22 18:13
    It is also not too soon to be talking with your high school coucilors and even university admissions counciling staff about opportunities.

    You mention "some type of electrical engineer", and that will need to trimmed down, but not for a while (you probably don't need to decide until well after you start college.

    As far as high power microscopy and robotics, you might find a microcope lab at a local college or university in the biology or medical department and talk with some folks there.

    If you have some kind of local "design house" or other electrical/electronic manufacturer, you may be able to find someone there to talk with you. Keep in mind, these folks have a job to do, and some of them may not have the time or interest in talking with you. Others will.

    You can also check out any career fairs. Explain to any employers that you aren't ready to apply for a job, but interested in what kind of jobs are available in your areas of interest.

    Paul mentioned checking nearby colleges for advanced courses. You might want to include any local "tech schools" or other places with Associate Degree programs. While this may not be the full road to your ultimate career path, they may offer some opportunities to get some "hands on" experiences. Also, don't be afraid to ask about getting into some of these classes if they are offered at night or over the summer. Even if they "require" a high school diploma, some campuses will waive this requirement if you talk to the staff, and the class isn't full.

    There are a number of fields that may be closely related to your interests, including science and other engineering fields. (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering come to mind in terms of "robitics"), Don't be afraid to explore them. This isn't a decision you need to make anytime soon, so take your time, and make sure you explore any options that look interesting.

    John R.

    8 + 8 = 10
  • Jeffrey C.Jeffrey C. Posts: 17
    edited 2005-09-22 19:32
    Ok, I am immensly (vocab to enhance) interested in microscopes, specifically electron and atom probes. I really like robotics also, but again, immensly. Is there an E after the N? I don't know how the math here works, I just moved, but from the looks of it I won't make it to calculus. They have a mixed math class, where you take half a year of 101 201 etc. It includes algebra, geometry, trig, and later intro to calculus. I am technically "advanced" but this school doesn't recognize it...Very weird school. The AP phisics here if I remember right doesn't involve calculus...I think. But I can get to that. Should I take a programming class? Or do Parallax products work just as well, I learned BASIC language pretty well, but havn't touched it in a while because I don't have my BOE BOT right now.

  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2005-09-22 22:44
    If you find programing to be a natural fit to your way of thinking, then the only courses that you would get good mileage from are Intro to Computer Programming and Software Engineering, both college level courses. If you find programming your BOE BOT a relatively easy task, then you will find picking up any other programming language to not be too difficult of a task, though you may want to pickup a C++ compiler to get yourself familiarized with the language since it is pretty much an industry standard. But sub-college level programming courses tend to concentrate on the trees without paying attention to the forest, good for learning the language but limited in its portability to other languages.

    Into to Computer Programming (ICP), teaches programming on an abstract level (though the project assignments use a particular language), it teaches black box theory which is very useful in properly defining the scope of functions and subfunctions of a computer program which greatly assists you in software development.

    Software Engineering builds upon ICP in a group environment working on a large scale project, and teaches you the nessesary skills to work in the industry.

    If you plan of going the strict EE route you may find both of the courses to be of limited value to you. But the mantra of the CEE (Computer Electrical Engineering, a hybrid of CIS and EE) program of the university I attended was (paraphrased): You can't properly design a computer if you don't understand how it will be programmed, and you can't properly program a computer if you don't understand how it was designed.

  • ElectronegativityElectronegativity Posts: 311
    edited 2005-09-23 05:53
    It seems a bit odd to address you as Really I Couldn't, but here it goes:

    The specific courses that you take in High School will not impact your life to the extent that you have been led to believe.
    What will impact your life immensely is what you want to do.

    Don't wait for some educational institution to teach you what you need to know, learn it yourself.
    I was a total scumbag in H.S. and learned almost nothing.
    After a decade of hard labor I went back to school and eventually earned a Ph.D. in physical chemistry.

    Don't worry about calculus, or any other specific dicipline.
    The best way to learn is to set out to accomplish something and learn whatever is needed to make it happen.

    Pick a project; maybe a robot that walks and chews gum or a sassy answering machine, it doesn't matter. Once you have set upon a goal you will find yourself immersed in all the technical details needed to make it happen.

    The real world values people who can do things, people who can adapt on the fly to make it work against all adversity. If you become one of those people then you will succeed.


    I wonder if this wire is hot...
  • Jeffrey C.Jeffrey C. Posts: 17
    edited 2005-09-23 20:01
    You can call me Jeff.· Thanks for all the help!· I pretty much know how I'm going to plan my scheduals now.· THanks.


