The floppy bot is a robot which I build from a floppy disc chassis. I used a DEA Basic Stamp 2 system. In Cyprus there is a magazine which is give parallax parts. For this project I used 2 IR detectors, 2 IR led, 2 standard servos 2 light sensitive resistors and off course DEA Basic Stamp 2 system. I want to put a sonar, a grip and a TCS230 Color Sensor Evaluation Kit or a CMUcam Vision System for the Boe-Bot robot.
I programmed the robot if I press 1 on remote control,the robot follows objects. If I press 2, the robot avoids objects and if I press 3, the robot follows light. I have plans to program robot plays football. I want program robot to play football. The robot cost me about 70$
In about 2 months I will buy Crawler Kit
How can I upload videos
Post Edited (nofearsot) : 6/1/2005 4:57:47 PM GMT
I programmed the robot if I press 1 on remote control,the robot follows objects. If I press 2, the robot avoids objects and if I press 3, the robot follows light. I have plans to program robot plays football. I want program robot to play football. The robot cost me about 70$
In about 2 months I will buy Crawler Kit
How can I upload videos

Post Edited (nofearsot) : 6/1/2005 4:57:47 PM GMT
You say two servos. Does that mean you are not using the floppy stepper motor?
Or are you just using the floppy chassis.
Either way, great project.
Video please.
No he is using servos...
Stepper motors are good but I don't know If the are drive able for a shift-register(Stepper Motors like the one in the CD-ROM drivers, although these motors have and possition sensoring)...
That could do the trick...
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