Blockly Solo "Save your file" prompt

The prompt to save my file is getting very annoying. I can not find an option to turn this feature off.
I am using version 1.5.5
Is there a control or config option to shut this down or make it only save every hour?
I am using version 1.5.5
Is there a control or config option to shut this down or make it only save every hour?
I've reported this to Parallax. It's on a list of tasks, and I hope it will get pushed up the stack soon.
It's not a new request and it's something we could accommodate. I don't like it either.
Would one of you be kind enough to log this into our GitHub as a BlocklyProp issue, linking the request to this forum thread?
Ken Gracey
So Ken, seems to be a proof that you can't handle GitHub either?
Haha, no. I can get around and do what I need to do, but not much more. At the last P2 Live Forum, Jeff showed how to easily access the P2 library. Cloning and pull requests seem to be a big challenge for many of us. Wait, wait. You were in attendance.
I was just looking for some help. I've gotten really busy at Parallax and I'm grasping for whoever is available.
Ken Gracey