    What's all this 1 + 1 = 10 and 8+8=10 stuff?· Tell me please!
  • David BDavid B Posts: 592
    edited 2005-09-23 20:07

    Here's a good topic to begin your education!

    Your assignment is to answer the following two questions:

    In base 2, what is the sum of 1 and 1?

    In base 16 (hexadecimal) what is the sum of 8 and 8?

  • Ryan ClarkeRyan Clarke Posts: 738
    edited 2005-09-23 22:33
    Ah, it's good to be 8530.


    Ryan Clarke
    Parallax Tech Support
  • Jeffrey C.Jeffrey C. Posts: 17
    edited 2005-09-23 22:35
    The answer is 10. It's binary code I believe. borean algebra is it called? I can explain more later to prove I know. but i am limited on time.
  • Ryan ClarkeRyan Clarke Posts: 738
    edited 2005-09-23 22:39
    Actually the answer is 0 with a carry [noparse];)[/noparse]

    That is called binary, or base 2. We tend to be base 10-centric due to the fact that we have 10 fingers (and toes, hopefully)-
    Maybe if we were born without thumbs we would all use octal....

    The base 2 (binary) use by computers (and the fact that binary easily represents "on" and "off" or "true" and "false") is why the structure of computers/memory systems has evolved the way it has...every now and then someone makes a tri-state based offshoot....


    Ryan Clarke
    Parallax Tech Support
  • Ryan ClarkeRyan Clarke Posts: 738
    edited 2005-09-23 22:40
    And "boolean" (in general) deals with "true" and "false" states, and staements that can be boiled down to (evaluated to) a result that is either true or false (1 or 0)-


    Ryan Clarke
    Parallax Tech Support
  • Robert KubichekRobert Kubichek Posts: 343
    edited 2005-09-23 23:23
    David B said...

    Here's a good topic to begin your education!

    Your assignment is to answer the following two questions:

    In base 2, what is the sum of 1 and 1?

    In base 16 (hexadecimal) what is the sum of 8 and 8?


    10 binary
    10 hex

    Bob N9LVu scool.gif
  • Jeffrey C.Jeffrey C. Posts: 17
    edited 2005-09-23 23:37
    Ok, this is fun, lots of learning that I didn't know I'd get. It's all good. I understand binary, 1s 0s and that displays transitor states. Right? What did Robert mean? "10 binary 10 hex" ? 1 + 1 = 01 01 ?? binary right? and hexadecimal would be 1000 1000 or 8 + 8 ??? I sorta understand but can't make it into words, or else I don't understand but I think that i sorta understand...hmm
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2005-09-23 23:56
    Jeffrey C. said...
    What did Robert mean? "10 binary 10 hex" ? 1 + 1 = 01 01 ?? binary right? and hexadecimal would be 1000 1000 or 8 + 8 ??? I sorta understand but can't make it into words, or else I don't understand but I think that i sorta understand...hmm

    ·· A 1 in binary is represented by: 1.· If you add another one to it, the answer is two, or 10 in binary.· The least significant digit is on the right.· If you added one again, you'd get three, or 11 in binary.· And finally, if you added one again, you'd get 100 in binary.· Does that help?

    ·· As for the Octal system, 8 and 8 is 16 (In Decimal), 10 in Hex, but in octal the representation is 20 (Sometimes &020).· The easy way to display some of this is to open your calculator in Windows and go to the View menu and select Scientific.· This way you can switch between number bases at will and see the representations of each number in one of four number bases.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support

    Post Edited (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 9/26/2005 10:28:33 PM GMT
  • Robert KubichekRobert Kubichek Posts: 343
    edited 2005-09-24 00:28
    Jeffrey C. said...
    Ok, this is fun, lots of learning that I didn't know I'd get. It's all good. I understand binary, 1s 0s and that displays transitor states. Right? What did Robert mean? "10 binary 10 hex" ? 1 + 1 = 01 01 ?? binary right? and hexadecimal would be 1000 1000 or 8 + 8 ??? I sorta understand but can't make it into words, or else I don't understand but I think that i sorta understand...hmm

    Binary is count to two, and carry digit to next higher number.

