SX28AC/DP Oscillator

Do I need to connect a resistor across the pins of the Murata resonator?
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The SX Tech board doesn't have a location to attach a resistor across the resonator.
Can someone from Parallax please comment.
Well, the information in the table, Ken has provided is the "official" one, contained in the SX datasheets published by Ubicom. It clearly states that parallel resistors are required for each resonator type, and caps to ground for those types w/o internal caps. To my knowledge, the resonators sold by Parallax all have internal caps, so we need not to worry about them.
On the other hand, you can find many SX designs without parallel resistors, including the Parallax products, and others. When prototyping an SX application, I usually do not add a parallel resistor either, and so far never had problems because of this. IOW the clock-generation always worked w/o the resitor. I have never tested a "resistor-less" SX assembly across the full temperature and supply voltage range but possibly, the parallel resistor becomes important under extreme environmental conditions, like very low temperatures around -40°C.
Therefore, in my "production designs", I always provide a parallel resitor for safety reasons - I think this is worth the extra penny for the resistor.
Greetings from Germany,
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Take a look at the datasheet.
- Ken
In my contest entry
The SX18 and previous version with SX28 did not use a parallel resistor with the resonator.
The SX IC was subjected to starting up under extreeme temperatures (-30 C to 70 C). It was reported to me that intermittenly the diplay did not work, but the analog output did work. This is an indication that the SX was not properly running. This would occur ONLY when starting in the extreeme temps mentioned.
Unfortuanately I was never able to make any measurements during the failure mode.
I have since altered the design using the internal 32k hz osc and have not had a startup failure since (both cold and hot conditions).
I have to believe (guess) that the problem may very well be due to the lack of· a parallel resistor with the resonator. ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
in case you don't have the datasheet handy, it specifies "Ambient temperature under bias" as -40°C to +85C - I hope that I'll never have to work under that bias
Greetings from Germany,
Boe-bot: $229
Toddler: $249
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Boe-bot: $229
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And here is a clue....
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