Chip shortage
Posts: 1,515
Whats up with the chip shortage, hear car lots are empty because of no CPU's, maybe they can run those Fords and Chevy's on a P2
Yes, the toy industry too has electronics supply chain problems after Covid. Many companies are getting out of China for various reasons (travel mainly) and transitioning to more expensive manufacturing elsewhere. Costs are rising on every front. That Suez Canal blockage didn't help either.
Remember mid-lockdown when a barrel of oil was negative? Did we ever get paid for hauling excess, useless, burdensome, smelly fuel away from a gas station...?
Looks like IC's are becoming the new toilet paper of last year, can't get them
Yet I am still being inundated with emails touting the latest and greatest chips and components.
IMHO One of China's main strategies has always been control the raw resources worldwide! It's a gangsta/cartel/mafia mentality and it works. The only defense against it, is to quit using those products or make new products that don't need those resources. What did we do before toilet paper? Man, could we use those Sears and Roebucks catalogs now!
Maybe all my hoarding of cheap Chinese components will pay off in 2021.
Psssttt... Hey buddy, wanna buy a nice relay?
This global chip shortage may get worse before it gets better. Just the opposite of "when it rains, it pours": Taiwan's drought.
Same here .... Just placed an order today from Mouser for a couple hundred micros that had lead times of 44 weeks from Digikey and they only had 940 something in stock.
Long delays on new ambulance chassis for automotive related chip sets. Hope we have not outsourced ourselves into trouble...
When can we expect more P1 44QFP
Those are in Taiwan being packaged at this moment. Add yourself to the WaitList here and be the first person to be notified.
I expect them in a couple of weeks.
Ken Gracey
Thanks Ken, I did find a source with stock of 100 ea. @7 per
Yes, quite dry here in Taiwan. Some water reservoirs at at 11% capacity. We wait for some typhoons, they are our main water supply. We did not get any last year. There was one approaching a week ago but it changed course.
I have about 40 P1 QFP44 if anyone gets desperate, and possibly another 100-150 but I would need to check as they are not here.