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MULDIV64 implementation — Parallax Forums

MULDIV64 implementation

I am trying to understand the SPIN function MULDIV64 and implement it in PASM. It seems from the description that the following PASM should implement it, but it does not. Can someone tell me if my interpretation of MULDIV64 is incorrect, and/or provide some PASM source code for its correct implementation?

' r4 = mult1
' r3 = mult2
' r2 = divisor

    qmul  r3, r4 ' mult1 * mult2
    getqx r0     ' get lower 32 bits of product
    getqy r1     ' get upper 32 bits of product
    setq  r1     ' set upper 32 bits of product
    qdiv  r0, r2 ' divide product by divisor
    getqx r0     ' get quotient of division

' r0 = quotient ???



  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2021-08-31 10:02


    [deleted link, see #4]

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279
    edited 2021-08-31 08:19

    What you've written seems about right, for unsigned at least. I haven't actually used MULDIV64() though. I made my own with improved rounding here - and they've since held up well to a number of use cases, eg:

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279

    @jmg said:

    Oh, wow! What topic was that attachment from? The details are ancient. It must be prop2-hot.

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,547

    @evanh said:
    What you've written seems about right, for unsigned at least.

    Yes, MULDIV64 is unsigned. The code I posted looks right to me too - but it doesn't actually work. Hence my post :(

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279

    Here's Chip's source code:

    muldiv64_   setq    #2-1            'pop m1 and m2, open top of stack
            rdlong  y,--ptra        'x=d, y=m1, z=m2
            rep @.stall,#1      'use REP to stall interrupts to protect cordic operation
            qmul    y,z         'multiply m1 * m2
            getqx   y           'product in {z,y}
            getqy   z
            skip    #%11_11_1       'skip to rep
    getms_      pusha   x           'push stack to open top of stack
            rdlong  w,#@clkfreq_hub     'get clkfreq into w and x
            mov x,w
            getct   z       wc  'get 64-bit clock count into {z,y}
            getct   y
            rep @.stall,#1      'use REP to stall interrupts to protect cordic operation
            setq    z           'divide {z,y} by x
            qdiv    y,x
            getqy   y           'remainder in y (fractional seconds)
            getqx   x           'quotient in x (seconds)
            cmp pa,#bc_getms    wz  'if not GETMS then done
        if_nz   ret

    Yep, removing the skipped instructions, it's as you've guessed. Only thing extra is the IRQ shielding.

  • @RossH : your implementation looks correct to me. What makes you think there's an issue? Perhaps there's a problem with the surrounding code?

    For reference, here's the implementation of muldiv64 in flexspin (from sys/p2_code.spin):

    pri _muldiv64(mult1, mult2, divisor) : r
        qmul mult1, mult2
        getqy mult1
        getqx mult2
        setq mult1
        qdiv mult2, divisor
        getqx r
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,547

    @ersmith said:
    @RossH : your implementation looks correct to me. What makes you think there's an issue? Perhaps there's a problem with the surrounding code?

    For reference, here's the implementation of muldiv64 in flexspin (from sys/p2_code.spin):

    pri _muldiv64(mult1, mult2, divisor) : r
        qmul mult1, mult2
        getqy mult1
        getqx mult2
        setq mult1
        qdiv mult2, divisor
        getqx r

    This code (which looks to be the same as my code) gives the wrong answer on my Propeller - I just tried it. Worse, it gives the same answer even if you comment out the 'setq' instruction. However, I have retrieved the Q register after the setq and checked that it has the right value, but the result of the qdiv is just wrong. It is as if the instruction is not using the Q register at all, and is instead always using zero for the upper 32 bits.

    I don't understand what's going on.

    What revision Propeller are you using, and can you tell me what answer your code on your Propeller gives for a typical example that needs to use the Q register? - say _muldiv64(0x11111,0x22222,0x3333)?


