Spin2 for Beginners -- Session 8 Files Available Now

A while back I promised my friends Casey and @"Ken Gracey" that I would give them a bit of coaching on programming in Spin2, with the end goal of having a fun little Christmas lights project. Ken brought it up in the P2 discussion today, so we're going to open it up to those who want to join in.
What we're using:
-- P2/Breadboard Kit: https://www.parallax.com/product/propeller-2-developer-starter-bundle
-- WS2811 lights (you can use any smart pixel string): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01AU6UG70
-- 2x16 I2C LCD: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SZV1MK8
-- Quadrature encoder w/button: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XQTHDRR
-- RTC with EEPROM (optional): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LX3V7F0
-- 1-Wire temperature sensor (optional): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MR71WVS
Note that some of these come in multiple units so you have spares or can share with a friend.
You may want some M-M, M-F, and F-F connection wires, too.
-- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01EV70C78
And if you want even more power for your lights:
-- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078RT3ZPS
As we said in the discussion today, this is a holiday project so that Ken can have some fun with the P2 like the rest of us. He has been working very hard to keep Parallax running and steady, and he deserves a bit of fun. I am excited to be helping him in that regard. Feel free to join us.
We will be programming in Spin using Propeller Tool. You should be able to use FlexGUI as well (but I haven't tried, so no guarantees).
I'm reviewing the objects we'll use and will post them here. Be sure to refer back to this post for the latest files and links.
Update 23 DEC 2020
-- Install Propeller Tool 2.4.1
-- Copy my Library files to your Library (C:\Users\username\Documents\Propeller Tool\Library)
-- Copy demo programs to convenient location
Note to FlexProp users: Most code should run, but I make heavy use of PST; you will have to adjust for the FlexProp terminal.
Session 7 files can be found in post #157 on page 6 of this thread.
-- https://forums.parallax.com/discussion/comment/1518137/#Comment_1518137
What we're using:
-- P2/Breadboard Kit: https://www.parallax.com/product/propeller-2-developer-starter-bundle
-- WS2811 lights (you can use any smart pixel string): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01AU6UG70
-- 2x16 I2C LCD: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SZV1MK8
-- Quadrature encoder w/button: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XQTHDRR
-- RTC with EEPROM (optional): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LX3V7F0
-- 1-Wire temperature sensor (optional): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MR71WVS
Note that some of these come in multiple units so you have spares or can share with a friend.
You may want some M-M, M-F, and F-F connection wires, too.
-- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01EV70C78
And if you want even more power for your lights:
-- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078RT3ZPS
As we said in the discussion today, this is a holiday project so that Ken can have some fun with the P2 like the rest of us. He has been working very hard to keep Parallax running and steady, and he deserves a bit of fun. I am excited to be helping him in that regard. Feel free to join us.
We will be programming in Spin using Propeller Tool. You should be able to use FlexGUI as well (but I haven't tried, so no guarantees).
I'm reviewing the objects we'll use and will post them here. Be sure to refer back to this post for the latest files and links.
Update 23 DEC 2020
-- Install Propeller Tool 2.4.1
-- Copy my Library files to your Library (C:\Users\username\Documents\Propeller Tool\Library)
-- Copy demo programs to convenient location
Note to FlexProp users: Most code should run, but I make heavy use of PST; you will have to adjust for the FlexProp terminal.
Session 7 files can be found in post #157 on page 6 of this thread.
-- https://forums.parallax.com/discussion/comment/1518137/#Comment_1518137

-- https://www.parallax.com/product/ir-remote-parts-kit/
I'll announce the availability of these kits on our forums so the insider P2 early adopters can grab them first. People like @"Roy Eltham" @doggiedoc @"Carol Hazlett" @JonnyMac and the rest of the P2 Live Forum will be interested in this project.
I'll get the batteries for the RTC and throw them in, maybe with an IR receiver too. Perhaps I can add wires too, since we stock them already. I can sort this out in the next day or two.
Thanks to JonnyMac for bringing us some fun learning during these times. I'm ready to start using the hardware after spending many months planning, buying, building, and marketing. Looking forward to getting my hands into something fun!
Will report back as details become more clear, but "we're on!"
Ken Gracey
David, I should have them ready to ship around Tuesday. All the parts are coming in and we'll bag them up and post their availability here. It'll be a lot of fun. Just watch this thread!
Ken Gracey
Great! I'll make it easy for us all to participate, by providing the kits, the Zoom, and the JonnyMac. Plus, I can usually set a new low-skill level for others who are too terrified to ask dumb questions amongst the gurus.
Ken Gracey
Ken Gracey
I may break out my xmas tree project that I had originally done with a FLiP and blocklyprop, and make a P2 version. See attached.
I think I might just call the JonnyMac!
Ken Gracey
I'll get together with Stephanie and we'll put up a product page for this $50 kit. I'm expecting you can order and ship them USPS as early as Tuesday. While they won't be in stock, you'll be able to put yourself on the e-mail waitlist so you are notified the second they come into stock. We're planning our first meeting with JonnyMac on the 23rd of December, after the P2 Live Forum at 4 pm Pacific.
These parts look quite nice and it seems that JonnyMac thought of everything. We've got several protocols, inputs/outputs and some visual fun.
Will keep you posted!
Ken Gracey
The knob was a little snug on 3 of my 8 encoders. So if it's a little snug and you have to remove it, hold the encoder NOT the PCB or it'll end up looking like the last picture [what the inside of a quadrature encoder looks like!].
Merry Christmas!
Oh! You can use double sided tape to stick it to whatever.
Oh! One more thing. I've included a picture of my slicer settings and the layout of how I print them on my printer.
Thank you CJMJ for including the STL files and printer settings for your encoder housing, they look great. I'll print some out tomorrow.
I previously purchased a number of these encoders to be used with dgately's neopixel ring setup as mentioned in this forum discussion. dgately also included his STL file for the mounting plate for the neopixel and encoder. I've already printed up a couple of these.
CJMJ: How do you like your Prusa 3D printer? I hear that they really print well. I currently have an inexpensive 3D printer I got through kickstarter called a "MOOZ 2". It 3D prints reasonably well but can only do a maximum 5x5x5 inch item. The "MOOZ 2" main feature is that you can switch from 3D printing to CNC milling or Laser engraving by switching its head.
John Abshier
Just to re-iterate, this project started as me wanting to help two of my dear friends get up and running with Spin2 programming on the P2. You can certainly join in the Zoom chats (or watch them later) without having hardware at hand -- though it will be more fun with hardware to play with.
Ken Gracey
We should have 64 kits available by mid-week, around the 15th of December.
Thanks, Ken
Thx Ken!
-- https://www.parallax.com/product/200mm-jumper-wires-mf-40-piece-ribbon/