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I have been following several articles online on homebrew computers using vintage chips from Intel or Zilog as well as a few others, and I was thinking it would be great to use a Propeller or even a P2 as the main processor.

The question is on how to get started with the operating system, so that you would’t have to upload the program when you write spin programs and compile. If spin the tool simply tokenizes the code and translates it to binary, wouldn’t that be easy enough for the propeller to do this on its own.

It sounds to me like tokenizing is a lot like parsing which is just translating text data from one form to another? I have done this before on a gerberx2 file to convert it to g-code.

If anyone can help, I would appreciate it, just name your price. I have always wanted to build a computer from scratch and code it up with an interpreter, and make it do all kinds of stuff. In fact I had the idea while I was attending class, but due to deadlines decided not to since I wouldn’t be able to complete it in time for my final project.


  • most of this has been done, just a few links (which I happened to still have saved somewhere), there are MUCH more if you search the forum
    complete system:
    os + compiler:
    overview of different languages: (not sure if all the links are still working)

  • I found some documentation on PropBasic which was geared to developing a compiler for Windows which is beyond my exposure to progamming. Something about .dll files. However, it is was probably made for the BasicStamp so not the same language as the propeller.

    Amazing how they built the compiler without an official guide from Parallax.

    I am glad its been done, but don’t have an sd card at the moment. I think its time to upgrade to a C3, so I can get started.

  • Amazing how they built the compiler without an official guide from Parallax.

    PropBASIC converts BASIC statements into P1 Assembly (PASM) which is in fact well documented by Parallax.

    Historically, the same creator (@Bean) also wrote SX/B, a BASIC compiler for the SX chip (before the ridiculous lawsuits). I worked for Parallax at the time and had found Bean had created a small BASIC compiler for the PIC. I reached out and asked if he'd like to do that for the SX. He wrote the compiler while I helped with testing and documentation. It was a nice project, and helped get many folks using the SX. All of the early products from EFX-TEK that weren't BASIC Stamp-based used the SX that I coded in SX/B. When the P1 came out he ported that project to PropBASIC which I never really used because I am such a big fan of Spin.

  • It would be cool if the Micromite Companion was resurrected but using the PicoMite (BASIC interpreter on the Pico) and it would be even more cool if the the Picomite could directly program the Prop :+1:


  • Doesn’t Spinix have a Spin compiler?

  • @NickMikhay said:
    Doesn’t Spinix have a Spin compiler?



  • If you're looking for a full-blown OS that runs on the propeller, several years ago, some enterprising folks ported the entire CP/M os over to the propeller chip. I don't have a link, but I'm sure a careful search of the forums will find it for you. Seeing as how that's a complete os all by itself, I don't think you can get anymore full computer than that..

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