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PLX OBEX - Feedback, ideas and todo's — Parallax Forums

PLX OBEX - Feedback, ideas and todo's

VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,517
edited 2023-11-16 21:23 in General Discussion

Update: As of 2023.11.16. site (and url) has been renamed to



  • Well here's one: Something weird's going on with that theme switch. Seems to always animate when loading a new page and sometimes you'll get a flash of white when navigating, which is awful and possibly a photosensitivity hazard.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,134

    Hot Diggity! Can't wait to start adding code.

  • VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,517
    edited 2023-10-17 23:16
    • renamed to Propeller Hub
    • some initial markdown css activated - mainly tables, inline elements
    • code highlighting for spin/etc.. activated (hopefully) in obex content text, like it works in the blog posts
    • light/dark switch fiddled with

    (If still flashing, please try to notice where/how...?) ok, found the flashing. groovy. That and the random appearing blue hover folder are hereby marked for eradication! Thxs!

  • All current user registrations now approved to contribute obex articles.
    See the new dropdown menu option, at the top "obex" menu item.

    (All current users except the spammers of course, who already tripped off the auto-approval :) Great :) No time to deal with that today )

    • in the mean time I'll just manually approve in batches, couple times a day. Every new user can be approved within 12 hours or so. Will update the registration email to mention that.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,134
    edited 2023-10-18 01:21

    @VonSzarvas said:
    All current user registrations now approved to contribute obex articles.
    See the new dropdown menu option, at the top "obex" menu item.

    Can't seem to add any source code. When I click submit it has a popup that says "The following file(s) are not uploaded succesfully: [named file]" and the attachment is removed. In this case the filename is "pllset.spin2"
    Also, I saved a draft but can't see where to find that again in the menus. Ah, it resumes where I left off so I presume this is the draft then?

  • @evanh said:

    @VonSzarvas said:
    All current user registrations now approved to contribute obex articles.
    See the new dropdown menu option, at the top "obex" menu item.

    Can't seem to add any source code. When I click submit it has a popup that says "The following file(s) are not uploaded succesfully: [named file]" and the attachment is removed. In this case the filename is "pllset.spin2"
    Also, I saved a draft but can't see where to find that again in the menus. Ah, it resumes where I left off so I presume this is the draft then?

    could you try again ?

  • Wuerfel_21Wuerfel_21 Posts: 5,141
    edited 2023-11-16 21:33

    So here's some findings

    • Use the OBEX search, view an object and then go back, the search isn't active anymore until you focus the search bar.
    • OPN2cog made it across twice, but OPNAcog didn't at all. Something cool going on there.
    • The speech and sound category isn't correctly transferred for old P1 objects
    • code highlighting in blog post has broken dark colors (only work if you manually use the toggle)
    • header has old twitter logo instead of the incredibly cool and not all stupid 𝕏 logo
    • missing favicon.ico
    • Image upload maximum on your profile is an oddly specific 953.7MB
    • Markdown preview for code blocks is busted:
    • No means to upload images into the OBEX description editor, yet there's an image button that encourages hotlinking images in from elsewhere
    • Object ID is not supposed to be editable, yet server accepts modified value

      • The method that the object list and the object pages use to remove the intended OB prefix don't match
    • Selective selectability of Spin 1 vs Spin 2 based on processor type is buggy (also, remember flexspin ain't not giving a Smile and can compile either base language for either processor)

    • File upload gets stuck at 100% for a time long enough to where you start thinking it's broken
    • "Object short description" is not actually used in the object list

      • It also isn't on the actual object pages, either - only seems to be there when looking at a particular user's objects
    • The language dropdown in the object list does not actually match the languages you can tag an object with

    • using the formatting controls in the markdown editor jumps the view down to the bottom of the editor, regardless of actual cursor position
    • Uploaded filenames get broken (see⠀/ : should be uppercase .VU extensions, but the upload mangled it to lowercase)

    Note that I'm uploading some spam to find these, will delete that after things are dealt with.

    Wait, I don't think there's a delete button...

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,134
    edited 2023-10-18 13:05

    Okay, yep, got it going.

    Some observations:

    • There is an awkward delay, after upload/submit shows as complete, where I was wondering what to click. Turns out I just had to wait it out, then the page reloads back to the Obex main list. Some indicator of the delay would be nice.
    • I've worked out that zipping the attachment first is the best idea. Otherwise webpage will automatically zip it inside two further subdirectories with random names.
    • I can't find any way to subsequently delete unwanted file attachments after uploading.
  • Wuerfel_21Wuerfel_21 Posts: 5,141
    edited 2023-10-18 13:36

    Science has discovered the exact amount of The Bee Movie script starring Jerry Seinfeld that can fit in the object ID field you shouldn't be able to edit

  • Hmm, are the IDs resetting themselves or is someone fixing it on the backend? Also, the user tags appear to be gameable by putting to use everyone's favorite not-quite-whitespace, but I guess you'd have to weed out duplicate/bad tags there, anyways.

