Problem with SincN filtering in smartpins
With smartpin modes %11000 (P_ADC) or %11001 (P_ADC_EXT), problem occurs using WXPIN %01_xxxx (Sinc2 filtering) or %10_xxxx (Sinc3 filtering). I've discovered glitches in the decimation data from RDPIN when one of theses modes is active. It becomes more apparent with longer decimation periods but I think it is present at all times. It appears as sporadic extra bits. They tend to be at particular bit positions for a given setup. I've noted only high order bits so far, but can't rule them out at any position. The weirdest part is their occurrences are repeatable, like its somehow timing related. With Sinc2, 1024, and lower, bits (clocks) per decimation seems okay. Which is three octaves lower than your docs say should work. And I couldn't get any number of bits per decimation to be clean with Sinc3.
I've gone over and over my code to find any of my own bugs. I've even tested/verified my own understanding of the ADC hardware and SincN processing by using WXPIN %11_0101 (32 bit captures of the raw bitstream). Everything checks out so far. In fact I can reliably process right up to the limits of 32-bit registers with my own Sinc3 filtering. Namely, Sinc3 at 1024 bits per decimation sample works out fine.
EDIT: Here's my working code. It requires Fastspin and my wrapper code, so you'll probably want to write your own.
EDIT2: Small code adjustment
Update: As per below, it needs handled in software ... But is not a problem with the smartpin hardware. It is just what happens when summing mismatched integer widths with rollover. The solution is to either post-trim off the high bits in the larger integer or pre-scale the smaller integer up to the larger.
With smartpin modes %11000 (P_ADC) or %11001 (P_ADC_EXT), problem occurs using WXPIN %01_xxxx (Sinc2 filtering) or %10_xxxx (Sinc3 filtering). I've discovered glitches in the decimation data from RDPIN when one of theses modes is active. It becomes more apparent with longer decimation periods but I think it is present at all times. It appears as sporadic extra bits. They tend to be at particular bit positions for a given setup. I've noted only high order bits so far, but can't rule them out at any position. The weirdest part is their occurrences are repeatable, like its somehow timing related. With Sinc2, 1024, and lower, bits (clocks) per decimation seems okay. Which is three octaves lower than your docs say should work. And I couldn't get any number of bits per decimation to be clean with Sinc3.
I've gone over and over my code to find any of my own bugs. I've even tested/verified my own understanding of the ADC hardware and SincN processing by using WXPIN %11_0101 (32 bit captures of the raw bitstream). Everything checks out so far. In fact I can reliably process right up to the limits of 32-bit registers with my own Sinc3 filtering. Namely, Sinc3 at 1024 bits per decimation sample works out fine.
EDIT: Here's my working code. It requires Fastspin and my wrapper code, so you'll probably want to write your own.
EDIT2: Small code adjustment
Update: As per below, it needs handled in software ... But is not a problem with the smartpin hardware. It is just what happens when summing mismatched integer widths with rollover. The solution is to either post-trim off the high bits in the larger integer or pre-scale the smaller integer up to the larger.
EDIT: I fixed the error in the programs below, where there were eight zeros in a row, where there should have been seven.
Here's the new output. It's more regular but still stupid readings.
There are erroneous bits in the 2 highest bits of the result, which need to get masked out.
Chips code has en error in the ADC configuration, the second field from left should only have 7 zeroes, not 8.
How to pass hubRAM buffer address with your example? I'd want to print consecutive samples like I've done with mine.
EDIT: Oh, I think all I have to do is change "sample" into an array of longwords.
You get the address in PTRA when you start the cog with @sample as 3rd parameter in coginit, as I have done.
Have you added the AND instruction into the sinc3 filter loop?
It sounds like I have a documentation error, at least.
So, I guess there is some kind of 27-bit vs 32-bit roll-over mismatch at play here. And the simple fix is to mask out the most significant five bits of the resulting 32-bit sample.
EDIT: Corrected the size.
I did test "pruning" the lower bits, which produced increased granularity, but not the upper bits.
EDIT: Ha, I'll try just that, shift the decimated data up by five bits before diff'ing ...
EDIT2: Yep, works without the mask then. No surprise I guess. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
This means the Sinc2 decimation period can be a little more than the upper listed 8192 bit-clocks. I calculate up to 2^(27/2 = 13.5) or 11585 bit-clocks. This can be set with a WYPIN ... which I did without trouble.
How was the effective number of bits calculated?
I figure it was an artefact of this glitch. Not that I can remember exactly what code I used at the time.
Using snippet of Chip's example:
Saving one long and two cycles:
And I do still have issues with me beleaguered glob-top part. When heated, it is exhibiting loss of VIO on certain pin groups. The ADC bitstream changes to either all high or all low. The normal packaged prop2 is giving good results when heated so I know it's not the software.
I don't think it is a solder joint problem, or at least not at the prop2 package. I've tried a number of times now to touch up those supply pins, and the nearby VDDs too. And it's not the LDO regulators either since the other group of four pins supplied by each of those LDOs doesn't have an issue.
Pity, since I was hoping to compare the two parts when mapping out all the ADCs.
EDIT: Here's a piece of a report showing pins P48-P55. All powered from the same LDO regulator. P48-P51 are flatlined, while P52-P55 are normal. The values across the report alternate between GIO and VIO input source for the ADC. Each pair across uses a different method of sampling.
Could the higher thermal expansion of the glob, have stressed an inner bond wire to the point it has lifted, to be touching only ?
That would match your symptoms.