Converting analog signal to digital pulses
·i'm trying to count number of high edges in a signal that comes from the antenna but the javelin does not read the signal because it is an Analog signal.·Is there any way that i can try to convert that signal to digital pulses
and process in to javelin chip to count the number of high edges.
I've attached a word document that has the pic of signals of specific repititive pattern comming·from the antenna of the car; send from the remote control of the car. Again i want to do is to convert that analog signal to·digital pulses. if it is not possible to convert it to digital pulses, ·can the javelin chip can count high edges·of the Analog signal.
OR any method to convert analog signal to digital pulses of specific pattern.
I would really appriciate if you reply as soon as possible
Thank You.
and process in to javelin chip to count the number of high edges.
I've attached a word document that has the pic of signals of specific repititive pattern comming·from the antenna of the car; send from the remote control of the car. Again i want to do is to convert that analog signal to·digital pulses. if it is not possible to convert it to digital pulses, ·can the javelin chip can count high edges·of the Analog signal.
OR any method to convert analog signal to digital pulses of specific pattern.
I would really appriciate if you reply as soon as possible
Thank You.
and sensetivity (vollts per division, vertical) of those graphics?
regards peter
Y axis its on your left side.
X axis, the value is on your right sife of each picture
The top diagram shows 500 mV/div and 2 ms/div.
Counting the pulses shows signal frequency changes from 1kHz to 2kHz
with signal level 2.5 divisions (1.25V top-top)
The other diagrams show 200 mV/div and 5 ms/div.
Counting the pulses shows signal frequency changes from 1kHz to 2kHz
with signal level 1 division (0.2V top-top)
I think you need some frequency to voltage converter chip to convert
this signal into a slowly varying dc voltage. (Much like a FM radio
demodulator). The change in dc output voltage is proportional to the
change in input frequency, the center frequency being 1.5 kHz.
Some of these F-to-V chips have builtin comparators so voltage level
is not important, unless of course, the voltage level itself identifies
something, like distance. Then you need to measure the top-top
voltage as well (this is your 2nd dc signal).
These dc signals then can be fed into the javelin and using the ADC
virtual peripheral you will be able to read your change in frequency
as well as change in voltage level.
Hope that helps.
regards peter