  • @Wuerfel_21 said:
    Hmm, are the IDs resetting themselves or is someone fixing it on the backend? Also, the user tags appear to be gameable by putting to use everyone's favorite not-quite-whitespace, but I guess you'd have to weed out duplicate/bad tags there, anyways.

    nah, I'm fixing the obxxx override and recording/cleaning the most wunderbar test silly's as they appear :) Sadly not automagic :)

  • speaking of, is it supposed to increment by one every time you reload the submission form? That won't take long to roll over 4 digits?

  • it can go higher than 4 digits, but yeah, it's supposed to do that.

  • cool contrast

  • Yeah, groovy! All the stock icons are pretty lame too. Good to flag all these things.

  • Apparently you can use uploaded files as images in the description, but it's like a weird hack. Also, some markup causes the edit to hang or something.

  • The word undefined appears below the logo when hovering certain links

  • dgatelydgately Posts: 1,633
    edited 2023-10-18 14:52

    It would be helpful if there were version numbers or date uploaded info in the top page table... Hard to know if the uploaded version of an object is more-recent than what I've already downloaded. Example: The version of jm_fullduplexserial.spin2 on the OBEX is much older than what JonnyMac has posted in the forums. If I didn't know that I might have downloaded the older version, which is incompatible with current compilers (PNut, flexprop, etc.).

    The unformatted "eye-view" of .spin2 files is not very helpful.


  • The markup previewer uses a different (simplified) parser to what is stored. Not ideal, just stock behaviour - Can be improved later. I think the full-screen feature hangs sometimes too- ideally needs some time to iron out. Best not to use that if you've other devilish plugins or JavaScript restrictions set/etc...

    I added the width/height extension to the images (share the syntax later), but then stopped on that. Would be nice to allow drag/drop of images, that creates the correct markdown url (embedded url) and queues the image for upload/etc.. something slick and simple. For now, adding external image urls to description is allowed. not an ideal long-life plan, :)

  • @dgately Which OB number was that ? That's a great example of a file with inconsistent line endings- would like to fix that.

  • When looking at a particular users's objects:

    • The short description actually shows, but you get a mess if it's empty
    • There's a "0 comments" indicator despite there being no evident way of submitting a comment
  • Also, kindof important: The title field is too short. Many of the imported objects have titles longer than the current limit, such as "ISP PCA9685 16ch PWM Servo Driver", which with the current limit would have to be "ISP PCA9685 16ch PWM Serv". hmmm.

  • GenetixGenetix Posts: 1,758
    edited 2023-10-18 16:26


    It's nice to see that ObEx is back but when I look at Propeller 1 code I see that it comes mostly from 'Archiver'.

    It would be nice to know who the original uploader was because people sometimes refer to a specific person such as Kye.

  • Wuerfel_21Wuerfel_21 Posts: 5,141
    edited 2023-10-18 16:42

    It does say that in the description I think. There should be means to assign archive objects to the actual new account, otherwise no one can update it.


    • missing navigation if window is too narrow
    • what'd be the way to accomplish actual versioning? I may be interested in older versions of a file. This would get messy real quick if they're all splatted in there.
    • download button on the list view doesn't work
    • cool contrast, once again (also, should really be "C/C++". Also, possibly "µC" instead of "uC")
  • Wuerfel_21, is this your full time job ? :)

    nice catches!


  • @Ltech said:
    Wuerfel_21, is this your full time job ? :)

    nice catches!


    My full time jobs are procrastination and yelling at clouds.

  • VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,517
    edited 2023-10-18 16:52

    @Genetix said:

    It's nice to see that ObEx is back but when I look at Propeller 1 code I see that it comes mostly from 'Archiver'.

    It would be nice to know who the original uploader was because people sometimes refer to a specific person such as Kye.

    I agree - certainly can change the author ID if/when the original authors register at the new site.

    (Anyone that wants to share a comma delim'd list of OB numbers that they own, just PM to me for quick update. Otherwise I'll probably run a db script to catch obvious ones, as the dust settles. Also intend to work through the formatting of some imported posts & excepts, which could look better than the bulk import achieved.)

  • @Wuerfel_21 said:

    • what'd be the way to accomplish actual versioning? I may be interested in older versions of a file. This would get messy real quick if they're all splatted in there.

    That's designed in, and in time can be publicly accessible. (ie. a list of download lists with datestamps, or a dropdown, whatever).
    The file store site has zip files (by date) for each upload and/or subsequent edit/s.

  • Well that's nice.

    But also:
    - deleted pages are not actually deleted. Possibly intentional?
    - you actually can not use uploaded images in the description, the link goes bad after a while.

  • Also, I'm trying to upload some real, non-jape objects but the title limit is stopping me.

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