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And another question for Bean..reference PROPBASIC — Parallax Forums

And another question for Bean..reference PROPBASIC

dennodenno Posts: 227
edited 2020-09-25 16:59 in Propeller 1
Bean...below is some code that I use to send stuff to the "terminal" aka computer screen in the IDE , and not to my LCD. (two different BAUD rates)
SEROUT 30, baud2, 13
    SEROUT 30, baud2, 10
    SEROUT 30, baud2, "TEMP_100 = "
    valueSTR_1 = STR TEMP_100,3,5
    SEROUT 30, baud2, valueSTR_1

The "10" is a NEWLINE and the "13" is a CARRIAGE RETURN. What is the/a control character for "HOME" aka 0,0? Is there a list of control characters, more then you list in 00.01.43?

Thank you...Denno



  • If you're using PST, these are the control codes that it understands (this is Spin source).
    con { pst formatting }
      HOME     =  1
      CRSR_XY  =  2
      CRSR_LF  =  3
      CRSR_RT  =  4
      CRSR_UP  =  5
      CRSR_DN  =  6
      BELL     =  7
      BKSP     =  8
      TAB      =  9
      LF       = 10
      CLR_EOL  = 11
      CLR_DN   = 12
      CR       = 13
      CRSR_X   = 14
      CRSR_Y   = 15
      CLS      = 16
  • dennodenno Posts: 227
    edited 2020-09-26 15:22
    Thank you Jon...much appreciated...
  • And, another little question for Bean, reference PROPBASIC

    The following code is for the basic stamp
    SHIFTOUT DIO_n, Clk, LSBFIRST, [%0\1,RTCCmd\5,%10\2,Temp]
 do I do that in PROPBASIC?

    I keep getting the error message in PROPBASIC.."To many parameters"...aka...Error 7

    Thank you...
  • You can't do that in PropBASIC -- as the compiler is telling you, there are too many parameters. If you have less than 32 total bits, you could assemble your output into a single long, then shift that out. In your case it looks like 16 total bits.

  • dennodenno Posts: 227
    edited 2020-09-27 18:24
    OK...thank you again Jon...

    The compiler seems to like this:
    SUB WriteRTC                        'Write to DS1202 RTC
      CS_1302 = on_
      SHIFTOUT data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, %0\1''''''''''''''''''''''',RTCCmd\5,%10\2,Temp
      SHIFTOUT data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, RTCCmd\5
      SHIFTOUT data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, %10\2
      SHIFTOUT data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, Temp
    ''SHIFTOUT datapin, clockpin, mode, value[\bits][,speed]
    ''If the bits parameter is not specified, 8 bits are sent.
      CS_1302 = off

    I'll see if it runs when I finish the whole program...
  • Actually, in the above I see the error of my ways...LOL...but, in the SHIFTOUT in PROPBasic, what is the "speed"?
    Thank you...
  • You really should track down the latest copy of the docs. I've attached what I have, but it may not be the latest.
  • I haven't seen it in any docs but @pmrobert had a look at the compiler source:
  • I do have the latest docs on propbasic...1.48...again thank you...
  • Has anyone had any success running the DS1302 time chip using PROPBASIC?

    Thank you...
  • Hi
    What do you want to know?
  • denno wrote: »
    I do have the latest docs on propbasic...1.48...again thank you...

    Not sure if you followed the link regarding the I²C default speed? It wasn't about documentation.
  • did you do it, I'm having issues with the SHIFTOUT and SHIFTIN commands. I have used the ds1302 many times over the years with the basic stamp and was trying to follow those guidelines with propbasic.

    Would you mind sharing you code?
    Thank you..
  • tritoniumtritonium Posts: 543
    edited 2020-09-28 22:52
    Will have to dig it out but there is nothing clever just straight forward shiftout and shiftin

    for shifting out I use-
    SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, reg0 '(SHIFTOUT datapin,clockpin,mode,data)

    and for shifting in
    SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, ioByte '(SHIFTIN datapin,clockpin,mode,data)

    works for me.

    Show me your code and I can test it.

  • well, Dave, my code is not that simple and that's probably my problem. However, there are three SHIFTOUT's with different "data's" just to initilize the DS1302. Then a SHIFTOUT with the "burst", to then get to the SHIFTIN which is the ioByte you mentioned.

