No more HDMI?

in Propeller 2
I understand the title is a bit confusing, but after some time earning money i came back to see what happend to the P2.
I downloaded all the official P2 Docs and had a look to the Obex and was wondering what happend to HDMI Output. Or HDMI documentation on P2.
- No Object that handles HDMI Video
- Only mentioning HDMI with one line in the official documents.
- The way to make HDMI work was to dig out some old examples form the V35 Google doc Chip wrote, and some old crude code i found on my disk. (That was found somewhere in the forum)
is HDMI a kind of "bad uncle" or was it just forgotten? (Or was i not searching properly?)
Thanks for your Time
ps. please forgive my bad English. I am no nativ speaker
Hi @Surac !
HDMI is a proprietary standard, so it might not be called out in documents.
However, all is well !
You will find resources for "Digital Video Out", and there's at least a couple drivers that will drive HDMI style monitors:
When I read the title, No more HDMI?, I thought perhaps @Surac had read the same article I did about the EU requiring USB-C to be the single standard for all peripherals, including video. IOW, HDMI might soon be going the way of the dodo.
Just like VGA and serial have?
Thank you, i was a little bit worried but you gave me some useful links
@"Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)"
Hell no. I earn my money building FPGA with different video inputs like DVI, HDMO, DP and SDI. i would be glad to only support one video input, but
my customers come to me with things i never heard of. Most of my customers are still in DVI Land, slowly adopting HDMI.
Thanks for your Time
@Surac look for the object titled P2VideoDrv.spin2. It can be used with the digital video board that has an HDMI connector. I drive the small HDMI screen that Parallax sells with it.
@Surac PS: It is listed as DVI in the code as I recall.
Technically what a P2 outputs is a DVI type signal which is a subset of HDMI. As HDMI is a standard, you have to (1) conform to it and then (2) buy a license to officially use this name and logo
P2 doesn't match (1) so (2) is not possible (and it costs...) so there is no real HDMI output in a P2
However the output of P2 is good enough for HDMI "receivers" (monitors, TVs) to display the picture and there is an accessory board with a HDMI socket.
There is my "HDMI" driver family topic:
My code for WVGA DVI output is here: