Mitsumi m42sp-7
Hello all,
This stepper motor has only 4 wires, when from what I have seen I should expect four. I guess the four wires would be for each phase, but where does the common go?
If anyone has any ideas I would like to hear them!
This stepper motor has only 4 wires, when from what I have seen I should expect four. I guess the four wires would be for each phase, but where does the common go?
If anyone has any ideas I would like to hear them!
I really don't know a whole lot about these but to me that says its a unipolar, please correct me if I am wrong. I'm hoping its unipolar [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Its a pdf originally from Parallax describing how to control one of these motors, All that is fine, I just dont understand where "10 Brown" actually connects to the motor, from what I can see there is no connection available for it on the motor, unless it just goes to the case of the motor? Is that posssible? Can you distinctly see four wires coming from the motor depicted in that image? I thought I did but sometimes my vision decives me.
Anyway, let me know what ya think.