    What are you defining as the "reg0"....? The following is the code I am trying to get things started....
    SecReg                 CON        %00000 'register locations
    MinReg                 CON        %00001 '            "
    HrsReg                 CON        %00010 '            "
    dateReg                CON        %00011 '            "
    monthReg               CON        %00100 '            "
    dayReg                 CON        %00101 '            "
    CtrlReg                CON        %00111 '            "
    BrstReg                CON        %11111 '            "
    trickReg               CON        %01000 '            "
    ______[initialize the ds1302 trickle charger]_____________________________________________________
      CS_1302 = off
      Temp = $10           '%00010000 which = $10 in HEX...disable WRITE PROTECT..
      RTCCmd = CtrlReg
      GOSUB WriteRTC_1
      temp = $A5           ' %10100101     'enable trickle charger and select 1 resistor and 1 diode
      RTCCmd = TrickReg
      GOSUB WriteRTC_2
      Temp = $80           '%10000000 which = $80 in HEX...enable write protect..
      RTCCmd = CtrlReg
      GOSUB WriteRTC_3

    You will notice that there are 3 different GOSUB's that do the same thing, but I tried it the other way, and it still did not work. Then here is the rest of the code....
      GOSUB ReadRTCburst
       Pause 1000
    '______[SUB ROUTINE write to the ds1302 rtc]_______________
    SUB WriteRTC_1                        'Write to DS1202 RTC
      CS_1302 = on_
    '  SHIFTOUT data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, %0\1,RTCCmd\5,%10\2,Temp
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, %0\1
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, RTCCmd\5
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, CLOCK, LSBFIRST, %10\2
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, temp
    '   SEROUT datapin, clockpin, mode, value[\bits][,speed]
    ''If the bits parameter is not specified, 8 bits are sent.
      CS_1302 = off
    SUB WriteRTC_2
      CS_1302 = on_
    '  SHIFTOUT data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, %0\1,RTCCmd\5,%10\2,Temp
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, %0\1
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, RTCCmd\5
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, CLOCK, LSBFIRST, %10\2
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, temp
    '   SEROUT datapin, clockpin, mode, value[\bits][,speed]
    ''If the bits parameter is not specified, 8 bits are sent.
      CS_1302 = off
    SUB WriteRTC_3
      CS_1302 = on_
    '  SHIFTOUT data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, %0\1,RTCCmd\5,%10\2,Temp
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, %0\1
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, RTCCmd\5
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, CLOCK, LSBFIRST, %10\2
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, temp
    '   SEROUT datapin, clockpin, mode, value[\bits][,speed]
    ''If the bits parameter is not specified, 8 bits are sent.
      CS_1302 = off
    '______[SUB ROUTINE read the ds1302 RTC]___________________
    SUB ReadRTCBurst
      CS_1302 = on_
    '  SHIFTOUT data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, %1\1,BrstReg\5,%10\2]
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, %1\1
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST, BrstReg\5
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, CLOCK, LSBFIRST, %10\2
      SHIFTIN  data_IO, Clock, LSBPRE, temp     '''''',Minutes,Hours,date,month,day]
      CS_1302 = off    
         SEROUT 30, baud2, 16
         SEROUT 30, baud2, 1
         SEROUT 30, baud2, "TIME_DATE = "
         valueSTR_3 = STR temp, 5,5
         SEROUT 30, baud2, 11
         SEROUT 30, baud2, valueSTR_3

    I'm sure it's something simple....duh?

  • Hi
    My suspicion is that you are trying to use pbasic syntax for propbasic the two are NOT the same.

    This is a test program that requires you use the serial port to both program and communicate with the prop.
    Set up a terminal program -I use Tera term -
    Disable it so you can program the prop
    Then re-enable and watch the output.
    Study the code and compare the syntax used and use and adapt the bits you need.