    1 bin + 1 bin = 10 bin or 2 dec or 2 hex

    11 bin + 110 bin = 1001 bin or 9 dec or 9 hex

    Hex is count to 15, and upon the 16th count you zero out, and carry a 1 to the next higher digit.

    hex is the numbers "0-9, A,B,C,D,E,F,",so if you added 8 hex + 8 hex = 10 hex or 10000 bin or 16 dec

    8 hex + A hex = 11 hex or 17 dec or 10001 bin
    ____________ 10 hex is 16 dec or 10000 bin
    ___________+ 01 hex is 01 dec or 00001 bin
    ___________= 11 hex is 17 dec or 10001 bin

    00001 bin 1 dec 1 hex
    00010 bin 2 dec 2 hex
    00011 bin 3 dec 3 hex
    00100 bin 4 dec 4 hex
    00101 bin 5 dec 5 hex
    00110 bin 6 dec 6 hex
    00111 bin 7 dec 7 hex
    01000 bin 8 dec 8 hex
    01001 bin 9 dec 9 hex
    01010 bin 10 dec A hex
    01011 bin 11 dec B hex
    01100 bin 12 dec C hex
    01101 bin 13 dec D hex
    01110 bin 14 dec E hex
    01111 bin 15 dec F hex
    10000 bin 16 dec 10 hex

    The pattern just keeps on repeating...

    Bob N9LVU scool.gif

    I have changed it, THERE IS NO "G" in hex...... SHEESH I should know better... eyes.gif

    Post Edited (Robert Kubichek) : 9/26/2005 10:33:10 PM GMT
  • Jeffrey C.Jeffrey C. Posts: 17
    edited 2005-09-24 01:01
    mmmk. i'm going to print that one. [noparse]:)[/noparse] Someone told me HTML is easier, is that true? Plus, do I need special software if I learn to program with these? More specifically, how do I get it?
  • kogeratkogerat Posts: 31
    edited 2005-09-24 01:10
    Hi Jeff,

    Take a look at chapter 2, activity 1 in IR Control for the Boe-Bot at It gives a good explanation of Binary. If you plan on going into Electrical Engineering or Computer Science, everybody is right. Get all of the Math and·Physics you can· possibly take while in high school. All of the experimenting you can do on your own at home is a big plus too, besides being fun.

    Jim K.
  • PJAllenPJAllen Banned Posts: 5,065
    edited 2005-09-24 02:37
    Jeffrey C.,
    If you figure that you're going to be a BSEE (BSCE, BSEET, etc.) without Calculus and Differential Equations: it's NOT going to happen. To what extent does a design engineer pound out some gnarly Calculus on some job? I've never really met one who said he did. I love electron-pushing as much as, maybe more than, anybody here, but it's not going to get me an Engineer job.

    And by the way, there isn't any "G" in Hexadecimal, contrary to another's post.


    ·0· 00000·· 0
    ·1· 00001· ·1
    ·2· 00010· ·2
    ·3· 00011· ·3
    ·4· 00100· ·4
    ·5· 00101· ·5
    ·6· 00110· ·6
    ·7· 00111· ·7
    ·8· 01000· ·8
    ·9· 01001·· 9
    10· 01010··A
    11· 01011··B
    12· 01100··C
    13· 01101· D
    14· 01110· E
    15· 01111· F
    16· 10000· 10
    17· 10001· 11

    ...and so on (no offense, anybody.)

    Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 9/24/2005 2:40:28 AM GMT
  • Ryan ClarkeRyan Clarke Posts: 738
    edited 2005-09-26 22:28
    Why do programmers always confuse Christmas and Halloween?

    DEC 25 = OCT 31

    PJ is correct, there is no "G" in base 16 (hex)-

    Here is another one to help you learn:

    If I am in base 5, what is 12 after converted to decimal (base 10)?

    (You'd never guess I love math, would you?)


    Ryan Clarke
    Parallax Tech Support
  • Jeffrey C.Jeffrey C. Posts: 17
    edited 2005-09-27 00:49
    Wo guys, I havn't a clue what you be talking about! I have never seen this stuff, ( base ___) I am going on what I've heard. What is base? is there a website or book I could read?

    My school has some messed up math, or maybe it isn't, but it's the first like it ive ever seen. It's 101 201 etc till 501 and it encorperates algebra trig and geometry. 501 is a little pre calculus and then you can take AP calculus. yep. I can get to Calculus though, yay.

    Off topic, but has anyone seen wedding crashers?
  • Robert KubichekRobert Kubichek Posts: 343
    edited 2005-09-27 01:50
    Jeffrey C. said...
    Wo guys, I havn't a clue what you be talking about! I have never seen this stuff, ( base ___) I am going on what I've heard. What is base? is there a website or book I could read?

