P1 DIP Sticker -- where did I get it?
in Propeller 1
I have a nice sticker covering the top of one of my P1 DIP chips. It neatly labels each pin. I have no idea where it came from but I'd like to get some more. Help?
Are you talking about the one showing at the right side of a DIP-40 Propeller chip?
Black characters over white background image also available at:
@Yanomani I have the white-on-black as in your first link. What product is being pictured?
The thread in your second link mentions stickers in the Parallax store, but that link is dead, so I guess Parallax no longer sells them
They were part of a Propeller Educational Kit "130-32305" (and, perhaps, other similar products), now discontinued, in favor of the Propeller Flip module.
The second link points towards an image that can be printed, to generate as many stickers as you want.
P.S. Here's a white-on-black (negative repro), as the first one:
If interested, I probably still have some of these from over a decade ago in one of my parts bins. Let me know and I will look for them this week.
@Yanomani said:
Thank you!
Oooh, yes, please look. No pressure though.