    Its not exactly the most elegant code but it should give you a start.
  • tritoniumtritonium Posts: 543
    edited 2020-09-30 16:30
    With trepidation this UNTESTED code is your code in PropBasic form

    SecReg                 CON        %0000_0000 'register locations
    MinReg                 CON        %0000_0010 '            "
    HrsReg                 CON        %0000_0100 '            "
    dateReg                CON        %0000_0110 '            "
    monthReg               CON        %0000_1000 '            "
    dayReg                 CON        %0000_1010 '            "
    CtrlReg                CON        %0000_1100 '            "
    BrstReg                CON        %0000_1110 '            "
    trickReg               CON        %0001_0000 '            "
    '______[initialize the ds1302 trickle charger]______________
    Temp=$10	'%0001_0000 which = $10 in HEX...disable WRITE PROTECT..
                            ' ????? I make this $00 ;  think its only the msbit that's used
    RTCCmd = CtrlReg
    temp = $A5           ' %1010_0101     'enable trickle charger and select 1 resistor and 1 diode
    RTCCmd = TrickReg
    Temp = $80           '%1000__0000   which = $80 in HEX...enable write protect..
    RTCCmd = CtrlReg
    '______[SUB ROUTINE write to the ds1302 rtc]_____
    SUB WriteRTC                        'Write to DS1202 RTC
      OR RTCCmd $80                 'This sets clock command bit-, for ram it is $C0
      high CS_1302
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST,RTCCmd
      SHIFTOUT  data_IO, Clock, LSBFIRST,Temp
      low CS_1302

    The code in previuos post IS tested.

  • So, so clean code....Sub routine description is totally redundant :lol:

    PLC programmers would learn this a heck of a lot quicker than ladder logic and a fast scan for those guys is 2ms :lol:

  • Attention Bean...still having trouble...yes, call me dumb...but I cannot seem to get the DS1302 time chip to work using PROPBASIC. I need a way to convert the following code to PROPBASIC from PBASIC. Yes, alot of people have tried to help, but there input really does not help or work. I have tried many, many variations. Please no offence implied.
    SecReg           CON        %00000 'register locations
    MinReg           CON        %00001 '            "
    HrsReg           CON        %00010 '            "
    dateReg          CON        %00011 '            "
    monthReg         CON        %00100 '            "
    dayReg           CON        %00101 '            "
    CtrlReg          CON        %00111 '            "
    BrstReg          CON        %11111 '            "
    trickReg         CON        %01000 '            "
    RTCCmd                 VAR        Byte       'DS1302 command
    Temp                   VAR        Byte       'tempory variable to hold high and low nibble
    Seconds                VAR        Byte       'seconds register
    Minutes                VAR        Byte       'minutes register
    Hours                  VAR        Byte       'hours register
    date                   VAR        Byte
    month                  VAR        Byte
    day                    VAR        Byte
    '______[SUB ROUTINE write to the ds1302 rtc]_______________
      CS_1302_1620 = on_
      SHIFTOUT data_IO, Clk, LSBFIRST, [%0\1,RTCCmd\5,%10\2,Temp]
      CS_1302_1620 = off
    '______[SUB ROUTINE read the ds1302 RTC]___________________
      CS_1302_1620 = on_
      SHIFTOUT data_IO, Clk, LSBFIRST, [%1\1,BrstReg\5,%10\2]
      SHIFTIN data_IO, Clk, LSBPRE, [Seconds,Minutes,Hours,date,month,day]
      CS_1302_1620 = off
      'DEBUG HOME, HEX date
      'DEBUG HOME,DEC Hours.BIT4,DEC Hours.LOWNIB,":",DEC Minutes.HIGHNIB,
      '           DEC Minutes.LOWNIB,":",DEC Seconds.HIGHNIB,DEC Seconds.LOWNIB,":",DEC date.HIGHNIB,DEC date.LOWNIB,
      '          ":",DEC month.HIGHNIB,DEC month.LOWNIB,":",DEC day.LOWNIB
  • dennodenno Posts: 227
    edited 2020-10-11 14:20
    Tritonium...aka...Dave. Thank you for your code in PROPBASIC and the DS1302. I am still having issues getting it to run. I have done as you suggested in using the PST to view the output, switching back and forth for programming the prop and viewing in the PST. I have tried many, many things to get a "time" output without success. Below is the only output I get on the PST.

    "Mon/ 1/Jan 20 0 0: 0:80 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0

    Any thoughts..
    And thank you for your help/time.
  • Hi

    When I run the code I sent you I get......
    Data in clock ram
     101  20  21  23  18  19  16  17  24  25   0  18   1  20   1   0   1   0  18   0   1   1   1   0   0  67  68  76 111 118 101
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40: 8
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:10
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:12
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:14
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:16
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:18
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:20
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:22
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:24
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:26
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:28
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:30
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:32
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:34
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:36
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:38
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:41
    Sun/11/Oct 2020  15:40:43

    Think its time to post the EXACT code you are using to produce the result you showed.
    Then we'll have a handle on what is going on.

  • dennodenno Posts: 227
    edited 2020-10-11 20:56
    Thank you Dave for your help. Here is the code from you. I have changed the PIN's to suit my breadboard.
    'ds1302 clock
    FREQ 80_000_000
    CS1302	PIN  13 low '0 low			'sel      -	chip select active high  DS1302 pin 5
    DataIO	PIN  15 input '1 input    	'I/O      - Performs R/W to DS1302 pin 6; 2k2 resistor i/face
    Clock	PIN  14 low  '2 low  		'clk      - Connects to DS1302 pin 7
    ' -----[ DS1302 Constants ]-------------------------------------------------------
    										'A/n Address bit
    										'R/C ram/clock 1=ram				1RAA_AAAR
    										'R/W read/write 1=read				1C43_210W
    CWPr			CON     $8E            ' Write Protect Register			1000_1110
    WPr1			CON     $80            ' Set Write Protect-write to cwpr	1000_0000
    WPr0			CON     $00            ' Clear Write Protec-write to cwpr	0000_0000
    WrBurst			CON     $BE            ' Write Burst Of Data				1011_1110
    RdBurst			CON     $BF            ' Read Burst Of Data				1011_1111
    WrRam			CON     $C0            ' Write to RAM Data				1100_0000
    RdRam			CON     $C1            ' Read from RAM Data				1100_0001
    RdDate			CON     $87            ' Read Calendar Date - numerical	1000_0111
    wrramburst		con		$FE
    rdramburst		con		$FF
    ' -----[ clock Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------
    'table of hub bytes for converting to binary/bcd as required
    'dtable	 data	
    secs			HUB	byte           ' Seconds
    mints			HUB	byte           ' Minutes
    hrs				HUB	byte           ' Hours
    date			HUB	byte           ' Date (numerical)
    month			HUB	byte           ' Month (numerical)
    day				HUB	byte           ' Day  (numerical - linked to EEPROM data Sunday =1)
    year			HUB	byte           ' Year
    mthstr	data "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec",0
    daystr	data "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun".0 
    datestr hub string(30)
    tmpstr 	hub string(10)
    strslt	hub	string(20)
    index			VAR long
    Counter			VAR long           ' Loop counter
    Char            VAR long           ' Character
    Program_State   VAR long           ' Program State
    Reg             VAR long           ' Read/Write Address
    IoByte          VAR long           ' Data To/From DS1302
    value			VAR long
    adr		var	long
    stmp1	var	long
    stmp2	var	long
    stmp3	var	long
    tvar1	var	long
    tvar2	var	long
    tvar3	var	long
    htmp	var	long
    idx var long
    x var long
    y var long
    show_time 	sub 0
    pcrlf		SUB 0
    sertx		SUB 1
    print		SUB 1
    pstr		SUB 1
    phex sub 1
    RTC_In		SUB	0
    RTC_Out		SUB 0
    Read_Time	SUB 0
    BCD_Convert SUB 0
    Write_Date_Time SUB 0
    ' ======================================================================
      PROGRAM Start  LMM
    ' ======================================================================
    'write decimal date to hub
    	'#### uncomment to write new date/time
    'set these values to suit new date/time
    '           sc,mn,hr,dt,mt,dy,yr
    wrbyte secs,00,36,23,29,09,02,20 'secs,mins,hrs,date,month,day,year
    'convert hub date to bcd date then write back to hub
    'write clock regs from hub in bcd format
    'have to clock in 8 bytes or the data will not latch!!!
    HIGH CS1302 
    SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST,wrBurst
    for adr=0 to 6
    	rdbyte secs(adr),stmp1  '3  'adr+1
    	SHIFTout DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, stmp1 
    	print stmp1
    SHIFTout DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, 0	'eighth byte essential
    low CS1302
    	'#### uncomment to write new date/time
    pause 8000		'time to switch terminal software to com port
    'print ram regs 0-30
    pstr "Data in clock ram"
    for x=0 to 30
    	reg=reg or rdram
    	strslt=str iobyte,4
    	pstr strslt
    pause 2000
    ' main loop printing date and time to serial at 9600bd
    	'note:- hub ram clock registers
    	'   0   1    2   3     4    5   6   
    	'read clock regs to hub and convert to decimal from bcd
    	'read clock burst mode
    	HIGH CS1302 
    	SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST,RdBurst
    	for adr=0 to 6	'convert from bcd to decimal
    		SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, tvar1
    		tvar2=tvar2*10	'10's
    		tvar1=tvar1 and $0f
    		tvar2=tvar2 + tvar1
    		Wrbyte secs(adr),tvar2	'secs is first item in hub ram table. adr is index to others
    	low CS1302
    	rdbyte secs(5),tvar1	'day
    	dec tvar1
    	tvar1=tvar1+tvar2	'times 3 to index string day 3 chars each
    	inc tvar1
    	tmpstr=mid daystr,tvar1,3	'get three letter day from daystr
    	pstr tmpstr
    	rdbyte secs(3),tvar1	'date
    	sertx "/"
    	print tvar1
    	sertx "/"
    	rdbyte secs(4),tvar1
    	dec tvar1
    	tvar1=tvar1+tvar2	'times 3
    	inc tvar1
    	tmpstr=mid mthstr,tvar1,3	'month
    	pstr tmpstr
    	pstr " 20"
    	rdbyte secs(6),tvar1
    	print tvar1					'year
    	pstr "  "
    	rdbyte secs(2),tvar1
    	print tvar1
    	sertx ":"
    	rdbyte secs(1),tvar1
    	print tvar1
    	sertx ":"
    	rdbyte secs(0),tvar1
    	print tvar1
    pause 2000
    '==================== SUBS ================================================
    'show time in hub registers
    sub show_time
        for x=0 to 6
    		rdbyte secs(x),stmp1
    		print stmp1   
    sub Write_Date_Time                        
      HIGH CS1302                            		'Select DS1302
      SHIFTOUT DataIO, clock, LSBFIRST, WrBurst		'DS1302 Burst Write	
      GOSUB BCD_Convert
      for x=0 to 6						'secs, mins, hrs, date, month, day, year
    	rdbyte secs(x),stmp1
        print stmp1 
        SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST,stmp1
      LOW CS1302                             ' Deselect DS1302
    SUB RTC_In
      HIGH CS1302                   			' Select DS1302
      SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, reg
      SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, ioByte
      LOW CS1302                    			' Deselect DS1302
    SUB RTC_Out
      HIGH CS1302                   			' Select DS1302
      SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, reg
      SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, ioByte
      LOW CS1302                    			' Deselect DS1302
    sub pstr	'send serial string
    	rdbyte stmp1,stmp2
    	if stmp2=0 then exit
    	sertx stmp2
    	inc stmp1
    sub print
    strslt=str __param1,2
    pstr strslt
    sub phex
    stmp1= htmp and $F0
    if stmp1>57 then
    sertx stmp1
    stmp1=htmp and $0F
    if stmp1>57 then
    sertx stmp1
    sub sertx	'send serial byte
     SEROUT 30,T9600,__param1
    sub pcrlf
    	sertx 13
    	sertx 10
    'convert  binary to bcd in clock data table. 
    SUB BCD_Convert
      FOR index = 0 TO 6
        rdbyte secs(index),value
    ' example 				 value=23
       char=value/10		'char=23/10=2
       char=char<<4			'mov 2 to msnibble char
       stmp1=value/10		'stmp1=2
       stmp1=stmp1*10		'stmp1=20
       stmp1=value-stmp1	'stmp1=23-20=3
       char=char or stmp1	'or into lsnibble char making BCD version
       wrbyte secs(index),char
    'secs, mins, hrs, date, month, day, year 
    SUB Read_Time                           ' DS1302 Burst Read
      HIGH CS1302                    		' SELECT DS1302
      SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST, RdBurst
      SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, stmp1	'secs
      wrbyte secs,stmp1
      SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, stmp1	'mints
      wrbyte mints,stmp1
      SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, stmp1	'hrs
      wrbyte hrs,stmp1
      SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, stmp1	'date
      wrbyte date,stmp1
      SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, stmp1	'month
      wrbyte month,stmp1
      SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, stmp1	'day
      wrbyte day,stmp1
      SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, stmp1	'year
      wrbyte year,stmp1 
      LOW CS1302                     		' Deselect DS1302
    '==================== END ====================

    And this is the output on the Parallax Serial Terminal..and I "uncommented" the part to enter the date and time..
    0543541 9 232
    Data in clock ram
       0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   2   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   2   0   0   0   0
    Mon/ 1/Jan 20 0   0: 0:80
    Mon/ 1/Jan 20 0   0: 0:80
    Mon/ 1/Jan 20 0   0: 0:80
    Mon/ 1/Jan 20 0   0: 0:80
    Mon/ 1/Jan 20 0   0: 0:80
    Mon/ 1/Jan 20 0   0: 0:80
    Mon/ 1/Jan 20 0   0: 0:80
    Mon/ 1/Jan 20 0   0: 0:80
  • tritoniumtritonium Posts: 543
    edited 2020-10-11 21:53

    Well its a puzzle.
    It looks as though you are reading in mostly zero's so I wonder if the pins are mixed up- remember the first pin on the prop is I/O pin 0 not pin 1 (ie prop pin 1 is I/O pin 0) so pins...
    CS1302	PIN  13 low '0 low			'sel      -	chip select active high  DS1302 pin 5
    DataIO	PIN  15 input '1 input    	'I/O      - Performs R/W to DS1302 pin 6; 2k2 resistor i/face
    Clock	PIN  14 low  '2 low  		'clk      - Connects to DS1302 pin 7

    pin 13 refers to I/O pin 13 NOT physical pin 13. and so on so
    CS1302	PIN  13 low    'is physical pin 14
    DataIO	PIN  15 input 'is physical pin 16
    Clock	PIN  14 low    'is physical pin 15
    on my clock board the CS pin is labelled RST !!!!!

    Mine is running off 3.3v with 2.2k resistor on the DAT line, left on after starting with 5v then finding 3.3v worked.


  • Thanks again Dave...I'll keep playing around with it. I am using the same "clock board" that you are using, I believe, as mine says "RST" also. Plus, all my pins are numbered on the Propeller "FLIP" which is what I am using.

    I have tried running on 5 volt and 3.3 volt. No difference. The only thing I have not done, is use a 2.2K resistor on the data line to the prop. But, that was only for the 5 volt operation of the DS1302. Must be something on my end...even when I "uncomment" the section to set time and date, there is no change...
    Data in clock ram
       0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   2   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   2   0   0   0   0
    Mon/ 1/Jan 20 0   0: 0:80
    Mon/ 1/Jan 20 0   0: 0:80
    Mon/ 1/Jan 20 0   0: 0:80
    Mon/ 1/Jan 20 0   0: 0:80
  • Hi

    Just took a look at the flip module- yep all the I/O pins are clearly labelled so that can't be it.
    I wonder if when you tried it using 5v that the data line pin got damaged when the clock output a 5v signal?
    Might be worth while connecting to 3.3v and try new pins.
    Otherwise I'm out of ideas.
    Actually the guy having trouble in the SPI thread found his I/O pin had blown- so worth a try.

  • I got it...yah...first I took the time module, and put it on a board with the BS2sx, a program I wrote along time ago, and it worked with the stamp just fine. I reinstalled it on the other breadboard with the FLIP, same pins, and and running. I have been fooling, around with this for days you know.

    Don't have a clue, what I did. But, thank you for your guidance and help. If you don't mind, I will use your program with another project..I'm building my own, programmable home heating thermostat. Yes, I know you can just buy one, but what is the fun in that...really. And I needed a time source. I have always paid attention to the temperature of different things...especially on my boat...etc..

