Removable memory cards and the SX
I remember in one of the threads about people contemplating interfacing the SX with removable memory cards, since I can't seem to find the pertinent thread I'm starting a new one. Atmel sells a memory card in MMC/SD format which is compatable with the SPI serial protocol, Digikey sells the 2 MByte version for under $10 (the 4MB is $17 and 8MB is $28)·and offers·several vendors recepticles (my fav is the Hirose Electronic DM1 series·push in/push out insertion/ejection mechanism for under·$4). So if you have an application which could really use a removable memory card, this is a definate option for you. One note though, not all MMC/SD cards are compatible with SPI, so if you don't use the atmel card be sure that it is SPI compatible before buying it.
I wrote a demo program in Borland Delphi which successfully initialized, read and wrote to the MMC card. It eventually worked, but took a lot of debugging with all the bit processing involved - interleaving input and output bits, alternating commands, data and responses, testing for errors and timeouts, etc. Once it finally worked, the programming really wasn't too complicated.
A few years ago I made a GPS NMEA position message logger using an 8 MB PDA to save the data; since then I've wanted to make something similar using a Scenix and a hundreds of megabyte flash RAM card. Just never got around to it.
regards peter
I use the Atmel AT45 series memory for data logging with the Stamp. I 've not come up with an interface to the PC, and have to read out the data via the Stamp. I think standard MMC card drivers would not work, even if theyready made PC interface and drivers I would like to know about them. Even without the PC interface, the cards and the chips do make great big memories for the Stamp or SX.
Tracy Allen
Anyway, wany one go any further with interfacing an SD Card with an SX? I am considering it for an upcoming project. SPI mode, of course. I could use the SD card as a general storage or, if code existed, it would be great to log data in a FAT16 format and then the card could be read by a PC. I have played very minimally with the SD cards with the Propeller. I even have the HYDRA SD Card, but I have not used it much yet. Perhaps with the information in the manual and on the web some code could be cooked up. Thoughts on viability for the SX (I am not too familiar with it yet)?
Timothy D. Swieter·- uOLED-IOC, RGB LEDs, TLC5940 driver PCB
One little spark of imagination is all it takes for an idea to explode
· The biggest problem with using the SX is that you must read/write sectors of 512 bytes, and the SX doesn't have that much RAM. So you must use an external RAM chip.
· I have made the SD Data Logger using the SX48, but it is limited to 32MB cards (but only because the firmware only supports 512 byte clusters).
· If you would like to "play" with here it is...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Did you know that 111,111,111 multiplied by 111,111,111 equals 12345678987654321 ?
I will review the wealth of information you attached.
Timothy D. Swieter·- uOLED-IOC, RGB LEDs, TLC5940 driver PCB
One little spark of imagination is all it takes for an idea to explode