  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279
    P2 version G found on serial port /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Parallax_Inc_Propeller_P2-ES_EVAL_P23YOO42-if00-port0
    Loading 64bit-test.binary - 4488 bytes
    64bit-test.binary loaded
    ( Entering terminal mode.  Press Ctrl-] or Ctrl-Z to exit. )
     MULDIV65():  m1 = 11111, m2 = 22222, d1 = 33333, r1 = b60b
     MULDIV64():  m1 = 11111, m2 = 22222, d1 = 33333, r1 = b60b
    #include <inttypes.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    enum {
        _clkfreq = 20_000_000,
    static uint32_t  muldiv65( uint32_t mult1, uint32_t mult2, uint32_t divisor )
        uint32_t  x;
        __asm {
            qmul    mult1, mult2
            mov x, divisor
            shr x, #1
            getqx   mult1
            getqy   mult2
            add mult1, x    wc
            addx    mult2, #0
            setq    mult2
            qdiv    mult1, divisor
            getqx   x
        return  x;
    static uint32_t  muldiv64( uint32_t mult1, uint32_t mult2, uint32_t divisor )
        uint32_t  r;
        __asm {
            qmul    mult1, mult2
            getqx   mult1
            getqy   mult2
            setq    mult2
            qdiv    mult1, divisor
            getqx   r
        return  r;
    void  main( void )
        uint32_t  m1 = 0x1_1111, m2 = 0x2_2222, d1 = 0x3_3333;
        _waitms( 200 );
        uint32_t  r1 = muldiv65( m1, m2, d1 );
        printf( " MULDIV65():  m1 = %x, m2 = %x, d1 = %x, r1 = %x\n", m1, m2, d1, r1 );
        r1 = muldiv64( m1, m2, d1 );
        printf( " MULDIV64():  m1 = %x, m2 = %x, d1 = %x, r1 = %x\n", m1, m2, d1, r1 );
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279
    edited 2021-09-01 04:22

    Same story with spin2. Flexspin and Pnut give same results as above.

    And that's using the built-in muldiv64() too. Eg:

        r1 := muldiv64( m1,m2,d1 )
        debug( uhex(m1),uhex(m2),uhex(d1),uhex(r1) )

    Everything looking good to me.
    I'm using revB chips. RevC is no change. Even revA should be the same here.

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,547
    edited 2021-09-01 07:29

    D'oh! I had forgotten you cannot use the setq instruction in LMM or COMPACT mode. All versions of the code work fine in NATIVE mode. I'll have to rewrite the LMM and COMPACT versions of my implementation of MULDIV64!!!

    It's clearly too long since I did any Propeller programming - I've forgotten all the Propeller 2 'gotchas'! :)

    Thanks to all those who helped!


  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279

    Hmm, all those combos must be an issue in those modes. What about ##immediate ?

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,547
    edited 2021-09-01 08:31

    @evanh said:
    Hmm, all those combos must be an issue in those modes. What about ##immediate ?

    Yep, but the LMM and COMPACT code generator don't generate those (nor do they generate setq!). But I had forgotten this limitation when writing new library routines.

    CMM is easy (I can use FCACHE) but the Catalina LMM Kernel never implemented FCACHE (the P1 had no room, and I decided no to bother on the P2 because LMM is not really useful once you have NATIVE execution!) but I had forgotten that this meant I have to custom code anything that requires instructions be executed strictly sequentially (never a problem on the P1, but on the P2 this means anything that requires setq, augs, augd etc).

  • Does it even make sense to use LMM on P2? Isn't it strictly worse than NATIVE, both in speed and code size? I'd be tempted to just drop that mode for the P2.

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,547

    @ersmith said:
    Does it even make sense to use LMM on P2? Isn't it strictly worse than NATIVE, both in speed and code size? I'd be tempted to just drop that mode for the P2.

    Perhaps not. But since it was fully implemented for the P1, it cost almost nothing to keep it implemented on the P2. Except, of course, when I forget the limitations of the LMM library code on the P2! :)

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