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Help to find lost link regarding P1 receiving radio transmission in software — Parallax Forums

Help to find lost link regarding P1 receiving radio transmission in software

This is the link I was looking for.!-(New-shortwave-prog)
I liked it so much I bookmarked it- but now find its gone.
I seem to remember someone saying that by adjusting the link name it was still possible to read apparently lost links.
Anyone help


  • tritoniumtritonium Posts: 542
    edited 2021-07-27 20:34


    You little beauty- that was so quick and spot on thanks.
    So I have to replace 'showthread.php' with 'discussion' and bobs your uncle.......
    I thought this magic thread had been lost to posterity.
    Thank, thanks, thanks. :):):)
    is there some similar magic to decode this-


  • You're always welcome, @tritonium

    In fact, I really don't know what's needed to be replaced, cause I simply tried the forum search box, stuffed with some outstanding text, based on the link you posted ("Hook-an-antenna-to-your-Propeller-and-listen-to-the-radio!").
    Not any luck, at all (the forum search box behaviour just threw me into the tides, as usual).
    Then, I used the exactly same argument with Google, and "Fiat Lux"! :smiley:

  • @tritonium said:

    is there some similar magic to decode this-


    Not sure if this is the right one:

  • @Yanomani

    I think it must be- its identical to the propeller radio.gif at the end of the post.
    And it has the right 'number' 55182.

    There's some real 'gold' in these old threads- be a shame to lose them.


  • hinvhinv Posts: 1,255

    Are you trying to script a conversion to fix links? I sure would like to have more automatic access to the old propeller forum. There was some real gold in them there posts, especially this one. It's a shame that PhiPi hasn't embraced the P2. I would love to see what the P2 is capable of as a radio.

  • hinv,

    We could all pitch in and buy him one.

    I myself wish there something more like the old Propeller Demo Board which has most of the basic built into it.

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