    My school has some messed up math, or maybe it isn't, but it's the first like it ive ever seen. It's 101 201 etc till 501 and it encorperates algebra trig and geometry. 501 is a little pre calculus and then you can take AP calculus. yep. I can get to Calculus though, yay.

    Off topic, but has anyone seen wedding crashers?

    Base 2 is Binary
    Base 8 is Octal
    Base 10 is Decimal
    Base 16 is Hexadecimal

    There are other numerical base methods, but these 4 are the ones most used in programing.

    Some others include;
    BCD (B)inary (C)oded (D)ecimal
    Base 3 or Trinary

    Before, I messed up in the description of Hexadecimal, it is Numbers 0-9, and Letters A-F.... Ooppss rolleyes.gif

    Bob N9LVU blush.gif
  • Ryan ClarkeRyan Clarke Posts: 738
    edited 2005-09-27 14:55
    BCD isn't a 'base' but a means of storing a number- more on that later.

    Ok, a short lesson on number bases:

    Most often people use base 10, or decimal, for every day use. Why? Look at your hands. You have 10 fingers. Count up, you hit ten, and suddenly you are out of fingers. Count to ten again. Now you've gone through your fingers twice. Two sets of ten (or twenty)- The 'roll-over' is at 10. How so? You have the digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. That's it. In a single 'place', you can only stick one of those digits. And since we only have those digits, how do we indicate MORE than 9? We write 10. Two digits. The one in the second place means "hey, we've gone through all the digits we have for the place before- how many times? Once." Take the 10 apart: it really means (1 * 10) + (0 * 1) = 10. What about 15? That means we've been through the fingers 1 time (the "1" in the "15") and we have five more fingers than that: 15 = (1 * 10) + (5 * 1).

    But what happens if we count all the way through our fingers, TEN times? Well, ten fingers ten times is 100. (We ran out of digits for the "tens" place, since we already did the 20's, 30's, 40's etc...) Breaking 100 apart: 100 = (1 * 100) + (0 * 10) + (0 * 1).

    That's all well and good, but what if I was born without thumbs? I would only have 8 fingers. So I start counting, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. I don't have a finger for 9, so I can't use that digit. Since when I had 10 fingers I used the very last one to mean "all the fingers" (remember 10 means all nine used), the "8th" finger when I only have eight fingers will mean "all eight used"- so in BASE EIGHT, I would count like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10. WHAT? Think about it, it makes sense. When you hit the "eighth" finger, you mean "all fingers counted". So in base eight, 10 = (1 * 8) + (0 * 1). What about 15 in base 8? 15 = (1 * 8) + (5 * 1). So in base eight "10" means "eight things" but in base ten "10" means "ten things". In base eight "15" means "thirteen things" but in base ten "15" means "fifteen things".

    That's probably enough for now. More later if you're interested.


    Ryan Clarke
    Parallax Tech Support
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2005-09-27 15:28
    Ryan Clarke (Parallax) said...
    Why do programmers always confuse Christmas and Halloween?

    DEC 25 = OCT 31
    All·of the·patent examiners in my workgroup·(all EE majors) got a big kick out of this.

  • Ryan ClarkeRyan Clarke Posts: 738
    edited 2005-09-27 15:37

    Did they get this one: "Ah, it's good to be 8530."? >[noparse]:)[/noparse]


    Ryan Clarke
    Parallax Tech Support
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2005-09-27 15:56
    Sadly, I didn't get it, so I didn't pass it along. blush.gif

  • Ryan ClarkeRyan Clarke Posts: 738
    edited 2005-09-27 15:58
    Take 8530, invert it, convert to HEX.

    It's good to be alive (not dead).

    Ryan [noparse];)[/noparse]

    Ryan Clarke
    Parallax Tech Support
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2005-09-27 16:04
    Aha, icurfune [noparse]:)[/noparse]

  • nick bernardnick bernard Posts: 329
    edited 2005-09-27 17:56
    in college dont forget to take english, speech, history, philosphy, ethics, psychology, spanish, classical studies (Greek Comedies are GREAT).
    i'm serious. courses like these taught me more than any single ee course. they are vital to developing the communication and social needs in the professional workplace. and it gives you something to talk about to non ee's not to mention the chance to meet some stunningly interesting professors.

    engineer, fireman, bowler, father, WoW addict [noparse];)[/noparse]
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