FILES: IR Remote for the Boe-Bot v1.0

Hello All,
I am happy to announce our newest Stamps in Class text, IR Remote for the Boe-Bot v1.0. by Andy Lindsay.· The attachment below is a pdf of the entire text.
This 175 page text focuses on adding infrared communication and control to the Boe-Bot.·· You can directly control the Boe-Bot game-controller style, remotely set roaming speed and distance, combine remote control and autonomous roaming functions, and remotely select autonomous roaming modes.· New programming techniques introduce designing user interfaces and menu systems.·· The final project makes the BASIC Stamp an IR remote command sequence interpreter for a remotely programmable Boe-Bot.·
This text is a continuation of Robotics with the Boe-Bot.· To complete the activities, you will need a fully assembled Boe-Bot with the electronic components from the kit, and a universal programmable remote control that supports a Sony TV.·· Parallax sells the remote that Andy used to develop the text, part# 020-00001.
If you have any comments on the book, please feel free to email me at
Best regards,
Stephanie Lindsay
Tech Editor
Parallax Inc.
I am happy to announce our newest Stamps in Class text, IR Remote for the Boe-Bot v1.0. by Andy Lindsay.· The attachment below is a pdf of the entire text.
This 175 page text focuses on adding infrared communication and control to the Boe-Bot.·· You can directly control the Boe-Bot game-controller style, remotely set roaming speed and distance, combine remote control and autonomous roaming functions, and remotely select autonomous roaming modes.· New programming techniques introduce designing user interfaces and menu systems.·· The final project makes the BASIC Stamp an IR remote command sequence interpreter for a remotely programmable Boe-Bot.·
This text is a continuation of Robotics with the Boe-Bot.· To complete the activities, you will need a fully assembled Boe-Bot with the electronic components from the kit, and a universal programmable remote control that supports a Sony TV.·· Parallax sells the remote that Andy used to develop the text, part# 020-00001.
If you have any comments on the book, please feel free to email me at
Best regards,
Stephanie Lindsay
Tech Editor
Parallax Inc.
my remote is a comcast digital cable remote.
the key on the back is:
··················· URC-44AXXXB02
I had a AT&T Cable remote, it came with a booklet, from which I knew the manufacturer and model.· I found instructions on the internet to configure it to Sony protocol, and then it worked.· The remote was a universal remote control with the AT&T logo on it.
But after that it didn't control the cable box because that was a different protocol.· I had to reconfigure it back for that.
It would be a big job to modify the code to interpret a different protocol.
Hope this helps,
Kris Magri
Parallax, Inc.
I remember using my satelital TV remote in Argentina to drive my Boe-Bot around.
To select the Sony TV mode I used the booklet that came with the satelite-decoder remote control.
Alan, we couldn't find a remote in the price range you suggested (usually they're between $8 and $10) so if you were able to find one please send us the link.
If it's compatible with all the buttons we use in the book we'll be able to switch to it.
Aristides Alvarez
Education Manager
Parallax, Inc.
California, USA