    Again, thanks
  • tritoniumtritonium Posts: 543
    edited 2020-10-12 20:31

    It happens- after a while you start believing in ghosts!!
    Glad its sorted.
    Re-inventing the wheel is great fun.. because its your wheel. :)

  • tritonium wrote: »

    It happens- after a while you start believing in ghosts!!
    Glad its sorted.
    Re-inventing the wheel is great fun.. because its your wheel. :)


  • dennodenno Posts: 227
    edited 2020-10-29 01:57
    Tritonium...Dave...I have got my home thermostat working on the breadboard, but I was wondering if you could "comment" a little more on the following code...
    HIGH CS1302 
    	SHIFTOUT DataIO, Clock, LSBFIRST,RdBurst
        PAUSE 500
    	for adr=0 to 6	'convert from bcd to decimal
    		SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, tvar1  'here
    		tvar2=tvar1>>4                                 'here
    		tvar2=tvar2*10	'10's                   'here
    		tvar1=tvar1 and $0f                           'here
    		tvar2=tvar2 + tvar1                           'here
    		Wrbyte secs(adr),tvar2	'secs is first item in hub ram table. adr is index to others
    	low CS1302

    And here...
    'convert  binary to bcd in clock data table. 
      SUB BCD_Convert
        FOR index = 0 TO 6
          rdbyte secs(index),value
         ' example 				 value=23
          char=value/10		       'char=23/10=2
          char=char<<4			'mov 2 to msnibble char   "Especially here..."
          stmp1=value/10		'stmp1=2
          stmp1=stmp1*10		'stmp1=20
          stmp1=value-stmp1	'stmp1=23-20=3
          char=char or stmp1	'or into lsnibble char making BCD version    "and here"
          wrbyte secs(index),char

    The thermostat has two functions...One is controlled by the time, if selected, left push buttons control time, and the other function is setting by temperature, right push buttons. If the time function is selected, the heater will come on at selected hour, unless the temperature is already above the set temperature. If the temperature function is selected, then the heater will only come on if the temperature drops below the set temperature.

    I'm guessing I don't understand BCD to decimal...

    Anyways, I will be designing a PCB for ExpressPCB and use the PROPMINI instead of the FLIP...
    Thank you again for your time and knowledge.

    3072 x 4096 - 4M
  • tritoniumtritonium Posts: 543
    edited 2020-10-29 12:15

    Ok. BCD stands for Binary Coded Decimal. It's the way the time is stored in the clock chip. See the data sheet clip-
    The time is broken down into two decimal numbers-one representing tens and the other units, the tens is stored as the most significant nibble (4 bits) and the units as the least significant nibble (4 bits) and combined to make a byte. So 32 minutes would be-
    number 32 in BCD           3     2
    is stored as            0011  0010      ($32 in hex, 50 in decimal)
    number 32 in binary is  0010_0000
    (You can see that if you take the BCD and display in hexadecimal format you get what looks to be the right number- but that's just an artifact that only works for nibbles 0-9, hexadecimal goes up to F. If you find that confusing ignore it!)
    So since we deal in 8 bit binary units there is a need to be able to convert back and for.
    'read in the register to tvar1
    SHIFTIN DataIO, Clock, LSBPRE, tvar1
    taking the number 32 as an example 0011_0010
    'start with the tens part- shift tvar1 right 4 bits removing the units and leaving the tens part where we need it.   
    tvar2=tvar1>>4       'tvar2 now equals 0000_0011  (3)
    'now multiply the tens unit by 10 to give a binary result.
    tvar2=tvar2*10	'tvar2 now equals 0001_1110   (30)
    'tvar1 still holds the original clock value and now we need the units so we logical AND the tvar1 with $0F  (0000_1111) leaving just the units'
    tvar1=tvar1 and $0f       'tvar1 now equals 0000_0010  (2)
    now we have the tens converted and the units so all we have to do is add them together
    tvar2=tvar2 + tvar1    'add units and tens 0000_0010 + 0001_1110=0010_0000   (2+30=32)
    tvar2 contains the binary representation of the BCD value.


    I leave the other conversion as an exercise for the reader.... :)

    993 x 376 - 76K
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